ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Amish aren't monolithic. There are different variants of them, and some accept certain aspects of technology. Peter Santenello on Youtube has some great videos where he interviews various Amish and Mennonite groups, and they explain all the different kinds there are.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

Many people foolishly think farmers are dumb (you're probably not making this argument, I just wanted to clarify). Farmers are usually very smart, and have to be, otherwise they wouldn't be able to grow any food. And, as time goes on, communities like the Amish and Mennonites are showing that their lifestyle is smarter than whatever the hell we have now.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

Which is funny, because the excuse for why companies are doing this is so they can get funding from trillion dollar hedge funds for supporting (((current thing))), but then they jack up prices and swindle their customers. Almost like greed doesn't explain the extent of evil we're facing.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

Political power, foundationally, always rests with the people first, as a natural right. Any form of government, group dynamic, or leadership only exists upon the direct or tacit approval of the people. Tyranny can come in many forms, and concentration of power is dangerous, no matter where or what for. Tyranny can only exist when the people allow it to exist, by a people unwilling to violently and mercilessly destroy it and the people responsible. The Founding Fathers knew this, which is why they included the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution, giving the people, up until its erosions, equal footing to any army a tyrant could employ against them. It's a recognition by the authors that political power, and violence, rests with the people, wholly inseparable, and can only be granted to another entity to do for us with the unwritten understanding that we can take it back, at any time, for any reason, and if any dare use their loaned powers to trample upon us, their life becomes forfeit.

There is only one answer to tyranny. This lesson has been learned before. We're in the process of learning it again.

ApexVeritas 14 points ago +15 / -1

Some of us don't forget the names of the retard neonazis like you and your buttbuddies either.

So you made the above parent comment, and then resort to calling other people who notice the same things "neonazis"...

What the hell?

I was about to make a comment in defense of you, since everyone who's gotten this far has started in the normiesphere at one point or another. And then you say this.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. That doesn't even make sense with relation to the meme.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

I looked at the title of the meme and was expecting something else...

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's another aspect to this. When the useful idiots spout the exact same lies (stupidity) as the people in power (malice), in many (most?) situations it becomes almost impossible to distinguish who you're dealing/talking with, because the say the same things and act almost identically. In many ways, it's easier to have a similar method of dealing with such people, regardless of intent, as the effects of unmitigated civilizational access of such people results in the same: collapse, failure, misery, and death.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, both sides of this is entirely based on inference and assumption, rather than the assertions of the people themselves, which granted, is put forth by liars and useful idiots. It's entirely possible you're correct, but in any case, it doesn't really matter. We see the effects of these current anti-White trajectories and propaganda, which just lead to more White people being hurt and killed. At the very least, I agree that there's a non insignificant population that adheres to your position (non fear of White people), but whether they all feel that way, I think is still up for debate. Again, however, it's not like it matters in the grand scheme of things, especially with regards to how we should act.

ApexVeritas 13 points ago +13 / -0

The power of nukes is wildly conflated by Hollywood. The only nukes which could completely destroy an entire city are MIRV ICBMs, which I highly doubt Israel has at all, or that many. Still, the best guesses for Israel's nuclear capabilities, is that they have 80-400 nuclear weapons, ranging from 5-200kt per nuke. Those are small yield nukes. For reference, even from the larger yield 1 Mt nukes, you can survive it laying down in the 3 foot ditch 1 mile from detonation (my dad was an nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare specialist, he taught me a lot).

Let's assume Israel enacts the Samson option, and goes full vindictive against the goy. Given their previous behaviors on inflicting undue civilian casualties, they would most likely target city centers to kill as many civilians as possible. This would allow them to destroy 80-400 city centers. Given their complete lack of, or extremely limited capacity of MIRVs, they wouldn't destroy the entire city, just the city center, leaving the suburbs intact. Given the current immigration policies pushed by globalist NGOs, most Western cities are now minority White, or in the process of becoming that, and are now absolute shitholes. They're filled with Bolshevik style brutalist architecture and mega corp headquarters. Would anyone really complain if all Western cities suddenly disappeared? Perhaps a few historical landmarks, but that's it.

Let's assume Israel intentionally targeted White population centers. Given the current White flight dynamics, away from city centers and toward rural areas, which are insanely, massively huge in terms of land, Israel would only be able to kill a very minor fraction of White people.

Thus, White people shouldn't fear the Samson option, and if they targeted city centers, given the problems we're facing, in many ways it would help us (if you understand the probable dynamics in the boog 2 scenario: city vs rural).

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

True enough. Access to Whites is parasitism. The non-whites use the anti-White propaganda to berate and demean White people, to get more gibs from us, to get access to jobs, housing, and other things over us, and when they don't measure up, they claim they're being oppressed by White people, because the propaganda gives them an easy out.

Still, there's a large percentage of people who believe the propaganda, and build it into their policies, like LEOs and lefties. The recent German non-white stabber is a good example of this. The German cop tackles the White good samaritan who tried to stop the stabber, and for his stupidity, the cop immediately got stabbed in the neck.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Almost all the propaganda in the West is teaching people to fear White people, that White people are bad. Why do you think colonialism, slavery, the civil war, and the world wars are front and center in Western history classes? There is zero nuance or contextualization of that history, and much of it is an outright lie. Furthermore, that propaganda we were taught in school is then reinforced with identical propaganda from Hollywood, of the same events telling the same things.

Why else would White people feel guilty merely for being White people, in our own countries? It's because we've been brainwashed to feel like we're bad, that our ancestors were bad, and we deserve to be punished.

