The founders of the SPLC are: Morris Dees which apparently "His grandfather named his son "Morris Seligman" after a Jewish friend." and Joseph J. Levin Jr. which I should not have to tell how you semetic "Levin" is. I'm sure they had no bias against white people!
Absolutely. Women will act out because they want to be reassured of how strong their caretaker is. If they do nothing to stop them acting out, that means the woman loses faith and wants to find somebody else who can assert overt strength. That's why being the "nice guy" never wins.
Oh yes all the ones promoting anti-white propaganda and mass importing people from 3rd world countries, of course. After all it would be so awful if white people were allowed to run their own countries.
"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others." - Winston Churchill
You can find many Jewish cabals. In New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, London, etc. They are not one singular group and may have competing interests, but they all tend to act in similar manners.
Yeah before the internet you would need a network to distribute something, now all you need to do is open up TOR and upload it to somewhere it won't get deleted immediately and then link it to people on social media.
I don't know if this statement is accurate or not, but it seems authentic. At the very least we share a common enemy for now.
I don't particularly get pissed off at any piece of news. However the burning of the Notre-Dame is one that sticks out. That and the overall burning of churches with little to no response from people in general. I don't attend any church myself, but they are still big losses.
Any time a beautiful building gets torn down and replaced with a concrete/glass monstrosity is enough.
Well said. If you outlaw responsible citizens having weapons then the only people that will are criminals and the government. Canada really is on a train with no brakes. The PPC is also the only one with the stance that "We should maybe slow down immigration." and that's not happening until everything else breaks down too.
White is just a convenient term, and it was in use for quite a long time. For instance up until 1965 the US only let in "Free white people of good character" and similar language has been in use for hundreds of years.
The only other applicable word is European, but that cannot work as well either. The Boers of South Africa and Australians are not in Europe but they are White and have European heritage.
Everybody knows what white means. It's having a shared biology and heritage.
Yeah "witch trials" is a term used to make it so people trying to subvert society do not get punished. Similar to the "red scare" with McCarthy, despite history showing the fears of Communists in Hollywood were completely correct.
I recently just saw this image of US tax revenue which shows that well.
On a related note "Jigsaw" is the name of the google company that they are using as a Ministry of Truth.
Oh yes a "New Yorker" you can check his early life for yourself.
Do you not care about the creations of others? Everything you love will also be destroyed and subverted. Even people.
And it's not "SJW's" that are the cause of what's going on, they are just useful idiots following the narrative. The right wing has their own useful idiots who just follow the narratives too. The only way white people will have redemption is when good people get control of some of those narratives themselves.
All of your accomplishments. Anything you made will be either destroyed or subverted and used to further things that you hate. It doesn't matter if it's a company, an entertainment property, a building, a statue, etc.
Considering the amount of mind poison and overall idiocy in those kinds of woke games they wouldn't be able to pay me to play it. They could literally say "Here is $100 if you play the game for an hour" and I would refuse.