He can be quite retarded, but compared to every other billionaire he at least seems like a human with some human sense and decency still bouncing around his autism brain.
Which is a very low bar but somehow they all fail it.
Honestly, he deserved being treated like that after all he had done, but on principle I find the fact that judges enjoy giving little sermons and crowing around like judgemental hens (because they all want to be Judge Judy) to be quite pathetic on its own.
A court room should be about legality, not a soapbox for them to virtue signal how noble and moral they feel they are over the bottomest rungs of society.
If you get hit twice for petty laws and you can't figure out how to stop after that, I think our country is better off without you from a mental ability standpoint.
And that's assuming this isn't about drugs, because that's the only "petty/dumb" laws people complain about, which you really should figure you need to stop after 2 hits.
Ain't even gonna lie, I bought them back in like 2013/14 at Blizzcon because I fucking love knick knacks and they looked legit decent at the time for the price.
But that's 3 total, out of the box, and part of my WoW nostalgia shelf.
Considering its two gay men, 30 people is a chump change amount for two of them to sexually come on to in some way. Once they feel comfortable talking up a guy in an inappropriate way once, its pretty easy to rack up numbers fast.
They don't want to save these guys, that's their "don't judge me society" reasoning.
What they want is their own personal monster. Someone who is bad, rebellious, and bestial to everyone else, but super sweet and loving to her (while also fucking her like only a beast could). She is special to him.
Nothing represents lobotomization of Funko Pops themselves than their current iteration for the last half decade+
Early on, there was a lot more variation in size, detail, and even not being an exact replica (look up the original D.Va model versus the later ones, they built her entire fucking mech in full detail originally) despite their same faces. I won't argue it still wasn't coomsoom slop, but a lot of them were decent knick knacks for a shelf.
Now you couldn't tell half of them apart without the box telling you who it is because its designed for all the worst aspects of modern society.
A different company, a smaller dev team pushing back against Sony internally to protect their IP, and an obvious massive revenue loss from Steam allowing refunds with no time limits.
As in, a completely different situation that has no relevance or comparison.
The "Right" will always have a divide between people who are in it for Conserving some traditional period they think is best and those who are in it for the principles and ideologies.
Most of the time these two camps are able to come together to resist the common foe the Left represents, but without that they often have very little common ground.
There are a million easy things he could have done, because he had given them the complete slip and the last they had on him was a bus with 6-7 stops to narrow from. And that was day one, which means by now he could have been anywhere in the country, burying evidence under random trees hundreds of miles from each other as he just started over in any random town. Because all they had to recognize him was a poor image of a smile from under a hood at a bad angle.
As the day has progressed, I've become more and more certain that in the event this isn't a complete patsy from the FBI (which its almost too good to be true to not be) that he absolutely intended to get caught to spread his message.
There are plenty of places you can stab someone and it isn't fatal, the hands being a very easy example.
And the chance of actually hitting those deliberately while also not hitting one of the fatal spots is pretty iffy. So much like guns, if you are going to pull it out to use it, you can't be thinking its anything less than fatal. Even if you are some prodigal master of the arm.
Especially as, like you said, its a melee weapon. Meaning that if you aren't aiming with conviction and able to seriously hurt them on the initial hit, you are now open to a terrible reprisal from someone now afraid for their own life. Grabbing a knife blade isn't very good, but its, as you said, non-fatal usually and well worth doing to spare your own life among the many other options a grown man has over a tiny woman in arm's reach.
Which is why I called her retarded. She doesn't understand weapons nor self-defense, and its only luck that the consequence of her idiocy is a different retard who earned it.
Considering he is already reaching folk hero status for shooting a member of the elite on the street, I think they know they can't do something at blatant as that and hope to suppress the bubbling he turned up.
But I do doubt he will see a jury of any kind either, it'll be some legal fuckery to railroad him into perma solitary where they can drive him insane.
Second generation Asian Immigrants are more than plenty woke enough to do it on their own to cling to any amount of victim points they can pull out of being a "minority."
Including resurrecting dead slurs from the war that nobody even remembers to care about.
I don't even think it should count as one, as its literally an abbreviation. You could use the term completely organically without knowing a thing about it. Its literally only maintained as a slur by telling people it is a slur, unlike ones like nigger, kike, or wetback which you would only use if taught the word exists.
But if you are the type to believe in slurs and their "power" like most Jews seem to be, then it has historical backing as one.
The problem is that most of those mistakes happen due to overconfidence in thinking one's self clever and capable of continuing to stay ahead. This guy was caught putting in literally zero effort to hiding not even a week later in an almost comical sense.
If he had been caught like this the next day, that might be the case. But the prep and escape he demonstrated are completely inconsistent with this lack of any effort after.
Every picture they release of this man just further prevents any female member of this country from being allowed on the jury.
The truly picked a bad patsy for this, as unlike all their other shooters, he isn't some gremlin with psychotic eyes that can be easily dismissed.
He was found barely a few hours away, with a manifesto, ID used in the shooting, and possibly the gun itself on him in a random McDonald's with his entire internet history wide open filled with easily found political quotes and ideologies, and "friends" from his past already weighing in about him.
Either he was trying to get caught or its a complete conjuration from the Feds to stop the egg on their face.
Reduced current and future customers is very scary to investors.
It is, and its equally capable to happen if Nintendo starts having actual competition with its most guaranteed IPs from ex-employees and a legion of journos writing articles denigrating their value by comparison to this silly little game.
I think shareholders will be much more likely to be afraid of that scenario versus "some internet people said we were being mean :( , they might boycott us if we don't start acting right!"
What they are doing is wrong and probably legally wrong too, but you are talking about convincing the most amoral people in a mega corporation to care.
I had forgotten that angle but its likely very true. After all, damn near identical games like Coromon and Nexomon are being sold that are far more Pokemon clones than Palworld could ever come close to being. They just didn't make much noise so Nintendo didn't care to even waste time on indie slop like them.
There is a lot of petty nonsense going on behind these decisions, but at the end of it there is still logical soundness enough for Nintendo to justify themselves to their shareholders.
Its like when they shut down those emulators earlier this year, its a complete dick move from our end but they could just point to Tears of the Kingdoms lackluster reception/sales and have their investors throwing extra lawyers in to help them do it.
Anyone who's ever looked at Trump as more than a step in the right direction, instead of the whole hog, is too stupid to be voting to begin with. Like, his policies are barely different from when he was a Dem in the 90s, why are you expecting the Turner Diaries?
These doom posts really feel less like a knock against him, and more like revealing your own naivety.
They will be able to riot just fine, as the optics of stopping them will be far too risky for their liking. However, they won't be bussing them around to multiple towns and supplying the pallets of bricks like last time, it'll be purely organic.
The Left isn't willing to commit to getting white men back yet. Its why all their "peace offerings" so far as full of trepidation and backhanded "still fuck you tho." They aren't ready to say no to other groups in shows of faith to whitey, nor are they past the point of pathetically tantrumming about not getting their way with violence.
Its a free to play game in a dominated market using an IP that is diminishing harder by the day.
I think its a valid thing to be worried about longevity.