They're in a lose-lose situation, and many of them are starting to realize it.
They either clamp down on wrongthink even more, resulting in a bigger explosion of hostility toward the people responsible, and forcing even more people into actual free speech places where they're exposed to more wrongthink, or...they censor less, and enable people to openly talk about wrongthink, and allow it to continue to spread. In either case, the truth spreads.
Considering that inflation, caused solely by bankers, has now resulted in millions of people barely being able to afford to eat, the demographic genocide of White people being enacted, and the steady increase in hardship and loss of comforts, created by these very people, and all of our problems continuing to get worse, the truth will spread no matter what, as pure necessity forces people to reject the increasingly obvious lies and seek the truth, to properly explains these problems, who caused them, why, and what the solutions are.
They're employing every single possible control mechanism against us. It's not just one thing. They're doing all of it.
Shilling, trolling, censorship, curation of information, outlawing speaking the truth or questioning the official narratives, dictating what the official narratives are, through school, school textbooks and curriculums, media, news, Hollywood, and government, social media influence via shilling and vote manipulation, logical fallacies, bad faith debate, false dichotomies, false arguments, fake studies, appeals to emotion, appeals to popularity, appeals to authority, victim blaming, mockery from false consensus, projection, false left/right political parties, false saviors and leaders, infiltration and subversion, corruption, degeneracy, hedonism of every stripe, LGBTQ, no fault divorce, divorce courts, child custody courts, pushing women into the workforce, demonizing men, demonizing masculinity, demonizing White people, open borders, mass non-white immigration, porn, video games, drugs, TV, movies, goyslop and poisoned food and water, fake medicine, prescriptions for life to treat symptoms but not cure, lack of sleep, bread and circuses, endless wars, false flags, terrorist attacks, 24/7 fear mongering, fake patriotism, individualism vs collectivism, feminism, abortion, fake climate change, fake green energy, pushing everyone into college, demonizing farmers and tradesmen, demonizing rural life, fluorescent and LED lighting, forced diversity, the destruction of merit, removing men's only spaces, removing White's only spaces, the Civil Rights act, MLK, atheism, satanism, anti-Christianism, "science!", buying out authority figures, manipulating reality, inverting the truth, gaslighting, humiliation rituals, demoralization rituals, taxation, modern ugly architecture, modern ugly art, buying up beloved IPs and ruining them, taking away all of our heroes and hero stories, making everything ugly, modern banking, usury, fractional reserve lending and banking, endless money printing, inflation, destruction of food sources, letting foreigners lord over us, making housing unaffordable, making having children unaffordable, pushing women into college and the workforce en masse during their most fertile years, reduction is marriage rates, increase in divorce rates, reduction in child rates below replacement levels, putting all women on hormonal birth control in their teens, the entire Covid debacle, government designed diseases, forced race blindness on Whites, brother wars, banker wars, false ideologies and political solutions propped up to take away support for actual truthful ideologies and effective solutions, debanking dissidents, doxxing, control of most social media, centralizing the internet into captured spaces they control, removing things we actually own (digital everything, which is merely "loaned" to us), BLM and Antifa riots which are condoned by the establishment, whereas the mere hint at White collectivism is roundly shamed and attacked, endless hypocrisy, disingenuous right wing media, abundance of microplastics in everything, which reduced men's testosterone and numerous other negative health effects (for men and women), demonization of healthy alternatives which used to be common, glorifying ugliness and obesity, transgenderism, using the police state to quash all dissidence, building obsolescence into all products so they intentionally fail, forcing people into endless consumerism, making repairing our own things as hard as possible, insider trading, the stock market ponzi scheme, mega orgs like Blackrock and Vanguard, ESG and DEI, girl bosses, media tropes which invert racial stereotypes, listing non-whites as "White" on criminal reports, censoring criminal reports, unequally applied justice, foreigners given resplendent treatment while our people suffer, wage slavery from teenage years to death, needing to work longer hours to earn far less than what our ancestors did, both parents needing to work, shaming of feminine women, shaming of masculine men, the outsourcing of men's role as protector and provider to the government, infiltration and subversion of effective organizations which could be used against the establishment, shilling against effective organizations as "feds" to make people fearful of joining, funding our enemies, funding everything meant to harm and destroy us, demonization of the wrong people to make us fight people who aren't our enemies, sexualization of children, interracial relationships, the take over of entire industries by foreigners, cheap foreign labor, depression of wages, outsourcing of our own jobs, making us less self sufficient, fake and gay curated search engines to prop up goodthink and suppress wrongthink, injecting blatant stupidity to discredit movements (like flat earthers into conspiracy forums), modern conveniences meant to placate and weaken the masses, smart phones, constant erosion of our ability to defend ourselves or our people, the Kalergi plan, degenerate music, incrementalism to push degeneracy, corruption of our churches, altered history, blackmailed politicians, dual-citizen politicians, dumbing down the populace, Common Core, egalitarianism, equality,...
