AntonioOfVenice 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're a one-trick pony. When people were talking about an 'epidemic' and public health emergencies, they started calling racism that. When people were locked down because of government responses to the virus, they started calling for 'climate lockdowns'.

How about a woke lockdown - all wokies have to stay inside their homes or basement or what have you, insofar as they are not too socially stunted to do so already. That would actually solve most issues.

AntonioOfVenice 6 points ago +6 / -0

archive.is and archive.ph are aliases.

Is there any reason one should be slower?

AntonioOfVenice 17 points ago +18 / -1

They are very invested in WW2 being 'the good war', and they in turn vicariously playing the role of 'the good guys' - because it gives them legitimacy. Coincidentally, this is also why even the post-Stalin USSR prohibited Vasily Grossman from publishing his work in which he equated Stalinism with Nazism. The USSR victory in WW2 allowed it to have legitimacy in the eyes of most its people for several decades, and the same is true for the regime in the US and its puppets in Europe.

I do think the way the ultra-right goes about combating this is very counterproductive and wrong.

AntonioOfVenice 13 points ago +14 / -1

They're trying to take out Tucker.

The guy was off base on some stuff, but I didn't get the impression at all that he's a nutsi. Far from it.

AntonioOfVenice 12 points ago +13 / -1

Embarrassing performance by that "rabbi".

He actually tried to claim that Candace (Klandace as he called her) is racist... against blacks.

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0


Obama was a saint compared to this idiot.

Yes, downvote away.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

that many of these continental European countries take the idea of being a (theoretically, if not borne out at all in reality) "flat society", with supposed "full equality".

Well yeah, the idea of equality is just used to create inequality on a tremendous scale on other aspects.

Hence being extremely early adopters of gay marriage, and "trans rights" (Belgium seems exceptionally obsessed with the latter, for reasons I do not understand),

It is? Germany, UK and Ireland are the worst in my experience. Italy is the least bad, and Spain and France somewhere in between.

and, in many cases, adopting Soviet-block apartments for all, even at the cost of levelling their historic, "vernacular" architecture (looking at you, Sweden, Norway and Finland)...

That really has nothing to do with 'equality'. It means "we want to pretend like we did something for the people at minimum cost so that there's more for our corrupt cronies".

Which seems to be at least part of the reason they hate England (less so the other "Home Nations") so much - that idea, and everything that comes with it, just doesn't to jive with Brits, despite the efforts of Labour and the Guardianistas, lol.

Are you sure? I look at the UK as the worst of the worst. Even though Germany makes a big deal of prosecuting people for their speech, the sheer magnitude of government terror in the UK is far greater. Thousands are arrested for speech each year.

And not to make it personal, but continental Europe - or even the UK - did not have internment camps for people who came into contact with the virus.

If I had to sum up what the end result of the "flat society". model is, at least in the Nordics, I would say... Beige. Everything just ends up beige.

They do not actually believe in equality, as I think you understand. It's just a convenient excuse, here as elsewhere, for getting what they want.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

See, what I find odd is that the supposed "majority" of voters in the Low Countries support laws like this, hence it tends to attract broad political support.

The thing is, while that is correct for this particular issue, what attracts political support in Europe does not have much correlation with what attracts political support. If you look at what attracts political support, you can only make judgments about elite support and not popular support.

They don't seem to view human life as having the same "value", I suppose.

While I don't think you're a Christian (and neither am I), but there are consequences to the de-christianization of the West. The idea that human life, even if a slave, even if female, even if woefully crippled, has value, was introduced to the West by Christianity, and it disappeared with Christianity. Note that this is not true for 'females', but that's not for reasons of principle, but expediency - because of pressure groups.

Obviously the ultimate result of such views is genocide, but we're not quite there yet.

It's certainly possible and made more likely, but it's not necessitated.

But yeah, discussing issues like this with Germanics (Dutch, Flemish, Swiss, less so actual Germans, for obvious reasons) is... Interesting. There's a big "gap" there, and I'm not quite sure why...

