AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

All you need to say to that is pretty simple: "And what if this isn't different?"

The issue should never be doubt. The issue should always be those that blindly support. To err on the side of caution is not just human, but the right approach to just about anything.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump and Reagan really are the perfect examples of how todays Republicans are yesterdays Democrats.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

For the sake of a Devil's Advocate and assuming Disney aren't filthy liars, could this be due to demographical breakdown, with Hasbro knowing that the vast majority of that 14 million are a bunch of low income adults that are consooming the latest media property and nothing else?

Even with 14 million viewers, if I knew that the demographic was overwhelmingly a bunch of people who aren't going to touch action figures, not an unreasonable belief considering most hardcore adult fans that would collect the toys are done with SW, and most kids don't give a shit about a dying franchise, regardless of how much some soulless corporation pumps money into it, from before they were born, then I too wouldn't be making these things because the obvious point is "who the fuck is going to buy it".

Of course Disney is definitely lying, possibly even to the point of lying to Hasbro too, but even that lie wouldn't translate into toy sales because as Hasbro has said there's a lack of demand. The only people watching this tripe is middle-aged losers chasing their youth though consumption. They've become the equivalent of soap opera watchers, religiously watching their low quality dramas with religious fervour, but very little financial investment.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

OP, stop hate watching. I don't care if you're pirating or not, just stop giving this shit any oxygen at all. Let it die from apathy.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

What has happened to us that there are people who truly argue for teachers bringing their sexuality, sex lives, and personal lives into the classroom?

Low value people took hold of the idea that they could hold value intrinsically (through an identity), rather than through actually holding value (like being capable of teaching others). It's about losers trying to gain acceptance, rather than having to earn it. It's about validation.

And if I had to take a guess, I'd suggest that this GenZ/Millenial/whatever coworker is another low value loser that needs these identities in some form to feel successful, rather than ever make themselves better and actually succeed. The real life implementation of the Participation Award.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Took me a while to sit down and watch it, but I finally did. I think it was pretty decent given the material they had to work with, and it's definitely an improvement showing the films in this way as one conjoined work, though it doesn't suddenly make the bad writing in either good, just more coherent.

Something I am curious about is how well it would be received by someone who hasn't seen both Prometheus/Covenant and went into Paradise blind. The first half of the film is a bit rough in my opinion due to the constant cutting back and forth between Prometheus (the past) and Covenant (the future), and while I had no issue following those constant shifts, I do wonder how someone who doesn't know these films would go with keeping up.

I remember watching RLM for their Rise of Skywalker video and one of them used the line "Did they spin straw into bronze", a joke about JJ making the best of what he could with the trash he was supplied with, and I think that's a similar case here. The base content of Prometheus and Covenant is trash and no amount of editing will suddenly make that good, but this fan edit has made the best of what he had to work with. It's an improvement, but it doesn't make it good.

Overall, if I ever feel the need to self-harm and want to rewatch either Prometheus or Covenant, I probably will just watch Paradise instead. Or I could just watch a good movie instead. But either way, it was interesting to watch and get given a different take on the presentation of the films.

AccountWasFree 64 points ago +65 / -1

Rape is evil, and it is a bit reductive to say it's "a single, brief event, possibly only lasting minutes", since trauma is legitimately a thing and people process that differently.

But that goes hand in hand with the alternative posed here. It's traumatic to be betrayed, harmed and taken advantage of. It's also traumatic to be abandoned by the supposed justice systems that are meant to protect the innocent.

And I think this is the issue people have here. They are so used to and ingrained with the idea of Good vs Evil, that any supposed lesser evil is somehow a statement that it's actually not evil at all and is actually good. And that's simply not true. These are two very clear evils, and some people cannot process the idea that saying "this one does more harm" is not a statement in defence of the other.

Binary thinking and false dichotomies have been a disaster for people who think themselves smart but only ever repeat the status quo.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly, while I vehemently disagree with Mignola politically, so long as his comics stay away from politics, especially since Hellboy and that universe has so little to do with politics, I can somewhat respect that.

Yes, the author themselves might be a little divisive, but if he's capable of separating his main art outside of a doodle or two (that holds zero actual bearing on the actual content), then I personally can let that slide. A major part of the culture war that's taking place in gaming and related is because people were getting fed up with shoehorned politics in (overwhelmingly nerd) media. If Mignola isn't doing that, I don't have as much of a problem. But maybe that's just me.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

I never finished BPRD and don't remember where I got up to, but I don't remember anything explicitly political. Could be misremembering, could be something that I didn't have context about, but the comics themselves seem to be alright.