This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head. They're are literally doing everything possible to weaken, control, and hurt us. However, as I stated above, even with all of their control mechanisms and schemes, their lies have become so blatant, the truth become to clear, discussion of the truth so widespread, that they can't counter it. They're in a lose-lose situation. I don't think you disagree. Just restating it, and how profound what we're seeing is, with how much resistance we're up against. In spite of everything arrayed against us, we're going to win.
Holding ancient ethnic grudges is insane. Imagine attacking someone in 2025 because a long time ago, his or her ancestors fought with your ancestors. And your ancestors lost. It's a mental illness. Imagine a bunch of Northern Europeans today wanting to punish Italians today for their Roman ancestry... Because the Romans committed many crimes against the Germanic and Celtic people... EDIT: I'm not against holding grudges but any sane person would not hold a grudge against people's descendants especially if their descendants are different. Why would anyone in their right mind, want an eternal war? Imagine if white Protestants and white Catholics started murdering each other again because they decided that war never ended...
Huh.. I may be misremembering but I'm pretty sure Babi Yar was a Soviet fabrication? I can't recall the book or website I saw it documented. They've never found any mass graves or anything of the sort in the ravine?
This is gonna bug me all day now.
Edit: here we go:
One of the most infamous atrocities attributed to the Einsatzgruppen (in this case, Einsatzgruppen C) is an alleged mass-murder outside Kiev in the Ukraine, known as the Babi Yar massacre. The allegation is that after the Germans occupied Kiev, a series of bombs, set off by Communist insurgents, struck the city, killing many civilians and German occupying troops. Much of the city was set on fire as a result of the bombings, and as German troops helped with putting out the blaze, a Jewish insurgent was caught cutting one of the water hoses. According to the Holocaust storytellers, the arrest of this Jew persuaded the Nazis that all the Jews in Kiev had to be killed, and Einsatzgruppen C rounded them all up over the period of September 29–30, 1941, marched them to a ravine outside the city, and shot them all—some 33,771 individuals.
The “evidence” for this atrocity is contained in one of the disputed Ereignismeldungen, where the report specifically gives the figure of 33,771 Jews having been shot in Kiev on that date. Once again, the Ereignismeldungen report is open to question—because the physical facts surrounding the Babi Yar ravine do not support the report’s claim. There are today no remains of tens of thousands of bodies to be found at the Babi Yar site, even though a monument now stands on the spot. The Holocaust storytellers claim that the reason why there are no bodies to be found at the site—even though the story claims 33,771 people were shot there—is because the Nazis sent a special team back to the site in 1943 to exhume, burn, and crush the bones—using, of all things, tombstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery to smash the last of the bones. Of course, the time, effort and fuel it would take to exhume, stack on iron rails, burn and then crush 33,000 bodies makes the allegation absurd—but nonetheless, this is the given reason why there are no bodies present.
The Soviets even produced a compliant German officer, SS-Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel, to “confess” to having destroyed all the 33,771 bodies within a period of thirty days, from August 18 to September 19, 1943. The “confessions” remind the reader of those “obtained” by the Soviets to cover up the Katyn massacre, which was also blamed on the Germans. In fact, the parallels with Katyn offer a further valuable insight into the Babi Yar claims. The mass graves created for the Soviet massacre and burial of Polish officers and intellectuals at Katyn (a crime that for fifty years was blamed on the Germans), as well as the graves used to accommodate the bodies of some 100,000 innocent residents, including children, of Hamburg, Germany, that were slaughtered by Allied bombing, have proven that it takes about a one acre area of excavation material to bury roughly 10,000 bodies. Babi Yar would have needed a minimum of three and one half acres for 33,000 bodies. There is, therefore, no possibility that the precision aerial photos available from the period in question would not show such a disturbance in the soil. Even if the mass grave’s depth is increased to sixteen feet, 50,000 bodies would take up about one and a half acres. Approximately 1,600,000 cubic feet of soil would need to be excavated. This would be a major excavation project even for today’s modern heavy equipment. Any claim that it was done in 1941, and once again in 1943 under battle conditions, is pure fantasy. This does not even address the question of where was this equipment obtained on a battle-weary front?
