"There are no civilians in Gaza."
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if a country has mandatory service, are there any adult civilians?
This may be one of the strongest, most twisted cases of projection that I've ever seen.
Literally every word could just as easily be applied to Israel.
Let's just nuke the Middle East and move on.
This guy for president
The wildest part about all this propaganda is how absolutely schizophrenic it is.
Hamas is the most evil organization. They want us to kill their kids. So it's fine if we do what they want and kill their kids.
How does it make the killing of innocent children less evil because an evil organization actually wants you to do it?
Hitler completely buck-broken the Jews. They believe if they smother the next Baby Hitler in the crib, they'll never get shoah'd again.
They were always like this.
Whether you agree with it or not, the argument is that not just that Hamas 'wants' your military action to kill their kids, but that they intentionally try to make that happen.
Like Golda Meir said, peace will come when Muslims love their children more than they hate the Jews.
Muslims could love Jews more than anything in the world, and nothing would change. Look how much Jews hate Evangelicals.
That's because Christians offend the senses of Jewish supremacy. If Christ was the messiah that means they've fulfilled their Covenant and they're no longer the chosen and more important than others. If Christ is the Messiah then his message that all are equal before the Lord means that they won't have dominion over the earth like they believe they deserve. It's literally an existential crisis for them
I think its a bold claim to act like the Jewish half of this equation will simply let bygones be bygones and let it all go if the Muslims woke up one day and were peaceful hippies.
Even if you aren't on the antisemitism train, Jews are still human with human flaws and errors. Like holding grudges, hating "others" and not being greedy in post-war gains.
"Look at these filthy terrorists using their own CHILDREN as human shields! It's despicable.😡"
"So yeah anyway bombing the children is fair game. Sucks to suck. 🤷"
More like "Stopping the military effort because the opponent is morally depraved enough to use children as a deterrent makes it impossible to achieve our aims, impossible to be victorious and gives incredible power to an enemy"
You are not obligated to obey criminals, and allowing the morally bankrupt to dictate the terms of engagement is ceding the ability to fight.
Yeah. That about sums it up
These people are fucking evil.
Then maybe, just maybe...stop playing into Hamas's hands by fucking murdering babies, you psychopaths!
If you won't do it for moral reasons, do it because you admit murdering babies helps your enemies optically. So stop.
I don't care why you stop killing children, I just want you to stop.
It's abortion by any other name, and they're a-okay with abortion.
Kind of got fooled with this one.
With a Twitter handle "Abby the Libb" I assumed she was just another jewess AFWL.
But she actually seems to be a Zionist evangelical with pre-eclampsia pregnancy brain who simps for Glenn Beck and The Daily Wire.
Her Twitter profile photo reminds me of Nick Rekieta's crackwhore wife.
She seems to run a Conspiracy podcast. How does one run a conspiracy show without addressing the JQ? Second one I've run into of late. Limited hangouts?
You know you've fucked up really hard somewhere along the way when "crack" and "whore" both strongly apply, and it's hard to figure out which was more disgusting and degenerate.
you know well enough how much these """people"""" get off to killing babies
The Jewish religion teaches Jewish supremacy. Islam and Christianity want people to convert, Jews do not.
Feels like projection to me, because i could easily say the same thing about jews because majority seem to have a war-like mindset where they seem to think they need to conquer all goyim countries because they are the chosen ones of god and god gave them that right.
Goyim have no souls so they can be slaughtered without much ado.
Anyone who ever says anything about Gaza except some sort of sympathetic defeatism or sad eulogy is immediately dismissed forever in my mind as a retarded savage.
Your local tradcon on Twitter defends this daily.
who is this and why do we care about her opinion?
Hate to ask a stupid question but has Hamas drafted everyone even babies?
Its a religion thing. "Everyone's born a muslim." or some shit. Unlike the victims of drafting in Ukraine that can fight back, these children have no outs - from the day they're born. And they're bred solely to fight for a forever war that several middle eastern nations have become dependent on.
'If we dont kill the babies they will grow to be terrosists' is a phrase ive heard. Ben shapiro said that i believe.
Well it's not an incorrect statement lol. It's just abhorrent to kill children when you have other options