ApexVeritas 23 points ago +24 / -1

This is what most people familiar with cops in bad situations find out, that bad cops almost universally make bad situations worse, especially if you're trying to be a good samaritan. And unfortunately, since cops "just do their jobs", as their jobs revolve around enforcing the edicts of the state, which is becoming increasingly, insanely corrupt, almost all cops have become bad cops.

At this point, it would be nearly universally better for Western civilization to completely dismantle all LEO agencies (if we could just wish them away), and handle things on our own, which would enable us to fix our problems

ApexVeritas 25 points ago +25 / -0

Aren't most Western civ cops trained to believe White men are the most dangerous people on earth? Cop probably just believed he neutralized the biggest threat, according to his brainwashing. Fortunately, reality was close at hand, and quickly stabbed him for his stupidity.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +3 / -1

As bad as things are right now, and as worse as things are going to get before the fun starts...ultimately, I must say "good". White people need to stop running from the problems and turn and face them. Our enemies are never going to leave us alone, and will track us down where ever we flee to. That leaves us only 2 options: die or fight.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +11 / -0

Christianity has been corrupted as well. It never, ever, used to be called "judeo-Christianity", until a few decades ago. Our ancestors thoroughly hated jews, or at most merely tolerated them, and at worst were ignorant of them. This is why so many normie right wing Christians repeat the propaganda they've been fed, even though it directly contradicts Biblical scripture. Things like "Israel is our greatest ally" or "jews are God's chosen people". The propaganda, manipulation, subversion, and corruption hasn't just happened on the left. It's also endemic all over the mainstream right wing and Christianity.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why understanding logic is so crucial for figuring out who the liars are. A liar will always, always, be logically unsound and inconsistent (they're hypocrites and use logical fallacies). Unfortunately, there's quite a lot of good men who use logically unsound arguments and are logically inconsistent, but I attribute that mostly to the corruption and dumbing down of Western society. And, if a good man truly is good (meaning he prioritizes truth above all else, even his own ego), he should be capable of admitting wrong and correcting beliefs and arguments.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

I find it hilarious that anyone would be stupid enough to believe that pier actually cost that much, or anything the government says with regards to any project costs or foreign aid. As you pointed out, almost all of the money is being laundered to their buddies and NGOs.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

You should look up the "greater Israel plan", preferably using Yandex, or similar non Western search engine. It's one of those "crazy conspiracy theories" which makes more sense with each passing day.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +11 / -0

Would've been better to have another Mad Max movie with Mel Gibson, made by old Hollywood.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree with you regarding the Hollywood made Godzilla movies (except the 2014 film, which I thought was pretty good). However, you should check out the Japanese one that came out recently, called Godzilla Minus One. It was really good, didn't have any diversity (everyone is appropriately Japanese, since the story takes place in Japan), it idolized and extolled the virtues of the Japanese people, had good messages in it, had some decent twists in it, and it makes you feel good after watching it, and not depressed from all the degeneracy, nihilism, and brow beating like in Hollywood movies. They made Godzilla the bad guy (apparently that's how he started out), where he's an allegory to nuclear weapons. I can't recommend it enough.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Are you suggesting White people are the cause of crime in Boston?

If you are, let's check the stats...


The demographics of Boston, MA, as of 2020, was 44.7% White, 22% black, 19.5% Hispanic/Latino, 9.7% Asian, and 3.4% other. Let's see where the demographics and crime maps overlap:


With that link, click on the "crimes" tab to see where crime is the worst.


Now check out this link, and see how the black and Hispanic distribution almost perfectly overlays the more crime prone areas from the previous link.


Using this "debunking" article, we see that 62% of the crime in Boston is caused by black people (who make up 22% of the population), whereas White people commit 30% of the crime (but are 45% of the population, according to that link). This also assumes that the crime reporting is being honest, and not clumping up Hispanic/Latino crime into the White category, which is common place all over the U.S., and massively inflating the White crime stats because of it.

ApexVeritas 27 points ago +28 / -1

And I'm happy to accept that his is a woman based on my own eyes and ears, but can someone tell me how we know she's Jewish?

She has the stereotypical jewish woman physiognomy and physical traits. She has the frazzle brown hair (which is noticeable even though it's tied back), the nose, that specific slant of her forehead, and the nasally way of talking. On the other side of the argument, her nose isn't that big, and her ears don't fall below her eye line. Jews usually have ears that sit lower, below the line drawn from the outside corners of the eyes backwards onto the head, when the head is looking straight on, whereas White people's ears sit higher up. I was initially skeptical (and unsure) of this specific trait at first, until I saw dozens and dozens of pictures of jewish people who show this trait.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not necessarily. Remember the "refugee crisis" during the Arab Spring and Syrian civil war (both of which were created almost entirely by the CIA and Mossad)? Most of those "refugees" were transported over land into Europe. They were given pamphlets with instructions on where to go, what checkpoints to avoid, which countries to go to, how to claim asylum, and how to get as much gobs as possible.

Knowing how many fat central and south Americans """walk""" to the U.S. with literally zero supplies, they absolutely get help from NGO buses. The NGO called HIAS (go look up what that acronym stands for) was caught a short while back doing exactly that.

I'm not sure on the exact numbers, but just for Europe, it's somewhere in the tens of millions of non-whites who were transported into Europe in just the last 10-15 years. The U.S.A. has seen over 100 million non-whites since the 80s and 90s. I've seen the massive demographic shift in my lifetime, and I'm not even that old. I just remember how White everywhere was back when I was a kid.

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