Search the page for Babi Yar. There's a lot more to the debunking there, I only quoted a few paragraphs from the top of the section.
This is another great example of the "chutzpah" or lies and deception these people take part in, in order to rally people to their "side" via emotional blackmail and manipulation.
Get “Reasonable people” on our side = the segment of the general population who somehow hasn’t noticed all of our wars are about Israeli interests, and that AIPAC buys Congress, and the most prolific spy blackmail op ever busted was most definitely about compromising U.S. politicians and officials for the Israeli government, and that free speech is under attack because the ADL demands social media censor us and demands the government deport/attack anyone who notices the main problem here. He doesn’t want reasonable people, he wants blind retards, who are already on his side.
I'm nearly completely done with Jewish "right wing" commentators.
The hypocrisy, and I guess chutzpah is just too much for me. It leads me to question other things they're saying when they can so blatantly lie. Things I would generally listen to and agree with. But when they turn on jew mode they're all insufferable deceptive liars who go full blown "lefty." They literally turn into rabid leftists defending their group as a whole by any means, facts, logic, be damned.
Even if something can be shown to be objectively true that paints a jew in a negative light by even the smallest sliver of an iota, they'll be there with a campaign to destroy that information and hide it from the public by any means necessary, as they've done time and time again.
Ever heard of the screeches of blood libel? Oh its just an antisemitic conspiracy myth right? Well there was a medieval scholar - a jew by the name of Ariel Toaff, who discovered that in medieval Italy, there were ashkenazi jews who did practixe the ritual murder of Christian children. Fact.
But nope, they destroyed him and the books. Luckily you can find it still.
It's just one item in a long long list of things they lie about and try to control the narrative around.
They are the original snow flakes. They are the Genesis of all this lefty insanity around us. Change my mind.
Like they did with Ariel Toaff, they are fully willing to ostracise their own kind if they are the good ones that call out their bullshit culture. We saw that happen again and again with someone, pretty sure he was Harold Rosenthal, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Kappy. Their religion sucks, their culture sucks, their people suck. The worst of it is a lot of them are unapologetic subversive hypocrites that fail to hold accountability for many things but shift the blames to other groups. They are largely responsible for spearheading cancel culture too which affected A LOT what made the current world miserable to live in.
You really can't trust anything they say. All agreeable things they say can be assumed to be a ploy to get on your good side in preparation for later betrayal.
Back in 2002, or maybe 2003, the creator of The Boondocks said "They don't care, and it's your fault" so eloquently, that the audience he was speaking to didn't even speak up and disagree, they just got angry that he hit the nail on the head so hard that it drove the nail back into the wood.
Why do I bring that up? Aaron made a great point.
People, in this example I bring up, white people, are tired of hearing about your struggle and your plight. Your moral currency has run out. If we have to watch you get all the gimmies and have it all, and yet have to hear about how horrible you have it, while most of us are just in worse shape... We don't want to hear it anymore. But more importantly, we don't care anymore.
So if I have to hear about how we're not doing enough for you, while you don't give a rat's ass about anyone that isn't you? Yeah, you can forget that shit real quick.
I wanted to find the full clip that aired on CSPAN2, and not one with overly dramatic music playing, but I think the original is gone or lost, and all that is left are these clips. Anyway, here's a somewhat tolerable clip. Sorry about the music, I didn't add it.
I wanted to find the full clip that aired on CSPAN2, and not one with overly dramatic music playing, but I think the original is gone or lost, and all that is left are these clips. Anyway, here's a somewhat tolerable clip. Sorry about the music, I didn't add it.
This is just so embarrassing. And he doesn't even argue the point well, which makes it doubly embarrassing. You're there on a podcast, stating your belief. At least have actually thought it through enough to argue the point beyond 'no one can be mean to Jews, and everyone has to call it out when they are.' With no reasons provided for either statement.
"It's not enough to not be racist, you have to be actively anti-racist." He's lecturing the right while being indistinguishable from the left himself.
