It's also a rappper american word for ejaculating on someone.
Those two are going to be in the news again in a couple years for having done horrible things with that child, garunteed.
They're obsessed with it because it gives them the moral authority to get away with anything and everything. The moment they lose that, it'll happen for real.
CT could stand for count, meaning he had four grandchildren? Which seems low for a filipino.
I woke up with a cold yesterday, hopefully it clears up by tomorrow.
Edit: it didn't. lol
If this is who CDPR are hiring, it's no wonder GOG is failing because of poor management.
And this is why the powers that be are trying to make Putin into Hitler2.0
Raised in a family of Holocaust survivors, Joanne Starer is a firm believer in equality for all people and hopes to make the world just a little bit brighter through her writing...
Thought so.
They proudly boast their intention and rebuke those who point it out by claiming it's 'comedy'. By the by, I saw a trailer for a Jack Black movie where he plays Satan who spends the movie tempting a white Christian boy into selling his soul for worldly desires. "Haha, the boy wrote a letter to Santa, but misspelled it as Satan so it got delivered to Hell, now he has the literal devil following him everywhere trying to corrupt him. Comedy!"
Well then, to each their own.
LotR in general suffers a bit from having defined a genre, if you've spent your whole life taking in what's been built upon it from every conceivable angle, when you finally get to what set the standard all the elements and plot points feel cliche and simplistic.
Was it hit by jewish lightning, or is Canada being enriched by cultural diversity?
How'd he lose that eye, was over enthusiastic about sucking dick and took it to the eye?
Well dang, I once discovered a nest of rat pups in a box while moving stuff in a garage, and I smashed them with a brick out of spite. Guess I was just pre-masticating them for their mother.
The war in Ukraine had shown how effective (and cheap) drone warfare can be against a modern military force. So no shit the government wants to do whatever they can to prevent the citizens of our nation to be able to use those tactics against the state.
Reddit is a publicly traded company now, and thus has a legal obligation to maximize the profits of the shareholders... so someone would have to put up a fight. I wonder how many of the tranny mods own any stock, if so I should consider buying a single share so I can be privy to the insanity that happens at the shareholder meetings.
Don't even have to use slurs, I got a sitewide permaban on reddit for saying "your identity isn't valid" to one of the faggots who demand to be called 'they'. It was on the political compass memes board, first the comment was removed by the mods, then I got a three suspension from the sub, then I got a week suspension from Reddit, then the comment was super deleted where even I couldn't see it anymore, then the suspension became permanent. I really upset some tranny faggot, lol.
I'm going to violate the hell out of this.
Yes, it was the episode Skywise was referring to.
I'm glad I never got into D&D, and left Pathfinder behind. I've been playing GURPS exclusively, and I'm currently playing three goddamn campaigns. I don't know what Steve Jackson's personal politics are, and that's just fine.
some fag who presumably spliced with bat DNA to look like a spooky vampire is being interviewed "With splicing I can express my individuality, just like all my friends!" camera pans back to reveal his entire friend group has had the same faggy vampire procedure
Neither was Ghandi, but at least he was a leader. Harriet Tubman was just a prop used for a media campaign.
Weirdest product placement for anti dandruff shampoo I've ever seen.
The left is anti-israel because they believe jews are white, and thus are filtering the israel/palestine conflict through all the anti-white bullshit they've been taught. The israelis are 'white oppressors', the palestinians are 'oppressed people of color', that's the depth of their understanding. They don't know about the talmud, mossad, AIPAC, or everything else that dom will ban me again for reiterating.