The lack of competing grids is itself the result of regulation. That makes it inherently excluded from being "natural", due to government control over the supply of market competition.
You can support this, you can oppose this, it ultimately doesn't really matter where you stand on it. But it's not a natural monopoly.
I think the issue is that as difficult as game design can be, it's still not as difficult as many within the industry make it out to be. And it should be noted that many of the biggest successes in recent history either started or were overwhelmingly single person efforts. Things like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Papers Please, Undertale, FNAF, Spelunky, Braid, and plenty more. And no, these games aren't the pinnacle of game design, and they're not for everyone. They're also the exception for success. But the idea that it's some gargantuan task that cannot be achieved, considering just how many have happened over the past 15+ years? Well, it's just a bit silly to discount it. And sure, many will fail. Most will probably barely get any traction (just take a look at to see what I mean there). But if you're a creative type and you want to make something, why not try? Hell, even if you're not a creative type, why not try something? There are more resources now than ever before. So why not cut your teeth on something and have a little fun making what you want?
Missy was definitely testing the waters to see if they could get away with the whole gender change stuff for Time Lords. And that too sucks because they got really lucky by having an actress that did a pretty good job of the character. That said, they did do the predictable thing of trying to redeem The Master/Missy, but only for the female version, and once the Master regenerated again, he was back to being full blown evil because he was a man.
But yeah, going off with someone like The Rani, or a new original character, River, or even someone like Jenny from The Doctor's Daughter would have been better than this, and if I'm honest, better than Whittaker. She might be able to do other scenes really well, but even for the good episodes, her acting is still subpar for the type of shop Doctor Who ultimately is.
I admit, I did watch Jodie's finale months later out of curiosity with bringing the other Doctors back, and what annoyed me was that it wasn't a terrible episode. It wasn't great, but it was at least passable, and it was annoying because it showed they were capable of something of acceptable quality and continually fucked it up over and over and over instead.
As annoying as Bill was, I didn't mind her season, because it brought Capaldi back into the limelight a little more compared to with Clara who Moffat kept pushing further and further to being someone on par with the Doctor, and it was just completely retarded.
So yeah, Bill was annoying, but her ineptitude let The Doctor be The Doctor again, rather than taking a back seat like in seasons prior to that.
And yeah, shame what happened with Dr Who. Maybe I'll be wrong and RTD will fix it, but I highly HIGHLY doubt that with his history (writer for fag-fest "It's A Sin") and the abysmal casting choices.
Kinda sucks that Dr Who is probably going to go through that very soon with the Tennant episodes come up.
It's actually surprising how many elsewhere are defending this. I even went looking for other remasters that were close to their original release, and all that I found going back to 2015 were also major porting opportunities, like Persona 5. This really is disgraceful levels of money grabbing, and people are lapping it up with the "but it's just a $10 upgrade" crap, as if that isn't still money grubbing.
Can't boycott what I was never intending to buy.
I can guarantee that "man" is not happy in the slightest. They might get the occasional thrill, but happiness is foreign to them.
To be fair, Gman has been on that trajectory for a while. Never quite as blatant with the pearl clutching, but still.
Aaaand a quick look at your scored posting history shows you're an unironic nutter. There's no help that exists that could help you.
YOU might not be innately good, but you don't get to speak for the rest of humanity. May God have mercy on you.
"Yes, we recognise that government is the problem as they have willingly and knowingly abused us, but the solution here is to give the government more power"
Statists are and always will be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, no exception. Yes, that does include the usual woke crowd on woke topics, but to be fair, practically all of them are statist themselves, and doubly so if they self describe themselves as "anarchist" communists.
The byline alone gives it away. You don't become Christian for such a self-serving reason as "civilisational war". You become Christian because you believe it to be the righteous path as God intended. Anything so worldly is a dead giveaway that someone is nowhere near Christian and is looking to manipulate those that either are or interested in being such.
This is definitely clear cut propaganda. I'm surprised how blatant it really is, and so few are seeing it.
If I'm honest, I could excuse a minor wipe of the lore, but they should have just picked the best stories and kept them. Because the EU wasn't perfect, but there was a lot that should have been kept.
If you like classic EU content (Or "Legends" as it's now called), then I would recommend the Bane novels. I'm currently on the second one at the moment, and the first was enjoyable and works as a standalone story with a hook simply to continue the story without being a cliffhanger. Definitely an interesting look into the Dark Side where most stories focus on the Light Side.
Not massively into reading, but currently reading Dune, prior to that it was The Hobbit.
I am more into audiobooks, currently listening to the Star Wars Bane Trilogy (it's pre-Disney content, and it's decent for easy listening). Prior to that, I was listening to some Lovecraft, specifically The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. I want to listen to I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream next, especially since it's available for free on YouTube and read by Ellis himself. I love when I can listen to the author read their own books, because it tends to be better regarding intended tone, even if their performance skill is lesser.
In this thread: No, you're the [insert Other Side™ Term here]-fag!!!
I know that there's a divide here among those that like to focus on Jews and those that like to ignore anything to do with that, but come on. This is peak in-fighting if ever there was.
I don't hate the idea of something being popular, I hate the idea of it not being properly gatekept. Unfortunately, the more popular something becomes, the less likely people at large will step up and weed out the people who have no love for the hobby.
Maybe I'm still holding onto some hopeful naivety, but there must be some out there that are in fact like that, where they themselves were naive and allowed themselves to be fooled, and are willing to realise the harm they've caused. And for those that I hope exist, I do feel somewhat sorry for them. It sucks to have good intentions lead to harm.
However, with that said: good intention and even legitimate repentance doesn't mean a person shouldn't be punished. There's always the debate of punitive vs reformative when it comes to the idea of justice, and while I certainly see the importance of reformation, punishment must still be a part of that process. And this is no exception. She wilfully harmed those children, and for that she must face some form of punishment. Excusing the complicity and facilitation of such abuses can never be on the table.
A good start would be the elimination of government interference. "Too big to fail" and monopolies are pretty much entirely maintained through government interference in one way or another, from bailouts to pricing out competition though regulations.
It's why the medical industry, specifically pharma, is such a fucking insidious shitshow of unchecked evil, and it's primarily through the regulations surrounding patents. Insulin is fucking easy to make. People have done it safely in their fucking garage, that's how easy it is. But it's ridiculously over-priced and the only places it's "cheaper" is with subsidies (meaning it's still the same price, just that the government (AKA tax payers) pays most of the bill).
You wanna stop the "infinite growth"? Allow the companies to fail, and the competition to succeed.
I dunno.... there's still the possibility he could be Dopey.
Because they think that beauty can only possibly hold sexual connotations, and nothing else.
IIRC, it was basically by acknowledging that the message was seen, then entirely ignored it. He didn't make a big deal about it and within about 3 days, people had moved on. And IIRC it was about troon shit or something similar.
Remember, making a deal out of it will lead to more attention. Ignoring it and making it as irrelevant as possible, treating it with apathy, is the best course of action when you're already successful like Tynan was.
If anything, they have explicitly enforced monopolies time and again. The medical industry within the US (and abroad thanks to other governments) is an infamous oligopoly with little to no competition (leading to inflated prices). Then there's the US Postal Service and the American Letter Mail Company which was explicitly outlawed because it was so thoroughly outperforming the USPS for a fraction of the cost.
And in fact, when income taxes and the sort are in play, there's little incentive to actually break up any sort of monopoly or oligopoly. Think about it: It's guaranteed income with lesser chances of failing. It's steady and reliable income for the state. And that doesn't even touch the money laundering that is lobbying.