Groypers post daily about hating Trump and countersignal everything he does and yet this idiot doesn't think there's enough distance between Trump and them?
edit: what is this goof talking about lol
"the middle"? Didn't Trump just win a landslide election capturing all swing states, bellwether counties, and demos?
What kind of chutzpah do you need to position the 85% of Jews who voted for Harris as "the middle"??
Yeah, and also deported one of the leading Palestinian protesters at Columbia, and just revoked the visa of a Brown professor for attending a Hezbollah funeral. All small potatoes to Eric, barely worth mentioning. He's mad that Trump doesn't stop people from heckling him on X.
Eric Weinstein is a complete intellectual fraud. He has a theory of everything which he calls geometric unity, and he refuses to even attempt to explain it. Of course because you're too dumb to even begin to talk to him on the level necessary.
I've watched him in several interviews and what he does is basically cold reading interspersed with nonsense jargon flood. He reflects peoples opinions back to them, answers questions with questions, then copy pastes together a bunch of math terms that he read in a book once and don't apply at all.
Noticing will continue, Eric, and there is nothing you can do about it.
And the more they kvetch the faster the noticing will happen.
They're in a lose-lose situation, and many of them are starting to realize it.
They either clamp down on wrongthink even more, resulting in a bigger explosion of hostility toward the people responsible, and forcing even more people into actual free speech places where they're exposed to more wrongthink, or...they censor less, and enable people to openly talk about wrongthink, and allow it to continue to spread. In either case, the truth spreads.
Considering that inflation, caused solely by bankers, has now resulted in millions of people barely being able to afford to eat, the demographic genocide of White people being enacted, and the steady increase in hardship and loss of comforts, created by these very people, and all of our problems continuing to get worse, the truth will spread no matter what, as pure necessity forces people to reject the increasingly obvious lies and seek the truth, to properly explains these problems, who caused them, why, and what the solutions are.
You're overlooking an option they are also employing, flooding the zone with bullshit.
They're employing every single possible control mechanism against us. It's not just one thing. They're doing all of it.
Shilling, trolling, censorship, curation of information, outlawing speaking the truth or questioning the official narratives, dictating what the official narratives are, through school, school textbooks and curriculums, media, news, Hollywood, and government, social media influence via shilling and vote manipulation, logical fallacies, bad faith debate, false dichotomies, false arguments, fake studies, appeals to emotion, appeals to popularity, appeals to authority, victim blaming, mockery from false consensus, projection, false left/right political parties, false saviors and leaders, infiltration and subversion, corruption, degeneracy, hedonism of every stripe, LGBTQ, no fault divorce, divorce courts, child custody courts, pushing women into the workforce, demonizing men, demonizing masculinity, demonizing White people, open borders, mass non-white immigration, porn, video games, drugs, TV, movies, goyslop and poisoned food and water, fake medicine, prescriptions for life to treat symptoms but not cure, lack of sleep, bread and circuses, endless wars, false flags, terrorist attacks, 24/7 fear mongering, fake patriotism, individualism vs collectivism, feminism, abortion, fake climate change, fake green energy, pushing everyone into college, demonizing farmers and tradesmen, demonizing rural life, fluorescent and LED lighting, forced diversity, the destruction of merit, removing men's only spaces, removing White's only spaces, the Civil Rights act, MLK, atheism, satanism, anti-Christianism, "science!", buying out authority figures, manipulating reality, inverting the truth, gaslighting, humiliation rituals, demoralization rituals, taxation, modern ugly architecture, modern ugly art, buying up beloved IPs and ruining them, taking away all of our heroes and hero stories, making everything ugly, modern banking, usury, fractional reserve lending and banking, endless money printing, inflation, destruction of food sources, letting foreigners lord over us, making housing unaffordable, making having children unaffordable, pushing women into college and the workforce en masse during their most fertile years, reduction is marriage rates, increase in divorce rates, reduction in child rates below replacement levels, putting all women on hormonal birth control in their teens, the entire Covid debacle, government designed diseases, forced race blindness on Whites, brother wars, banker wars, false ideologies and political solutions propped up to take away support for actual truthful ideologies and effective solutions, debanking dissidents, doxxing, control of most social media, centralizing the internet into captured spaces they control, removing things we actually own (digital everything, which is merely "loaned" to us), BLM and Antifa riots which are condoned by the establishment, whereas the mere hint at White collectivism