by folx
AccountWasFree 13 points ago +14 / -1

This just reminds me of something like that "sharks are smooth" meme. There are so many people who have a compulsive need to be the smartest asshole in the room, to the point that someone who's "confidently and unshakeably wrong" is their ultimate Achille's Heel. You can play dumb on almost any topic and their ego, their deep seated belief that they are so above everyone else, will blind them to the fact that you're just fucking with them, so long as you don't explicitly admit you're fucking with them. And all that time, they won't be able to stop themselves from trying to get you to Respect Their Authority™, and they cannot see that it will literally never happen.

Like it's obvious that he's mocking them, and they can't let it go because they actually think he's being serious.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +6 / -3

This is doubly infuriating when you're an ancap and understand that the government, no matter who is "voted" in, will ever limit itself. But hey, every election is the most important in history and you MUST engage in the humiliation ceremony of voting for the "lesser" evil that, even if you "win", will still result in you losing more and more and more.

The only winning move is to not play, and to reject authority.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +22 / -1

The best modern "art" I've ever come across is early videogame soundtracks. Uematsu is unironically the best composer of our time.

I can't remember where I saw it, but someone was lambasting the death of progression in the classical music genre, AKA symphonies and stuff like that, before someone else chimed up and said that all major progression or further exploration of that genre in the modern era has been in video game soundtracks. Even modern soundtracks are doing more for symphonic music than anyone else. I think Nier Automata is a decent example of that.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +8 / -2

When? No really, when? I know that shit like this gets called out for being "fedposting" (and for good reason), but the tyranny has been going on for decades, and any time anyone does even something remotely anti-tyranny, they more often than not get abandoned as some "lone wolf". So when are "The People" going to stand against this tyranny? Because it seems most people are more than capable of submitting to tyranny, rather than fighting against it.

Of course, we all know that this won't happen, nor will changing that reality happen overnight. But the idea that there will be some resistance against tyranny is nothing more than naivety, when tyranny has been embraced for decades.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1


Oh, you sweet summer child. You unironically think the government still gives a shit like "permission" for the vast majority of people.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't HAVE to justify myself before you

Feels like you have that urge though.

B: It is thanks to scum like YOU that the native faiths of our forebears are in tatters

Not really. That would be neo Pagans like yourself being jokes. You behave like dipshits and then wonder why you get treated with the kiddy gloves.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

who cannot comprehend that there are other faiths and that there are people who follow other faiths (impossible)

It's not that hard to comprehend, we just think you're pathetic. Interesting that you're seeking "muh validity".

We were here first and we still exist.

Picking up the pieces of dead mysticism and enjoying "the cool parts" while ignoring all other aspects of Paganism only reveals that you're a larping tryhard. Doubly so when a significant portion of paganism is obese bluehairs casting spells on twitter. Guess that's where your search for validation comes from.

AccountWasFree 36 points ago +37 / -1

Wait, I thought that "representation" was important because people were meant to only relate to people who are like them. Why would anyone straight go to watch a movie they have nothing in relation to?

That is unless of course in-group biases are wrong. But I'm sure Eichner will be admitting that aaaaaannnnnyyyyy day now.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

Pagans stop being massive faggots challenge (impossible)

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +3 / -2

Actual, unironic Nazis that are well established within the military? Not a problem, who even cares about Azov Battalion?

Christians showing empathy and support for their fellow soldiers? Outrageous, they're barely even human!

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Desistance rates after puberty show that the vast majority will be fine. So yeah, I'm fine with saving the majority of children from predatory pharma seeking to make them permanent cash cows. And that's not even touching the suicide of non-trans people being pushed to suicide by urging them to transition under the lie that it will help them.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's fair. I think their biggest problem was a lack of really utilising the villains they made. The Styne's were an amazingly interesting idea, and for them to have lasted a grand total of 3 episodes (over a grand total of a 5 episode span) did them dirty as a concept. It had potential, and then it was gone before it could be used.

That's probably the biggest issue with later Supernatural, a weird choice of which villains they chose to focus on. They had the Styne's and chose to focus on Rowena. They had Dagon, and chose to focus on the British Men of Letters. They had Asmodeus, and chose to focus on the Alternate World. It just felt like weird priorities.

