If they stay at that course they'll have me buying their next game also. The game is not only fun but also doesn't have devs who need to virtue signal? Sign me up.. Mif it stays that way, here's hoping.
There's mods like that for games but not on nexusmods. People predomenintly want this mod for the anti censorship stance, not for titillation.
It's not only those they'll say those are the ones they ONLY delete. They delete anything anti lgbbqtayylmao also.
Iranian born
That should clue you in why tbh. There's tons of incest in those parts of the world its why some of them are room temp IQ and look ugly AF. When you procreate with your sister and direct cousins no wonder...
If anyone says jif unironcially you know they are Psycho.
Which seems like what someone wanted to do but the lefty green party was like: no.
There was the plan to implement a debit card system, no more money for asylum seekers directly, you can buy food and clothes with that but cannot send it over to your family in bumfukistan or where ever. One region implemented that and guess what? Most "asylum" seekers left. If that was made country wide they'd leave but the greens were against it...who would've thought that the ones who hate Germany with a passion don't want Germany to get cured by the current issue it's facing.
Similar here, aids was already a thing though and it was very much about contraception and that's totally fine with me. I am worried about some younger family members around the age where they have sex ed. I've already heard stories of all the boys in class sharing feet pics, I was utterly floored how degenerate this generation is turning out to be and add the whole gay agenda on top... We might have a big issue coming up there.
They try to push this consent on all levels. I wonder if next week we'll hear more about how kids can consent do they can have their spirit cooking sessions with young Virgin blood, perfectly in line with the whole cannibalism shit.
THANK YOU! Finally see someone say it. I cannot for the life of me explain why people like Eternal as much. 2016 was amazing, the way to revive and old franchise and Eternal was to kick it back into the grave. Yet, everyone kept praising it. I was unsure if I was the crazy one or everyone else.
I loved the game in EA, hated the story in the final release. What the fuck were they thinking? It felt like that sorta coworker who just keeps talking about his personal life, fuck right off with that imho. Gameplay was still fun but got old quickly since you barely had any new ships, mechanics didn't get much more difficult and not too big of an upgrade system(could've had more stuff at least imho).
Guess I should just replay Digimon World 1, it's still one of my favorite games in the PS1, and that is saying something considering the other amazing games on that console. Kinda wish there was something doing the Digimon World 1 formular perfectly but alas it seems like a lot of them are not catching thag spirit then, sad.
Wasn't the boys on amazon already?
I do not like the current arc in the manga I kinda stopped reading and would have to read for almost 50 chapters. Dunno if it switched arcs yet again but it did seem like the final one. I feel it peaked a while ago and is now just trudging along. Imho for me the peak was the my villain academia part.
How's the newer world one? I think I saw it out on pc now. Cyber sleuth I was a bit disappointed in, not only by the translation but also the gameplay not be as good. I miss digimon world for the ps1.
It was brought up a lot but not anymore really that much. I don't need my neighbourhood to smell like spices, I would rather my neighbourhood be save from those 3rd world conflicts.
Germany also had one of those IIRC. Lovely to have imported so many great cultures with their amazing food culture and inner conflicts fought on our streets........
Was it the blind and deaf again who did it? No other was could I see anyone want to rape that thing.
Sailor Moon or any kinda magical girl show could teach them a lot. It doesn't even need to be overly feminine, just not manly like how they make these types of movies alongside making them "better" than men.
In some of his writings, apparently...I even checked and couldn't find any direct sources of it weirdly enough.
I'd assume someone like that did exist, but probably more as a manservant who's brought by missionaries, maybe shown off. That he was more than a curiosity and some kinda samurai is retarded any anyone claiming such makes no sense. He's supposedly met him a couple months before Mitsuhide betrayed him. We don't even know if this guy was even there anymore. And making someone a samurai in that time? Yea, doubt.
I've wrote the first comment before I looked much deeper into it, I've noticed something interesting the original poster of the topic didn't even mention: Most of the sources on him are around 2015-2016ish, all very "afro-centric". That a black guy was there at the time in Japan I'd not rule out tough, but samurai I would categorically call bullshit we wuz samurai n shiete fantasies by the usual people.
It's actually kinda scary how since the early to mid 2010s we're having people claim BS without backing it up, it is very telling when all the sources I could find were around that time only, behind some paywalls or some book written by someone who's very much capital B black. Makes me think what other BS is being propagated.
He did mention him, wanting him to join him as a retainer, let's be honest though it was probably as a curiosity and not as a honest thing. A pet isn't a samurai and doubt a samurai is just as easy to be. Fluent Japanese I also doubt since he'd have had someone to teach him, someone who doesn't share a language with him.
See reply below, I pretty much fell for BS for a couple years ago ^^"
Even the normies don't like that shit it seems. There's a fine bottom line, I doubt it would be the same for the famous spiderman flag mod or similar.
That's great since it also seems to skip all logos. I hate how games have like a dozen of them now. Probably one of the first mods I get for any game or delete some video files or edit them with empty ones is always the no logo shit.
The circle of shit is closing again.
Still not too happy about some of his opinions but glad he's covering this notorious tranny. Also it's not a her, it's either an it or a he. YWNBAW
I still remember one of them funny crazy hot charts for women. It starts at 4 for crazy cuz all women are crazy and it even showed below 4, saying tranny...