is roundly shamed and attacked, endless hypocrisy, disingenuous right wing media, abundance of microplastics in everything, which reduced men's testosterone and numerous other negative health effects (for men and women), demonization of healthy alternatives which used to be common, glorifying ugliness and obesity, transgenderism, using the police state to quash all dissidence, building obsolescence into all products so they intentionally fail, forcing people into endless consumerism, making repairing our own things as hard as possible, insider trading, the stock market ponzi scheme, mega orgs like Blackrock and Vanguard, ESG and DEI, girl bosses, media tropes which invert racial stereotypes, listing non-whites as "White" on criminal reports, censoring criminal reports, unequally applied justice, foreigners given resplendent treatment while our people suffer, wage slavery from teenage years to death, needing to work longer hours to earn far less than what our ancestors did, both parents needing to work, shaming of feminine women, shaming of masculine men, the outsourcing of men's role as protector and provider to the government, infiltration and subversion of effective organizations which could be used against the establishment, shilling against effective organizations as "feds" to make people fearful of joining, funding our enemies, funding everything meant to harm and destroy us, demonization of the wrong people to make us fight people who aren't our enemies, sexualization of children, interracial relationships, the take over of entire industries by foreigners, cheap foreign labor, depression of wages, outsourcing of our own jobs, making us less self sufficient, fake and gay curated search engines to prop up goodthink and suppress wrongthink, injecting blatant stupidity to discredit movements (like flat earthers into conspiracy forums), modern conveniences meant to placate and weaken the masses, smart phones, constant erosion of our ability to defend ourselves or our people, the Kalergi plan, degenerate music, incrementalism to push degeneracy, corruption of our churches, altered history, blackmailed politicians, dual-citizen politicians, dumbing down the populace, Common Core, egalitarianism, equality,...
This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head. They're are literally doing everything possible to weaken, control, and hurt us. However, as I stated above, even with all of their control mechanisms and schemes, their lies have become so blatant, the truth become to clear, discussion of the truth so widespread, that they can't counter it. They're in a lose-lose situation. I don't think you disagree. Just restating it, and how profound what we're seeing is, with how much resistance we're up against. In spite of everything arrayed against us, we're going to win.
Eric Weinstein holds 2000 year old ethnic grudges while stating that you are not allowed to hate the people that are harming you today.
Holding ancient ethnic grudges is insane. Imagine attacking someone in 2025 because a long time ago, his or her ancestors fought with your ancestors. And your ancestors lost. It's a mental illness. Imagine a bunch of Northern Europeans today wanting to punish Italians today for their Roman ancestry... Because the Romans committed many crimes against the Germanic and Celtic people... EDIT: I'm not against holding grudges but any sane person would not hold a grudge against people's descendants especially if their descendants are different. Why would anyone in their right mind, want an eternal war? Imagine if white Protestants and white Catholics started murdering each other again because they decided that war never ended...
Yeah, totally insane... looks around at world... Heh.. Yeah insane
Yep. Weinstein himself was the one who convinced me that, for many of "his people", peaceful coexistence will never be possible.
Huh.. I may be misremembering but I'm pretty sure Babi Yar was a Soviet fabrication? I can't recall the book or website I saw it documented. They've never found any mass graves or anything of the sort in the ravine?
This is gonna bug me all day now.
Edit: here we go:
Search the page for Babi Yar. There's a lot more to the debunking there, I only quoted a few paragraphs from the top of the section.
This is another great example of the "chutzpah" or lies and deception these people take part in, in order to rally people to their "side" via emotional blackmail and manipulation.
To them, the ends justify the means
Black culture and Jewish culture competing for who can be the shittiest while also crying victim
And from under the ring, out comes Indian culture with a steel chair! By Gawd!
Sair, sair, the chair is alumeeneenum!
There's shittiest literally vs. shittiest figuratively.
Get “Reasonable people” on our side = the segment of the general population who somehow hasn’t noticed all of our wars are about Israeli interests, and that AIPAC buys Congress, and the most prolific spy blackmail op ever busted was most definitely about compromising U.S. politicians and officials for the Israeli government, and that free speech is under attack because the ADL demands social media censor us and demands the government deport/attack anyone who notices the main problem here. He doesn’t want reasonable people, he wants blind retards, who are already on his side.
I'm nearly completely done with Jewish "right wing" commentators.
