Its unironically the Jewish word game abuse they invented working against them.
Because Jewishness is both an ethnic group and a religion depending on what's more beneficial at the time for them to say.
In the same way "white" is both a color designation (which Jews would fall under) and a cultural/ethnic group that they hate (which Jews reject being a part of).
So now they get lumped in because their own golems aren't willing to play 20 questions when they see pink skin, they just assume "white" and go to attack.
What's funny is that this was all a slippery slope from "seatbelt notifications."
Because once you have one "for your safety" program on by default in your car, then they will just keep putting more and more in until you have dozens of electronic noises constantly pulling the wheel in your hand, hitting the brake, and yelling at you.
I completely agree that North American cities are really stupidly designed. The car-centric nature of them means you're stranded if your vehicle breaks down
If you think you are stranded if it breaks down in a city then you should see the vast majority of the country that isn't a city where breaking down means "hiking for infinity miles until you hopefully get a signal and then pray."
On topic, I do think they start off right on a lot of topics, but their solution is retarded.
Corporations and the rich are often cancers and plagues that deserve negative things to happen to them. Cops are bastards. Houses/cars are way too fucking expensive to realistically attain for most people.
And worse yet, many people on the Right are so used to contrarian brain instant rejection of any Leftist platitude that they will unironically argue in favor of these things to their own detriment just to reflexively resist the Left. While we shouldn't openly agree with them on things, that doesn't mean we need to shoot ourselves to deny them either.
I won't support 90% of measures to fix those problems, because it would usually just make it worse through Leftist nonsense, but the problem itself I can admit exists.
I don't disagree, but Elon is someone actually appointed to a department directly by Trump so he has more weight than he did before.
But I don't see Trump agreeing with it either. While he isn't as racist as we all wish he was, he is smart enough to see more than just the pure autism brained Musk does.
Sounds like a great way for a lot of members of Congress to shoot themselves in the foot as the "collective" they are hoping to unify with abandons them for self-protection by not going along with the scheme.
So by all means let's pick off a few of the dumber ones thinking they will be heroes of the revolution.
Its not completely nothing, as Elon is a major player in Trump's team. But Musk is regularly retarded on about half the topics he weighs in on too, and people just forget that everytime he does something "B-B-BASED."
So it'll come down to if Trump gives Elon's opinion a lot of weight globally, or forces him to stay in his lane in his department.
The problem is first of all it doesn't matter
It absolutely does, and saying it doesn't is why you are being called a fanboy retard. One demands you only cater to them, the other provides a service that is good enough that companies choose not to use anyone else. Its a very easy difference.
you don't know what deals were done behind the scenes anyway
Except we know a lot of them because many devs had to explain why their games were suddenly not for sale on Steam after taking money for pre-orders there. Just because you didn't pay attention doesn't mean everyone else didn't.
DARQ was a famous example of a completely independent dev explaining in detail what they tried to pull on him.
complaining they had to buy it at a different place comes across as petty.
Funny how this strawman only comes up for EGS, and never about GOG a completely different storefront that exists completely out of the Steam ecosystem and offers a competitive product without anti-consumer practices.
But since your defense is predicated on everyone being as ignorant as you are, I'd not be shocked if you didn't even know GOG was a thing.
Its all multiverse shit, so its Spidergwen from one of those universes.
And I think its implied she gets with Miles, but this is also "half shaved head, face piercings" while girl, so he didn't get a top quality version.
It won't be long till they make a nigger Morales movie.
The Spiderverse movies already exist. The success of the first one is likely what helped push them as hard into making him the "face" of the games immediately after.
And considering how well received those movies were with the normies, I doubt they'd make a second concurrent series while its ongoing.
By himself? Not particularly short of a handful of stories that play well to his character and dynamic, and most of those need a lot of prior buildup that the DCEU doesn't have time to do.
He works best as a foil to a different hero, and in that way he is easily slotted in to grant conflict or resolution to their stories without a need for a genuine threat.
But Hollywood writers can't handle that, so instead its "le subverting expectations" all over again to make him weak and sad.
Most of the time it was him fighting someone equally invincible and losing because he was trying to either protect someone else or get through to them and thereby not at full capacity.
Its why the "World of Cardboard" speech in Justice League was so well remembered, because it spelled it out directly for everyone what his entire deal was.
