unfortunately, a lot of people making games right now are terminally online.
I don't even get to that point, because I'm too busy digging through the absolute sea of if - else statements in their code, while also fixing the rampant security holes they leave in.
fork 5e, get rid of the woke shit, profit. Pathfinder did it with 3.5, but they're also woke.
I fucking knew it. The quality of work I get from indian consultants is absurdly bad. Like, failed CS 101 bad.
narcissism on full display
what do you expect from a JPEG poster?
first try got a few waterbottles on the side of the road, but no piles per say. looked like it was farmland.
Corporations benefit in the short term by getting the """same""" labor for cheap. In the long term they lose due to the quality of that """same""" work being shit. Americans lose from the beginning.
good shit. Seems like H1B really is just a program to replace Americans.
it's legal because they say so
the state of new york will uphold it
The Eagles tried to warn us
The state of New York will charge carbon-emitting companies an estimated $75 billion in climate damage they allegedly caused between 2000 and 2018 under a law enacted on Dec. 26.
Adopted by lawmakers in June, the law—which goes into effect in 2028—will annually assess large companies’ carbon emissions across those first 19 years of the 21st century to “repair damage caused by extreme weather” they said aggravated by greenhouse gas emissions.
presented without comment
One's unrestricted, meaning its a floodgate of welfare abusers, drug runners, child traffickers, and criminals in general. The other at least has standards for immigration. Even though it's not ideal, the right path is still better.
lets make an original series starring a black man!
Interesting, what's the draw?
Well, naturally the black man is a thief
What was wrong with the disney version? my parents read me the book when I was little and I liked the movie as a kid, but I haven't seen it as an adult. I remember it being faithful though.
they're cheap and great at cobbling something together that works, but zero extendability or maintainability.
this screams of free advertising via culture war
Merry christmas you magnificent faggots!
Hey ChatGPT, what is the best way to liquidate my 401k?
I already didn't buy your buggy mess because it was a buggy mess, you don't need to convince me further to not waste my money.
that or overexposure to porn
this doesn't make me feel any better
saar, please do the needful
it's tough because they put forward candidates that check a bunch of dei boxes too. they could be doing a form of penetration testing so rejecting them outright could put you and your company at risk.
this means I have to spend the entire hour interview basically giving them a basic programming lesson so they have nothing to clip from the conversation and say "see, this company is racist!"
I've had candidates come to my interview with very impressive resumes that made it past HR, only for them to not even know what was on their own resume.