But yeah, Mignola is a Cali fuckwit. Sad, but not unpredictable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gold only held value due to the rarity as a stand-in for currency. That was it. It was used to represent value, but it itself was not valuable outside of it's rarity and limited status which allowed for it's value to remain relatively fixed due to a mostly static supply. New gold could be discovered, but rarely enough to truly alter its value. This is what gave gold it's value over other commodities. Most other goods were either in abundance or more could be made. Having a natural resource that couldn't be massively expanded resulted in a currency that maintained it value as per supply vs demand.

And currency of any kind is nothing more than a representation of value, often now associated with labour. That's why any Standard (most often idealised as the Gold Standard), where you tie something tangible to a currency (so as to not be fiat) is considered rather important by most economists that aren't blitheringly retarded.

hold value because they....hold value

Whew, that's some brilliant circular reasoning. Don't hurt yourself on that one.

My point is that investing your dollars into yourself (and those directly around you, eg family) is a far better investment long term than anything else. Gold is only valuable so far as someone else wants it. If nobody else wants it because it holds no actual usage for them, then your gold is worthless. A shiny and rare trinket to admire, sure, but no usage beyond that. I could just as easily buy an NFT and claim the same thing, but the reality is that NFTs could only hold value if there were people willing to buy them. And when it's getting to a situation where banks are starting to control more and more and more of how people spend, people aren't going to care about using gold, they're going to care about getting the things they need, like clothing, furniture, shelter, food, water, medicine, etc. A shiny metal that can be made into a ring or necklace isn't of much value when those are the priorities. And if you have the skills to be able to provide those things, you're going to be a very valuable person that won't struggle for much as a result.

Gold is a meme for faux-preppers that think they'll outlast a nuclear apocalypse but have no idea how to make a splint for a broken bone, couldn't grow a tomato to save their life, and thinks their 23 rifles are going to make them into the local warlord so they'll be fine. You wanna be prepared? Make yourself valuable. Doesn't matter if it's an apocalypse, economic downturn, or if things are going great. The more you invest in yourself, the more valuable you are. Don't be a low value person when you have the means to better yourself.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meat is a big thing to be able to have, and if you can hunt and fill a freezer, that can last a good few months just for yourself. If you can hunt and sell/barter/swap with others, that will be insanely valuable.

Freezers, and general meal prep, is a MAJOR cornerstone of any sort of frugal living and should always be incorporated into efforts at self-sustainability. There are going to be days you won't feel like doing much. There are going to be days when you're too busy. Not having to worry about your next meal alleviates a lot of pressure.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make yourself valuable, rather try and hold value in finances.

Another user pointed out buying tools and appliances, but you'll also want to invest in yourself to make the most of said things. One that some people might not think of (especially outside America) is also getting a gun and getting into hunting. Hunting your own meat can be a massive financial saving, though you'll need to invest in a decent sized freezer to be able to store the meat from the carcass, along with ensuring you know how to strip and prep the animal for all the various cuts.

Don't have the money to buy gold in the first place

Gold only holds value if it has a use. In a true collapse, nobody is going to give two shits about gold, because while it holds a modern use in electronics, most people won't be able to manufacture that in a collapse. What they are going to care about is food, goods and services that they can use.

There are a lot of resources out there about homesteading, and how to get the most output out of small areas. IIRC, an acre or so can provide for many with the right setup. And while you want to be independent, you don't need to be. Start small, start alleviating pressure. Don't try and do everything all at once, grow with your skills not with what you want. You over-expand and you'll burn yourself out. It's not so much a skill as it's trying to foster new habits. And I'm not going to pretend you'll have access to an acre of land, but you plan according to what you and your associates can manage. Your associates? As someone else pointed out, make friends with your neighbours. Get involved, and do simple things like swap excess produce. For example, if someone has room for chickens, and you have room for bees, swap eggs for honey. You grow tomatoes and they grow carrots? Swap 'em! Get involved, or build, a community. Get others involved, and get them motivated with you.

I know that I've posted a fair bit of information here, and it's easy to get bogged down. But the key points are to begin small, one step at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. You're still in college, so you don't have an excess of free time, so you'll be forced to start small. It's also good to find what works for you. Some things, like beekeeping, can also have some rules and regulations depending on nation (Australia for example used to be very strict (and still mostly are) since they were trying to keep out a rather dangerous mite that up until this year was virtually only ever seen at border control), so it's not terrible to look things up, but most will be fine.

Also, look into what is a necessity and what isn't. Things like gold and silver do have value, but they're not necessities. In a collapse, people can live without them. Sure, they might return as a form of currency, but that's just a representation of value and not value itself. Gold/Silver holds little usefulness outside of being a representation. Skills and needed goods (like food) inherently hold value as they are needed for life.

This is essentially taking up a new way of life. It doesn't need to be all at once. It doesn't even need to be all of it. You could simply find that you like growing a couple veggies and that's about it. Maybe you want some chickens and nothing else. These are things that can just take the load off and alleviate pressure because it's just one less cost. Or it could legitimately grow into a passion and you get more and more independent and self-sustaining as you get into more and more elements. You're free to pick and choose on your own schedule, and scale it as per your desires. And most importantly, have fun. This should be a way of life, and you can't be hating it. If you're not enjoying it, you need to look at something you will enjoy that will alleviate pressure.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

This bylaw is hurting my feelings, so I get to sue the councilors that pushed this horseshit, right?

