AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try reading old pulpy romance stories. You'd be surprised how many involve some element of force. Not rape per se, but consent is a very distant consideration.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love how this betrays how utterly stupid the woman is for seeking validation, while trying to blame the man for "failing" some stupid, arbitrary hurdle that she says is a "simple fixable problem", but everyone can see it's her own irrationality that put this "problem" there in the first place.

If you're dating someone and they need validation like that? Leave. Seriously, dodge the bullet. Because it's not worth it. Anyone who would take a good morning text as some weird ritual of adoration does not ultimately love you.

But then again, the idea of love is totally lost on most people and struggle to understand the idea of being comfortable with another person for constantly seeking validation and approval from the person who you are supposed to love.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least my way is consensual, I mean straight to rape fantasies?

You'd be surprised how common rape fantasies are among women. Obvious "not all X", but it's much higher than most think it is.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're not wrong, but I just think that that era for Biden was some of his most charismatic too, which does take a level of intelligence to quickly read the room and behave accordingly. Now he can barely keep a thought straight.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

Of course Theoden was once a good man

As you say, Biden was never this, but I truly cannot comprehend how people can look at footage of Biden from the 90s and early 00s, and not think this man is a husk that has lost a LOT of mental acquity. Hell, here's a random video from 1992, and he wasn't young there, that's still him at 50. This is not the same man we see today.

Biden was never a good man, but he was at least capable of intelligence.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not bothered to go through it all, but last time I saw this, I think the majority of these things were either very much part of a team, outright lies, or patent squatting on an idea already created but altered and then never actually realised.

But this was also years ago that I saw this, so I could be misremembering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

And how much did those parents both sacrifice for those kids, and how many luxuries were there? Do you think that they had all kinds of cable and on-demand services all the time? Do you think they had AC running practically 24/7? Hell, do you think they moved into established neighbourhoods? Definitely not! They sacrificed, scrimped, and saved, and because you were a child, you saw virtually none of it. You remember the good times. The comforts your parents afforded you.

I absolutely detest these kinds of posts, because they're so utterly blind to just how far we've come. These losers want the "securities" of the past (absolutely hilarious statement), but REFUSE to live to the same standards of decades gone by. That means less electricity usage, less sq/m in a house, less services, no subscription bullshit, and just a complete lack of most modern luxuries that have become common place. The harsh reality is that the vast majority of people absolutely spend far more than they need to. Even something as relatively mundane as their phone they spend too much on.

YOU need to lower your standards and look at the negatives (compared to now) of that time before demanding the positives.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

It is, but I think we have to remember that there are people out there who don't know these things or how they work. Having an article like this is actually pretty damn helpful to show and share with people who are out of the loop on the finer details of this stuff. It's important that people know this, and just presuming that they already know it because a lot of us know it isn't beneficial in the long term.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

Sucking off an ever expanding state is not based, and never will be, especially when those expanding powers will very quickly be used against you.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's what I mean by "writers that rely upon subverting expectations".

There's nothing wrong with twists. Twists are generally good. The problem arises when a writer relies solely on twists as their bread and butter as a marker of quality.

Twists are just one tool in a writers repertoire. Ignoring the other tools available can only lead to substandard stories.

AccountWasFree 39 points ago +39 / -0

It's something that so many people still cannot accept: Martin is and always was a hack. All writers that rely upon "subverting expectations" are terrible. Do you think Tolkien was interested in "subverting expectations"? Do you think Shelley was? Lewis, Barrie, Stoker, Carroll, etc, etc, etc.

Great authors don't look to subvert those that came before them. They simply wish to be among them, even if they often don't think they could be.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that it's a "new message" that wasn't yet sent to herself aside........

"Americans want a choice in this election"

So what choice do you provide Nikki? Because if you win the primary, it's going to be establishment crony against establishment crony. I don't see a choice there.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whole lot of words for what boils down to "I don't care what people here think". Which is funny, because either it's a bold faced lie, since pretty much all of what you post is essentially Op Ed tier content that's looking to share your opinion and get responses, or it's bait like this post here which inherently is attention seeking behaviour. I don't see you looking to earnestly discuss ideas for their merit here. I don't see you sharing things you simply find interesting. It's all based around how others would respond.

and if you don't understand i'll just stop responding to you

I doubt you would stop. Because if that was the standard for you to not respond to me, you wouldn't be posting on this site either, because that's the treatment you're already receiving by pretty much everyone here outside a very very small circle of people that are considered losers by everyone else.

So no, I don't take you at face value. Because your behaviour and antics, like posting bait like this post, speak far far louder than what you claim to be like.

You want to be taken seriously, but you take measure to ensure people won't take you seriously. I can't take that at face value because to do so would have to assume you're the dumbest motherfucker out there that is ultimately looking to self sabotage.

So which do you want to be assumed to be? A really, really stupid person? Or someone malicious deliberately looking to antagonise others? People already treat you like both. Because if you want me to take you at face value, it's the former every time. And I don't want to assume you're that stupid, especially when you've got a clear history here of being antagonistic.

