I came here to say, "but you are a normie."
I think some of them work here. They would be the pro-Israel and/or pro-Ukraine segment who calls everyone else feds.
His legal team was a clown car of yentas.
You make it sound like there was some huge switch that happened. Shortly before the 19th the US was implementing such stellar policies as creating the federal reserve and senselessly jumping into WWI.
Do you think politicians do what their voters wants them to do?
You missed the "male pattern baldness" joke that was perfectly set up.
Can it melt steel beams?
Alt-tech is a tiny fraction of the market of the mainstream.
A Venn diagram of commenters who constantly whine about "stormfags" on here and people defending Benji in this thread is damn close to a circle.
When was the last time she had a W? Five years ago? Longer?
It's extremely difficult to monetize those views so I doubt you will see much of that.
Israel winning is them dumping the Palestinians in our backyards.
If they end up having to exterminate them instead, it'll ruin the Holobunga narrative forever.
Tate is in league with Miles Sonkin, a Chicago Jew who goes by the alias Iggy Semmelweis. He's accused of being the ringleader of their creepy pervert cult.
"The Jogging Dead" - top comment on T_D post of the mugshot
He disagrees with them on Islam because he's a Jew.
She's always been suspect. She ran her dad out of the party for muh anti-Semitism.
Jester actually is a Jew and lives in Israel.
There's nothing weird about those two media outlets being aligned. It's entirely expected.
That Jigger guy, if you will
Need for weeb?
There are more posts and comments about women, but your yid brigade doesn't show up to complain about those. You always tell yourselves one way or another.
It's the donations that matter.
Yeah, there are a lot of people doing the White Nationalism = Nazi = Socialist = Leftist therefore we have to keep being "anti-idpol" (but also supporting the Jewish ethnostate) routine.
They did say Jews would be at the center of Europe becoming multicultural.
When you aren't looking, it will be replaced with an Israeli flag.