if I were a conspiratorial fellow, I would say it sounds like they plan to release a whole bunch of crap from the labs just to spite Trump.
look at that! just as Trump was elected president, the bird flu has jumped to humans, covid has sharply mutated into and actually deadly virus, monkeypox is now airborne, and the black plague has started killing people again! if only you gosh darn anti-vaxxers would just buy our vaccines!!!!
many thanks!
thanks for the history, I didn't know it went all the way back to '34.
it is amazing how retarded gun laws are, no matter what your opinion is on the second amendment. the distinction between SBR and pistol is especially retarded
a rifle with a barrel shorter than 16 in is extremely dangerous because it can be concealed, so you can't own one without strict government controls!
What's that? you have a weapon that is the exact same thing as the weapon mentioned above, just minus a rifle stock? able to effectively shoot the same ammo at the same firing rate, and is in fact more concealable because it is missing a stock? additionally, the weapon is in fact more dangerous because it is missing an extremely common piece that allows the shooter to accurately hit their intended target? don't worry, that's just a pistol. totally fine!
what's that? you added a stock to your 1911 pistol so that you can shoot it more accurately? and in so doing, made the weapon much less concealable? FELONY! we hereby sentence you to a life of prison rape!
I'm going to be honest, he looks like any other antifa goon.
he's currently at Large. unless NYPD is hot on his trail, he likely got away with it.
fbi, cia, kgb, mossad, it is definitely one of these.
unironically because of James Bond films
Halo 3 lobby or bust
or the
sirens of 2010s trailers
this is the one where Peter dinklage bullied Disney into sacking all of the actual dwarf actors, right?
notice how they hardly talk about colonizing anymore. much like " tolerance", colonization has disappeared from their rhetoric.
it's because they are the biggest offenders today.
this is indeed a correct description of forum sliding. exactly this happened to conspiracies.win with flat earth spam. I don't see it happening here though.
all ideas begin as heresy
there's Hope for me yet!!
everyone keeps calling this a manga, but it's clearly just a documentary of the UK.
don't touch her
The reason the workers are likely saying this is because they're trying to keep themselves from getting in trouble. in most professional instances, you are not allowed to touch kids. Even if they are actively hurting people or destroying property, laying a hand on a minor could have major consequences for both the employees and the company.
The mom or dad should have dragged her out of the store by the hair, blame them for being shit parents.
I will forever and always make fun of people who are too lazy to copy and paste a link
self-inflicted hormone imbalance kinda does that
a fucking screenshot
archive that shit.
what are we if we don't source our claims?
Imagine my shock
It's all free publicity. Get the Internet machine to culture-war over it and you don't even have to pay shills. Don't feed the troll, let him fail in obscurity.
it's going to be shit
HZD was generic ubisoft slop that happened to have enemies that were fun to fight. FW hardly expanded on what made the first game good, and made the main chick ugly. I'm sure it's fun, but I have no motivation to play it.
sinfest is currently on his anti-jew arc. whatever comes next is anyone's guess, the rest assured it will be completely different from what we currently have.
what even is a d e i distro? like, video games are artistic expression so it's obvious when a video game product is ideologically captured, or otherwise tries to push something like dei.
a Linux distro is a tool, it has no more political conveyance than a hammer. sure you can carve messages into the hammer, bedazzle it, or paint it, but at the end of the day it's just a fucking hammer. what could someone possibly do to a Linux distro to make it "the dei distro"?
now why is it that you think an ugly and invasive alien race that beats the locals is about you?