I know it sounds like I'm downplaying a lot of it, because I liked Jack and there was a lot of potential with so many other characters or concepts, but then it's no explored and it's more annoying because now it feels wasted. Everyone who I know liked Supernatural and kept watching loved the idea of the Styne's, but they only last 3 episodes. It was beyond wasted, and it's not the only concept that was wasted. And I think that's what annoys me most, was just how much was wasted in favour of lesser ideas.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Like I said, there are decent plotlines afterwards, but I still don't necessarily think it's worth it. Metatron was probably the most interesting post S5 content, and I don't think it's worth wading through 6 and 7 all for Metatron. Then you have the Amara plotline, the British Men of Letters and then the (in my opinion) lazy Alternate Worlds crap. Jack is decent and interesting, but again, it's not worth it.

I can't recommend wading through 10 more seasons of mediocrity just so that a person can watch the 3 of those seasons that are decent. Not great seasons, but decent. I don't see the cost:reward ratio being worth it.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +11 / -1

Season 1-5 is all that really matters, and was what the original creator only ever originally intended for the show. Everything after that is fanfic tier and Tumblr pandering. And while there are decent episodes, characters and plotlines after those seasons, it's not really worth it.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hang on, it depends where he's up to. It gets better until the end of season 5. Then it turns into fanfic and Tumblr pandering.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

About what? What my blog is? I probably won't give it here, but if you want a starter point to see some of the anti-sjw side of things, there are a few blogs I'd mention. Also depends on what you're after, whether it's general anti-SJW, ancaps, neocons, boomer-cons etc. And that's just the more normal options, there's some that are quite out there without being totally pozzed, including unironic monarchists or fascists. That said, it's worth noting that the origins of the anti-SJW sphere on Tumblr was left wing, just less insane than the SocJus retards. As a result, there is also plenty of "classical liberals" (and a healthy dose of TDS faggots) that lost a lot of their influence and pretty much went insane when they lost their internet popularity (And no, that's not that much of an exaggeration, there are plenty that have basically "switched sides" out of spite, showing they never had principles in the first place).

But the general consensus across Tumblr, regardless of political or ideological affiliation, pretty much mirrors anti-immigration rhetoric: "Fuck off, we're full, we don't want you here". And frankly, I not only respect the decentralised gatekeeping that Tumblr as a whole not only engages in (much to the annoyance of staff), but that it actually works. Plenty of Tumblr users are pozzed degenerate trash, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and this is one of those times.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +12 / -1

As someone who is a part of the anti-SJW side of Tumblr, shit isn't going to change.

For starters, the rules haven't actually changed, this is almost definitely a way to avoid developing AI censorship and pushing it onto users and banning people who don't use the new self tagging system.

Secondly, most of the Tumblr users, on all sides, do not want the people who left to come back, because even the degenerates that stayed ended up realising how much better it was without the rest once they left.

If you find the right crowd on Tumblr, it's actually pretty decent. The shitty moderation of staff make it incredibly easy to remake a blog and just get back most of your followers because you can pretty quickly find each other.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +14 / -1

As per usual, these groups love to lie. In this, we see "remove a diversity resource list" as being on par with "banning".

Establishment shills will always lie about what actually occurs. Lie to boost their perception, and lie to demonise their opposition.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Interesting that these losers are only interested in game after decades of what is (as per their assertion) "white males games". It's almost like they only cared after it became successful and popular within the mainstream, while for years they mocked and derided nerds and geeks for not being part of the mainstream. Funny how that happened.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sounds like you're embracing being wilfully ignorant because you don't care for the topic.

You're not the mainstream opinion. None of us are. We don't beat the established narrative by ignoring it.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

designed to kill people

Yes. They are. That's the point. To kill those that wish to do me harm. If you're owning a gun solely for chuckles, you're owning a gun for the wrong reason. It's not necessarily a bad reason, but it's the wrong one.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

God damn, that sounds like it's a bad impression from something like White Chicks. That's just sad.

by folx
AccountWasFree 20 points ago +21 / -1

I was shocked they went after To Kill a Mockingbird

I'm not. SocJus loves the power they have with false accusations.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can make more physical backups, DVD burning isn't exactly the hardest thing to get into (compared to decades gone by with things like VHS), but I do get what you mean.

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