It was heavily pushed post 2010, when you see a noticeable spike of certain progressive words becoming more frequent in news. So it's not really "foreign" because it's the US institutions that have been pushing it the hardest.
Just a "tiny angry corner of the internet" which was created by university indoctrination and supported by governments, banks, and multinational corporations.
"Just ignore it, they'll go away!"
This isn't 2015 anymore. These kinds of things pushed by Critical Theory are increasing, not decreasing.
Merchants can be very useful at distributing things to the public. However they should not be praised if they do that well, it's just them responding to public demand.
The worst case is when a merchant expends public demand, but wants more so they manufacture demand instead. Historically this is the "snake oil salesman" but in recent years it's just basic advertising and social engineering.
"Racism" as a word was just created, used, and perpetuated to enable this kind of activity. The people pushing it don't care about equality or whatever else they claim to. The media, universities, entertainment, news, etc. They will fill them with as many lies as it takes to keep power.
Anything pro-white is considered racist, sexist, bigoted, etc. Anything anti-white is considered progressive, diverse, positive, etc.
White people are not allowed to have a "culture" or place where they are able to avoid things like multiculturalism. The borders must be open, and the legal and economic systems must reward all out-groups.
Like Winston Churchill said in a news article he made in 1920 called Zionism versus Bolshevism:
"Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."
I would heavily suggest people watch this video which features that news article as well.
You can tell that because they have been making Animal Crossing more and more "inclusive" to try and satisfy the progressives. Male and female are basically the same, more skin tones, less gendered character catchphrases, and recently added more black hairstyles.
I would believe that these kinds of things were pushed for internally by Nintendo of America towards the Japanese development team.
Trump always flipped between red and blue prior to 2015, he would always oppose whoever was in power to give himself the most leverage.
Trump stands for a large amount of the american population, and Biden stands for the international globalists. Trump was ineffective because he did not know what he was actually up against or what he should be targeting.
If nothing else, Trump was not a member of many secret groups which meant that politics actually had to be shown to the public. This did not happen under Obama and many other presidents, and likely would not under Biden.
The reason Trump's supporters say they will not vote if Biden wins is because they know this democracy is a sham and can be stolen by the powers that be. This would end in Civil War, but the media would not call it that. Even now the majority of Trump's supporters know that Fox news is controlled opposition, which is a big step in the right direction.
He's the fall guy for their whole group. He's allowed to take the blame so people do not realize the small tightly knit cabal that's running things behind the scenes. Funnel money to him and he sends it out to the organizations that the public can actually see, and everybody else gets anonymity.
Voting itself is a skill that needs critical reasoning and good information. That huge amount of the population does not care, they just want to be told which is the good guy and which is the bad guy.
This is why historically who could vote was restricted to property owners. They had more at stake than somebody who could move away immediately, so it encouraged them to be at least a bit more invested to find out the facts of the matter.
Humans are a social herdlike creature by nature, this cannot be changed in any meaningful way. At least 50% of the population is going to go along with the rest of the group no matter what, as long as they are relatively safe and comfortable.
The only way to deal with this is to make sure the people at the top are competent, have good intentions for the whole group, and will not exploit this tendency for their own personal gain.
Our society is based on the self serving individual who is supposed to do things for their own sake at the expense of everybody else. This does not work well long term.
It was mostly adapted from the Prussian Education System which was designed to create good soldiers. However with lots of modification and subversion it's been used to create corporate drones.
It's basically just a prison for children to ensure that only the most subservient ones get good managerial positions.
Yeah that's what they've been painted as in education and media, but that seems to be a case of projection more than anything else to me. Their economy was centralized in some areas and more free in others. They were reducing gun control and increasing the health and safety standards. And a lot of the books that were burned were primarily what would be considered progressive or Critical Theory material now.
I still have more research to do, but when you look at direct sources rather than opinionated ones you get a very different story being told.
You say that but it's quite easy to memoryhole things that are inconvenient truths. Once the people who actually lived through the events stop documenting them, or are locked up for "hate speech" then people are none the wiser. This has happened before on a very large scale, but the internet exists now so it may be different.