ACanadianGoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lmao you must be high.

There was a time, like WWI and WWII when the Canadian armed forces were world class. But now, our army, navy and air force are bad jokes compared to what we used to be. There is simply no way you can say, with a straight face, that the average Canadian soldier can fight off enemy combatants at a 4:1 disadvantage unless you're retarded.

ACanadianGoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I would enjoy the subsequent seething and gnashing of teeth that shutting Reddit down would cause, I also don't want Redditors coming to the places I left Reddit for.

ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

You need to be willfully blind to the last 10 years, at minimum, of leftists calling for anyone they deem a fascist/Nazi (or, more accurately, anyone to the right of them) to be rounded up and put into re-education camps at best, or killed at worst.

Just the lockdowns, or the Floyd riots, or the number of leftists celebrating the death of Corey Comperatore should have lifted the veil if you were honest.

ACanadianGoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I object to these Canadians suddenly having national pride. For decades now the only thing my faggot countrymen has pride in was being opposed to what the CBC would label as American.

Then, when Trudeau and Freeland were running roughshod over Canadian lives, businesses and natural rights not one of these fickle fags ever raised a voice in objection to the government abusing their powers. Not one of them said anything when countless Catholic churches were burned down over what has been proven to bea hoax about mass graves filled with abused Indian children. They never said a word when it came to light that an unknown number of Canadian officials were on China's dime. When Trudeau said Canada is a Post-National State and had no unifying culture, no one said anything.

But when Trump muses that maybe Canada would be better served as part of America, despite the Constitutional and logistical challenges annexing us would pose - challenges that I'd argue make it an impossibility - suddenly Canadian nationalism is heckin' based. Suddenly faggots like Mike Meyers, who hasn't lived in Canada for years, mind you, is a Canadian patriot.

ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why are you Panzering to muh Stormfags 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

ACanadianGoose 9 points ago +9 / -0

And all of them are going to squat in Ontario, which is just what this place needs: more assholes who don't know how to fucking drive.

ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

For the life of me I can't understand why we are being such retarded, spiteful faggots about this. Well, I can imagine why, but it enrages me beyond coherence.

It really shouldn't be controversial to be a good neighbour and ally to your largest trading partner AND your deterrent to invasion. Canada has the potential to be a relative economic powerhouse simply because of our natural resources, natural isolation from invasion due to having 3 fucking oceans surrounding us, and being right next to the USA. All we have to do is spend the bare minimum that America wants us to (and our legal obligations to NATO require of us) on our military and stop thumbing our nose at the Americans and acting superior to them and we have a golden fucking ticket to unimaginable prosperity.

And we fucking squander it on being massive faggots to the one country that can either destroy us like an elephant would an mouse, or be the greatest economic and social accelerant to national greatness. We simply do not deserve liberty or prosperity or peace.

ACanadianGoose 9 points ago +10 / -1

Except it's not just leftist governments importing the Mohammedan invaders, unless you're going to pull the reverse of the retarded "Ummm actually the Democrats would be center right in Europe ☝️🤓" argument that shitlibs love to use.

ACanadianGoose 30 points ago +30 / -0

God damn I hate my countrymen so fucking much sometimes. We truly are the Reddit of countries.

ACanadianGoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't poisoning the wells outside of the besieged settlement also mean poisoning the attackers' water supply?

ACanadianGoose 14 points ago +14 / -0

The wrong Ford brother died of cancer.

I miss Rob Ford, the crackhead Chad.

ACanadianGoose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Of course now Canada isn't a "Post-National State" with a unique identity worth preserving 🙄 and patriotism is heccin based now that Trudeau needs it to be.

And Canadians are eating it the fuck up. I hate the fucking Redditization of the once Great White North.

ACanadianGoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol Milhouse won't do shit. He's simply a dorky, Trudeau Blue.

ACanadianGoose 7 points ago +7 / -0

I fucking hate that Milhouse looking dickhead.

ACanadianGoose 13 points ago +13 / -0

There is not a single good person that works in the Canadian government, federal or provincial. They are worse than prostitutes, pimps and slavers. They are bloodthirsty goblins and they need to be purged, root and stem from this country.

ACanadianGoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd prefer somewhere in the North Atlantic after a quick helicopter ride myself.

Even Africans and Muslims don't deserve leftist, first world faggot faggoting up their shit holes.

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