I think your own experiences may have clouded your judgment here a bit. You have experiences with one country, and there, in the cities, and even there, with college students - the worst of the worst. There is great diversity within the 'Germanics', though undoubtedly socially the worst shitholes in Europe. If you talk to the man on the street, you'll likely hear common sense or at least reasonable opinions. But like I said, what you see is the opinions of the elites.

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my experience, people only bully those who don't look intimidatng.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not quite the same. I did say that Union+BSW was most likely in my uninformed judgment, but let's see that happen first. I guess it's more likely on the state level because the Union will not have to make the tough choices that would be necessary on the federal level.

AntonioOfVenice 4 points ago +5 / -1

But their food is soooooo tasty! MMMMMMMMM!

Honestly, the immigrants invading Europe don't even have good food. Turks? Pakistanis? Moroccans? Food is nasty as hell. Who in the world wants to eat 'couscous'? Ukrainians also don't have good food. Borscht? Looks like prison food to me.

I'd even prefer your Bratwurst if you got rid of the nasty habit of putting it in animal intestines. No offense.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

just dealing with the horse shit disposal alone was a huge problem

It still is. NYC is flooding the world with horseshit.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy is quite tall, and not just by American standards. I'd like to see his classmates try to bully him.

AntonioOfVenice 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Washington Commanders are the Washington Redskins, correct?

Unfortunately, one surrender is followed by an utter collapse.

AntonioOfVenice -1 points ago +1 / -2

If he's trying to subvert anything, it's pro-Israel and Jews. People imagine he's earnest because it suits them.

This is at the level of "HA HA, WE ARE JEWS AND WE ARE EVIL".

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +1 / -1

Great and the current Pope is as uncatholic as you can get also.

The difference is that he didn't get elected advertising his heresy.

Let's do the right thing instead of what some Pharisees say is "the real Catholicism".

Wait, what? You want to label the Savior of Catholics as part of a 'cursed race' and think they'll just go along with it?

AntonioOfVenice 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Thank God for Great Britain" - basically the motto of any continental European country that is a trainwreck, but I repeat myself.

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depending on how you look at it, the worst is probably their fellow Low Country, Belgium (in spite of the whole Catholicism thing)...

Belgium is about as Catholic as the pope.

However I believe the Dutch are the first to allow this for children, i.e. those who cannot consent to other things, but apparently can consent to state-sanctioned murder..?

Why not? They can consent to having their bodies butchered by "doctors". Why not this as well?

Makes you wonder - if we're at this point now, where are we going to be on this issue (and abortion, and "gay rights") in another 20 years?

In all honesty, I was a fanatical supporter of abortion and "gay rights" a few years ago. I'm still pro-choice but unwilling to paint opponents as "they hate women", which I now realize that it's quite a ridiculous non-argument only accepted because it suits people. As for the other thing, as you say, if things have gotten this bad in this short a time, I cannot even imagine how bad they can get in a few decades.

It's also interesting as someone with a disease that would make me eligible for this (way into the future, but not as far into the future as for most people), that my voice is... Ignored as an "inconvenience"?

The voices of black people, or people with X, they matter, we need to listen to them... as long as they agree with our preconceived notions, of course.

Also, it seems to me to be a little bit insulting to have one's life be reduced to "such unbearable suffering that we'll kill you if you want".

Generally people with terminal/chronic/neurodegenerative diseases only seem to be listened to when we support euthanasia (or when we are "special", like Steven Hawking or Neil Daniher), never when we are against it.

Welcome to the world of anyone they use as a mascot.

AntonioOfVenice 3 points ago +4 / -1

Dutch doctors have been murdering children and babies for years, based on their eugenic dislike of certain curable and manageable conditions.

Also, this was the previous government (though I wouldn't expect the Wilders government to be any different on euthanasia). Also, 'ethicists' have been agitating for legalizing the murder of children for years because, they say, it is no different from abortion as children are non-sentient in their first few years.

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