The hypocrisy, and I guess chutzpah is just too much for me. It leads me to question other things they're saying when they can so blatantly lie. Things I would generally listen to and agree with. But when they turn on jew mode they're all insufferable deceptive liars who go full blown "lefty." They literally turn into rabid leftists defending their group as a whole by any means, facts, logic, be damned.
Even if something can be shown to be objectively true that paints a jew in a negative light by even the smallest sliver of an iota, they'll be there with a campaign to destroy that information and hide it from the public by any means necessary, as they've done time and time again.
Ever heard of the screeches of blood libel? Oh its just an antisemitic conspiracy myth right? Well there was a medieval scholar - a jew by the name of Ariel Toaff, who discovered that in medieval Italy, there were ashkenazi jews who did practixe the ritual murder of Christian children. Fact.
But nope, they destroyed him and the books. Luckily you can find it still.
It's just one item in a long long list of things they lie about and try to control the narrative around.
They are the original snow flakes. They are the Genesis of all this lefty insanity around us. Change my mind.
Like they did with Ariel Toaff, they are fully willing to ostracise their own kind if they are the good ones that call out their bullshit culture. We saw that happen again and again with someone, pretty sure he was Harold Rosenthal, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Kappy. Their religion sucks, their culture sucks, their people suck. The worst of it is a lot of them are unapologetic subversive hypocrites that fail to hold accountability for many things but shift the blames to other groups. They are largely responsible for spearheading cancel culture too which affected A LOT what made the current world miserable to live in.
You really can't trust anything they say. All agreeable things they say can be assumed to be a ploy to get on your good side in preparation for later betrayal.
Here's an idea... stop giving people reasons to hate you?
That double-take at 1:42.
"Trump has grabbed those people in the middle [list of people] and me." Weinstein: but... but... you're Jewish?? "Yep".
Back in 2002, or maybe 2003, the creator of The Boondocks said "They don't care, and it's your fault" so eloquently, that the audience he was speaking to didn't even speak up and disagree, they just got angry that he hit the nail on the head so hard that it drove the nail back into the wood.
Why do I bring that up? Aaron made a great point.
People, in this example I bring up, white people, are tired of hearing about your struggle and your plight. Your moral currency has run out. If we have to watch you get all the gimmies and have it all, and yet have to hear about how horrible you have it, while most of us are just in worse shape... We don't want to hear it anymore. But more importantly, we don't care anymore.
So if I have to hear about how we're not doing enough for you, while you don't give a rat's ass about anyone that isn't you? Yeah, you can forget that shit real quick.
I wanted to find the full clip that aired on CSPAN2, and not one with overly dramatic music playing, but I think the original is gone or lost, and all that is left are these clips. Anyway, here's a somewhat tolerable clip. Sorry about the music, I didn't add it.
Like a lot of trailblazers he was completely correct, just well ahead of his time.
This is just so embarrassing. And he doesn't even argue the point well, which makes it doubly embarrassing. You're there on a podcast, stating your belief. At least have actually thought it through enough to argue the point beyond 'no one can be mean to Jews, and everyone has to call it out when they are.' With no reasons provided for either statement.
"It's not enough to not be racist, you have to be actively anti-racist." He's lecturing the right while being indistinguishable from the left himself.
Woke right strikes again.
Man who starts a fight then demands others fight in his place: "You're cowards!"
Groypers post daily about hating Trump and countersignal everything he does and yet this idiot doesn't think there's enough distance between Trump and them?
edit: what is this goof talking about lol
"the middle"? Didn't Trump just win a landslide election capturing all swing states, bellwether counties, and demos?
What kind of chutzpah do you need to position the 85% of Jews who voted for Harris as "the middle"??
Didn't the Trump administration recently punish a university for not doing anything to protect Jewish students from pro Palestine activists?
Yeah, and also deported one of the leading Palestinian protesters at Columbia, and just revoked the visa of a Brown professor for attending a Hezbollah funeral. All small potatoes to Eric, barely worth mentioning. He's mad that Trump doesn't stop people from heckling him on X.
Eric Weinstein is a complete intellectual fraud. He has a theory of everything which he calls geometric unity, and he refuses to even attempt to explain it. Of course because you're too dumb to even begin to talk to him on the level necessary.
I've watched him in several interviews and what he does is basically cold reading interspersed with nonsense jargon flood. He reflects peoples opinions back to them, answers questions with questions, then copy pastes together a bunch of math terms that he read in a book once and don't apply at all.
Who cares what a Jew thinks