ArchRespawnsAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dom is actually pretty cordial with TheImp. He only begrudgingly bans him to maintain kayfabe.

ArchRespawnsAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

They should just direct questions to spokespeople anyway. That's what any organized political movement should do. Hunger strikes are almost always retarded. You're putting a burden on yourself instead of your enemies. Why do that?

ArchRespawnsAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Eurovision stuff is just retarded. The campus sit ins, depending on which one, sometimes have merit. A lot universities have ties to Israel that can be severed. They just attract cringy retards. Even this place attracts pedo pajeets and other assorted fruitcakes.

ArchRespawnsAgain 7 points ago +8 / -1

It doesn't really matter. Israel has pissed off enough people and has a large enough propaganda network that it will be able to dig up annoying people to present to you as its foils.

They will even tailor it to the audience. Sky News is a Murdoch operation with a conservative audience so they will focus on queers, Muslims, and climate activists. Something like MSNBC will blast Trump and Republicans (yes, really).

The best solution is to tune out their propaganda.

ArchRespawnsAgain 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm not sure I understand. Could you elaborate?

ArchRespawnsAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the beauty of it. While the Fabian Society had actual members, you can argue nearly every elected official in the West is a Fabian. That's the point of using it as misdirection.

ArchRespawnsAgain 46 points ago +46 / -0

These developers know people will review it before finishing it. It's pozzed as fuck anyway. Don't fall for the hype train and the FOMO. Wait a while for these longer games. Always check negative reviews.

ArchRespawnsAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

That narrative would have made more sense as well. It was so vague that it came across like ranting about flat earth or some shit to me.

ArchRespawnsAgain 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is especially true on reddit where the tranny jannies will ban you across many subreddits.

ArchRespawnsAgain 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's actually a misdirection I've seen out of Gizortnik many times.

ArchRespawnsAgain 12 points ago +12 / -0

He's a pedophile that spams this place with advocacy for child marriages.

ArchRespawnsAgain 4 points ago +5 / -1

Most people (schizos excepted) who say things like this

It's Ahaus, bro. He's at least borderline.

it’s as though you saw someone talking about “Soros DAs”

It's nothing like that. If he pointed out that Soros donated to that DA, I wouldn't have said anything. He pointed out nothing. This is attributing random events to some grand conspiracy with nothing connecting the dots hence why there is only some vague inferences and nothing concrete.

ArchRespawnsAgain 1 point ago +2 / -1

You made the claim. You tried to say this random-ass incident is part of generational warfare by the Fabians. I merely challenged you to explain WTF you are talking about and offered an alternate explanation for this case ("Sometimes a life insurance scam is just a life insurance scam").

We're so many replies in that we've broken the site, and it's no clearer WTF you are talking about than when we started.

ArchRespawnsAgain 1 point ago +2 / -1

You don't know, how surprising.

Remember something something Fabians something something? I'm glad we tied this all up with a nice bow and brought it full circle to support whatever the fuck the original point was. I understand world events so much better now, as is always the case when we have these little chats.

ArchRespawnsAgain 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes because that's not how plea deals work. They have a ton of prosecutorial discretion. If this were based on precedents, they would be citing some sort of previous case resolution.

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