Forced exclusivity isn't functional exclusivity and the fact that you cannot understand the difference between the two shows how retarded the average EGS fanboy is.
That and apparently failing at properly Copy/Pasting.
An immigrant is pro-immigration because he has to be to avoid the hypocrisy of himself.
He thinks all these random losers from other countries might be just like him, so thereby of course he is pro trying to pull them. Anything else would be admitting to wrongthink opinions on race.
There's no debate in any of that.
There isn't but the mixture of connotation and denotation is what Leftist thrives on. When they say "same species" it means far more than its definition and they intentionally do so to confuse language and muddy discussions on the topic.
and the breadth of variance among things like intelligence and physicality among phenotype groups is so wide it's not actually useful knowledge from a cultural perspective
That's like saying "you can never tell who is a tranny because a handful of cherry picked examples pass really well." Exceptions don't disprove generalized assumptions. Stereotypes are basic human instinct because we have thousands of years of them working well enough to be consistently selected to stay evolutionarily. Even if you could go your entire life having them proven wrong, most of the major ones we develop are right often enough to be valuable assumptions.
Also, manipulators and idiots abusing a concept doesn't disprove it or make it useless. That's gun grabber logic, we must simply reject the failed applications as they happen through actual thought instead of just going along with the flow.
I believe that the history of the US has shown that in localized environments these groups will tend to integrate well over time.
And I do not believe it has shown anything of the sort, in that these bonds are too fragile when they appear to be considered anything but temporary alliances based on concepts like mutual enemies (such as the Muslims post-9/11). And building our ideas on things like that is a chaotic and unstable idea. Leftism does it through Intersectionality and you can see how often the two sides break down and kill each other when it stumbles for even a second.
The Whites and the Natives where I grew up integrated rather decently across our history, but the primary pillar of that was pure hatred of the Federal government over the last century+. But even still, we have strong enough separations and differences that people can and do point them out and tribalize away from each other along them. One of my group of three growing up was primarily Native, and it caused numerous differences in him both physically and culturally that really couldn't be handwaved away as trivial or forgettable.
He wasn't identical to us, but that didn't mean inferior or superior either. He was just different and no amount of talking would change that. It was obvious enough as a child, growing up in a place that was severely anti-racist towards Natives due to our shared history, that we still noted it.
Even in one of the best examples in American history of two of the "major races" integrating, we were still demonstrably different on a level that came naturally to everyone to be aware of. The hatred of one another disappeared, but the separation did not.
The past few decades of comics, especially DC comics, have shown how little they understand their own characters and their appeal.
They whine and whine about Superman's invincibility and Batman's no kill rule, when those exist as rocks for you to write a good story upon, not sticks for you to bend to make a good story from.
Also I don't think it had a chance to ever be good. Even without comments people were memeing on how bad it looked. Every part of the character looks like a discount, shittier version of Cavill's.
Which is the problem when you have the literal perfect casting of a character and then try to recast it while that guy is still alive and active.
They keep wanting to make "Superman is vulnerable and hurting" stories because they bought the "le invincible = boring" meme about him, and will continue to fail because of it. Literally the best part about the lackluster Justice League movie was him waking up and soloing the entire team in seconds, showing why everyone is so obsessed with him being there.
Superman is meant to be the shining icon even in the darkest hour. The inspiration that we cling to to "keep fighting." So show him bloodied and beaten as some metaphor for our country just means we are already completely lost and this is just doom porn.
Well, there's nothing to suggest that black people are a different species.
That's also playing into their language games as well. Because the implication behind "same species" is "exactly the same, race is just a construct" which then will fall behind a response like yours when called out. Humans are full of genetically definable categories, "race" is just a very large one that is much easier to see with our eyes.
Several decades of social deconstruction, anti-meritocracy, anti-family policy, random violence, low quality food, high crime, magical thinking, vice addiction, rampant corruption, predation culture, and low information clearly cause major IQ collapse in a society.
And you could say many of these are created their own form of eugenical polluting of the gene pool with the worst possible candidates. There is a lot to be said about black culture highly rewarding "Low IQ" behaviors with a lot of chances for mating, with a strong effort to violently suppress any "High IQ" candidates from doing so.