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

>"cant" afford housing > can definitely afford lawyers for a lawsuit

Sounds like someone pushing a grift.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

Race had nothing to do with it, and while I get it was annoying to get doused, any possibility of being in the legal right should be taken away for being such a bunch of pathetic fucking babies that your first instinct is to play the race card.

But then again, they want to be victims. Doesn't matter that these are doctors and similar. Doesn't matter that they're successful enough to have a yard in Queens. All that matters is that they want that sweet sweet currency that only victimhood can provide.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aussie still in the country: It really is. Both the coast and the inland is an amazing nation to travel around. Which is why it's such a shame just how much of this place is so utterly fucked through the actions of politicians, and the inaction/compliance of the populace.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

I feel like he played a compelling Dumbledore, though it wasn't truly what the books tried to describe Dumbledore as. He definitely brought his own energy to the character, for better or for worse.

Regardless, he'll be missed for the amazing performances he provided.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just don't know if I could forgive people like that if they don't speak out.

Well that's the thing, I don't think I can forgive them either, but I can at least be understanding and sorry for the predicament, even if they put themselves in that situation. Which is why I also don't blame any individual for not wanting to constantly bring up something which could be legitimately traumatic (and I hate the fact using that word makes me feel like it's SocJus language when they've just twisted it so much). For many that don't speak up or even try to defend their abortions, I think it's a coping mechanism to avoid the reality of having to come to terms with the reality that they chose to end an innocent life, because having to face such a reality could utterly destroy them from the inside.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm a firm believer a lot of these businesses were already running out of steam already and tried to go woke to appeal to shit like ESG to stay afloat.

As another user already pointing out referring to Razorfist, that's why it's less "go woke, get broke", and more "go broke, get woke, ultimately croak".

Going woke is their attempt to save money/business. The reality is that it's not demographics and pandering that's the issue. The sad reality that not too many are looking at is that these industries simply aren't viable anymore, certainly not in the way they used to be.

I wish we could go back to the business models of the 90s and early 2000s, but most of these industries have stagnated and those models weren't working. Even the models from the 2010 for publications wasn't sustainable, it was just haemorrhaging less.

These publications and companies are not going to be viable forever. Nor should they be. They've lived too long, and it's time for new content. And I don't mean modernised content, I mean original works that have actual good ideas. These need to be promoted rather than relying on some handfuls of established IPs that are held by a handful of corporations that care nothing for the content and only for the profit.

Markets need to be viable for these companies to survive, otherwise they will keep trying these tactics to get any amount of money possible.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually feel sorry for them. Because I know that for the vast majority of those "lions", it's a coping projection. They know they fucked up. They know they ended an innocent. And they need to convince others that they made the right choice, so that they can convince themselves they made the right choice. Because otherwise, they'd not be able to sleep at night. Someone who is fine with their actions doesn't need to seek the approval of the masses.

Abortion regret is massive. Even the ones that say they don't regret it, regret it deep down. There's only a small sliver that actually don't, that are truly evil. And while those that lie help spread more evil, I feel sorry for them because of the predicament they put themselves in. Not enough for forgiveness, but in the same way I feel sorry for how a junky has put themselves in that situation, hoping they can get better while never forgiving the actions they took (though the obvious difference between the two examples is that one requires someone to take a life, the other doesn't).

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

The only thing that the purge got even mildly right is some of the vigilantism and revenge shit that would happen.

But yeah, there would be virtually none of the anti-social crap and anyone trying to go off by themselves would be ended pretty soon.

For a film about no laws, it focuses entirely on murder and murder alone. There's no real theft that isn't the most petty of petty, there's no sex crimes, nothing truly selfish, just violence for the sake of violence. It's a very myopic and misanthropic view of humanity

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

pro-choicers would win

I love these little posts where it shows just how ignorant they are on the topic.

For the majority, abortion is a topic they recluse themselves from and don't take a stance either way. But what's interesting is that a significant portion of males who support abortion do so solely because "it doesn't effect them", meaning it's not at all a principled stance. However, even with those numbers, the two sides are more often than not pretty equal in numbers when it comes down to votes/surveys. The key difference being of course that most of the pro-life crowd are principled stances that have thought about the issue at length, while the pro-abortion crowd has a significant portion that simply go with the flow of the media backed message.

If it was an informed vote, pro-choicers would lose pretty much every time.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +10 / -2

"standing against boys in girls bathrooms/changerooms is simping"

Are you alright there? Need a little help with basic functions? Only ask because it seems like you might be severely mentally impaired.

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