So in another topic someone said im a newfag to anime, because i talk about the most mainstream anime Frieren a lot and listed off the most mainstream anime as something right wing normies would like, and then said that to know who are the more experianced anime fans you need to ask them what the mid anime are that nobody else really knows about and he listed of Buso Renkin.
Little did he know ,i've read the Buso Renkin manga decades ago.
So how many people here are "elite otakus" that have seen the anime, watched the manga or even heard of Buso Renkin since apparently its now a metric for "elite otaku" status?.
if anyone wants to question my otaku credentials more, I'd also like to list off another obscure manga called "Hoshin Engi" that i read which that most people probably haven't heard of. Hoshin Engi is pretty popular in Japan but not well known in the West,
I've been watching/reading anime and manga since 20 years ago, im not a newfag to it
Honestly, I like Papillion. He is a fully developed character with a legitimate arc, and nobody pretends he is anything but an uncomfortable freak regardless of it they ally with him. And he is really funny, instead of being some political statement.
If more flamboyant characters were written on his level, they might not be so fucking awful everytime.
Fair and probably correct. It's been awhile since I saw it and there was drinking involved, my mempry is hazy at best haha.
I was trying to think of shows similar to it... kinda reminds me of Gurren Lagann