AccountWasFree 29 points ago +29 / -0

It truly is amazing just how myopic these losers really are. They harp on and on and on about the evils of slavery, but only in the nations that actually abolished slavery. These people are DEATHLY silent about the slave trade that exists essentially unchecked in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, unless it specifically is about women and even then that only gets a fucking footnote for some lip service.

Hell, the majority of the time the very few that do acknowledge the slavery abroad STILL try to blame the west and "muh capitalism" and make it out like people are forcing them to buy products from slave labour. Even then it's about vilifying everyone else except the slavers, because god forbid they actually prioritised local business so slavery wasn't financially beneficial. But that's personal accountability.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

For some reason woke people tend to just rephrase their arguments several times in a row to make it sound like they have more to say.

To be fair to those who don't really deserve it, there is an element of youtube algorithm to it as well. Though that only explains ~10 minutes, not 17 minutes.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could argue a lot of the comments here are pointless. Most people here agree on a lot of points. Not everything, but a lot. But that doesn't mean discussion still can't happen.

Though I find it odd to get a response like this from refocusing on the victims and the importance of saving them, instead of what amounts to a nice two minutes of hate. Without the motivation of something actually worth saving (in this case innocent children), then what point is there through the posturing of how disgusting and vile trannies ultimately are?

These freaks deserve to be reviled for their actions, but the victims should not be forgotten in the pursuit of justice, something that I think too many people do forget about.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everyone on a subconscious level, even the SocJus retards, know about how bad it's getting with self-censorship online. Everyone does it. And nearly everyone groans at it. A perfect non-politically motivated example is pretty much any video format refusing to allow people to talk about suicide and having to call it stupid things like "unaliving" or childish homonyms like "sewer slide" to get around the censors. And despite everyone hating the ridiculous censorship, the vast majority out there simply accept it. They use the stupid accepted newspeak like "unaliving" or "sewer slide".

So yeah, people are getting fed up with content moderation. The fact this is something that is even on the table for adults is ridiculous. That another person can have any sort of right to dictate what you can and cannot see. And what's worse are the absolute fucking retards that come along and say "muh private company", as if that's any moral argument at all. We don't allow private individuals to infringe on any other right, so why is infringing upon speech so routinely defended? Because that's the status quo.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is more reason to crack down hard on the participants, not less.

And where do you think I've said they should be cracked down on less? Being a victim doesn't excuse, exonerate, or deduct from the abuse they commit. It's not a tally against one another. It's a point about the vile nature of the situation. A reminder that to not help the victims now is to allow the abuse to manifest for the next generation.

The abusers exist as a reminder as to what happens when victims are not helped. Because as much as I would love to see abusers punished, I would much rather see victims saved before they too become abusers. Because sadly, that's how it works.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just to make it clear, you're not interested in legitimate and earnest responses to you? Or is it only when they deconstruct what you're doing and how that harms yourself?

Because it seems far more likely to be the latter as you continually try to be a snide jackass despite those that still give you any time of day.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that's the thing: They too were once the victims. And the victims at the moment are, most likely, going to end up doing the same things as these people right now.

Again, it doesn't excuse them. I still think they need to face repercussions for their actions. But it needs to be clear at just how insidious the whole situation really is, at just how self-perpetuating it becomes.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because handouts are not bettering themselves.

In fact, you can see this in both the personal level, like the above video, where there's someone in college who can barely fucking read, to the macro level. A brilliant example of this is the various charities for nations like Africa that has resulted in mass corruption and laziness because "others will solve the problem and pay us while doing it".

Handouts are not bettering. Handouts, while sometimes needed in extenuating circumstances, overwhelmingly results in LESS capability, not more.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

And subhumans like yourself cheer when groups of black people act like animals and tear up their own communities.

You THRIVE on black people keeping themselves down. Which is why you're focusing on this black person telling you that self betterment is available to all, and should be held in high standard.

The bigotry of low expectations is nothing new. The fact subconsciously you think black people are inherently inferior and cannot attain the same betterment as white people is your own failing, not ours.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, you don't have empathy. You have an excess of sympathy that blinds you the reality of everything around. Caring about others to the point of actually ignoring their wellbeing is not empathy.

You don't tell people with depression to self harm and cut their wrists because "it makes them feel good", and transgenderism is no different.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I'm honest, I also feel sorry for them as well. Definitely repulsed and disgusted, but nearly all of them also faced sexual abuse growing up. There's a clear connection, and it follows the same pattern as all other forms of abuse, that those who abuse others were most often also abused themselves. It's why it's called a cycle. And troon grooming is no different.

It doesn't excuse their abuse, just like it doesn't excuse any other abuse. I just wish they had gotten the proper help they needed instead of falling into the lap of being pharma pigs that are sapped of their money and made into mutated freaks that are obsessed with sexual gratification. Because then maybe, and maybe it's naive on my part, they could have not turned out like they did and not ended up abusing others as well.

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