This is the case across much of the modern world in general, but you can see it demonstrated in black culture much more plainly (and Arabic or Russian in many ways).
I don't disagree that Leftism is a cancer that is causing much of these issues, and likely might be the original root. My only caveat is that in your position there lies the implication that if we just "fixed" the environmental/cultural issue they would become much more identical to the rest of us, sans some adaptation pains.
As was I, my friend. Two junkies high as fuck conceived me, and didn't stop doing the drugs while gestating and I was raised in similar Southern poverty as you (I believe I remember such). And while I don't remember the number, when I was tested in the 1st grade they wanted to jump me to the 7th grade, which I can only imagine means it was up there.
Its also why I don't put much stock in IQ beyond the "mentally retarded" differentiation. Its so genetic heavy that its almost useless beyond narcissism and bragging rights.
halfKiA being one of the first. It's been a while, but I believe KiA2 was part of the second batch after many of us rightfully complained that halfKiA was lame
It might be my memory going south but I could swear KIA2 actually came first, as there was legitimate push towards getting off reddit as our more rowdy and offensive userbase was in more danger of getting banned, while KIA1 did the jump very reluctantly and abandoned theirs very quickly as well to stay on reddit.
Otherwise, good to know the rest. I didn't know most of that history as I left T_D when it started to get too hugboxy against any dissent.
It isn't a certainty, but if we can show a consistent trend in one direction or another we can better accommodate and adjust expectations towards both an individual or a group.
In the case from OPs picture however, the "environmental factors" is just a handwave excuse they could not define nor name to ignore the uncomfortable truth of black people's lower intelligence as a whole because it would ruin their "we are the same species" indoctrination.
I always appreciate when our own anti-woke content creators make the most disgusting thumbnails possible for these videos, and make sure to always include the ugliest of the goblinas whose very face is offensive in it too.
And by appreciative, I mean I refuse to watch their video.
And some of the early tests sound like they were made by retards if "genetic intelligence" is what they were going for.
Well a lot of the early tests were also being used as eugenical barometers and developed with very ulterior motives in mind.
Psychology as a field has a stark difference between "trying to properly understand the brain" and "learning to manipulate the brain to our ends" and its been that way from basically the outset. And category 2 there is often far more numerous, funded, and powerful so it drowns out the rest.
Starvation and head trauma will inevitably change the outcome even if we assume the early tests to be accurate.
Well of course literal brain rotting actions will diminish the brain's ability. But I don't think the equivalent to losing your fingers means your arm muscles are also now less capable, only that you can no longer manage to reach that capacity yourself. Its a pedantic difference in how it manifests in reality, but the difference is huge in the scientific details.
I think that the difference is whether we are testing by group, by age, or by group and age
Of course it will be, the problem is we as a people can no longer properly define a "group" for the purpose of these tests beyond "the entire world" which leaves a lot of improper testing and poor control being thrown into the pot while calculating the "Average."
So in the end, the IQ scale will be useless beyond a very generalized picture until we can sort that out. And I doubt we ever will.
Something has changed about him, and it feels like its personal life related that is bleeding back this way.
He used to be pretty detached, affable and overall professional about all this. His rules were gay but he was someone you could still converse with and he showed a degree of intelligence and knowledge in doing so. I rather liked the guy and its why I think most of us didn't care about him being the only mod for this long.
Post 10/7 he has far more unhinged takes and almost paranoid responses to people. His reasonings are much less "strictly business" about rules and more interpretive.
We've already spedrun to the point the Left was at like 15 years ago where "HE SAID THING I WANTED TO HEAR" is enough to grift an entire career and screaming emotional words with FACTS AND LOGIC is how people on the Right expect to convince people to their side (see, how most anti-semites operate during the best fucking time in history to recruit people).
And much like the Left, its going to turn off the masses as many figures on the Right descends further into extreme positions that are just not feasible to ever come to happen (even if they should and would be for the best).
But, unlike the Left, we haven't captured enough critical sectors nor held those believes into the zeitgeist for so long people don't question them. So when they get turned off we will just be dismissed entirely instead of it just opening up an ability to even fight back, like it is doing with the Left currently.
And that's without getting into the worse position that you described, of being easily lead astray right into our opponents hands because of how simple minded so many people have mindkilled themselves into being.