deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
ActiveLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Back in ~2018 or so you should have seen the writing on the wall and started the process to move you and your family to places maximally supportive of a dissident lifestyle. You also should have started stocking up on supplies and learning basic skills that would assist in times of infrastructure collapse. If you haven't done these things, do them now.

  2. You take advantage of it by doing the above, since even if Trump directly acts in your favor, it's only a matter of time before power shifts yet again. Now is the time to get strong, cultivate skills and supplies, and create a strong social network.

  3. unless you're willing to step up, there will be no "saving" of anything aside from maybe you and yours. Make your life as difficult to destroy as possible. Move rural. Get a job that can't be taken away from you. Get a rainwater barrel. The idea is to be as independent as possible so when diversity finally sinks our social ship you can be an asset to reconstruction and not a detriment.

ActiveLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is how they will kill you, by the way. Why do you need gulags if you can just trump up charges on any dissident behavior whatsoever and have muhammed cut your throat in prison?

ActiveLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then maybe she should have quit instead of dragging the acr along?

ActiveLurker 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think it's important for everyone to realize that effectively, right now, nations in the west no longer exist. They are truly "economic zones" like Trudeau stated years back, because it's clear every western government is colluding with each other to the active detriment of its native citizenry.

ActiveLurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have no real take on vtubers other than noticing lots of vtuber posting here and wondering why anyone would be interested in a slightly different kind of e-celeb doing identical shit all e-celebs do, only being fantastical enough to create even more parasocialiality. Although I guess with the current fagslop entertainment, eastern-flavored anything just tastes better.