They're employing every single possible control mechanism against us. It's not just one thing. They're doing all of it.
Shilling, trolling, censorship, curation of information, outlawing speaking the truth or questioning the official narratives, dictating what the official narratives are, through school, school textbooks and curriculums, media, news, Hollywood, and government, social media influence via shilling and vote manipulation, logical fallacies, bad faith debate, false dichotomies, false arguments, fake studies, appeals to emotion, appeals to popularity, appeals to authority, victim blaming, mockery from false consensus, projection, false left/right political parties, false saviors and leaders, infiltration and subversion, corruption, degeneracy, hedonism of every stripe, LGBTQ, no fault divorce, divorce courts, child custody courts, pushing women into the workforce, demonizing men, demonizing masculinity, demonizing White people, open borders, mass non-white immigration, porn, video games, drugs, TV, movies, goyslop and poisoned food and water, fake medicine, prescriptions for life to treat symptoms but not cure, lack of sleep, bread and circuses, endless wars, false flags, terrorist attacks, 24/7 fear mongering, fake patriotism, individualism vs collectivism, feminism, abortion, fake climate change, fake green energy, pushing everyone into college, demonizing farmers and tradesmen, demonizing rural life, fluorescent and LED lighting, forced diversity, the destruction of merit, removing men's only spaces, removing White's only spaces, the Civil Rights act, MLK, atheism, satanism, anti-Christianism, "science!", buying out authority figures, manipulating reality, inverting the truth, gaslighting, humiliation rituals, demoralization rituals, taxation, modern ugly architecture, modern ugly art, buying up beloved IPs and ruining them, taking away all of our heroes and hero stories, making everything ugly, modern banking, usury, fractional reserve lending and banking, endless money printing, inflation, destruction of food sources, letting foreigners lord over us, making housing unaffordable, making having children unaffordable, pushing women into college and the workforce en masse during their most fertile years, reduction is marriage rates, increase in divorce rates, reduction in child rates below replacement levels, putting all women on hormonal birth control in their teens, the entire Covid debacle, government designed diseases, forced race blindness on Whites, brother wars, banker wars, false ideologies and political solutions propped up to take away support for actual truthful ideologies and effective solutions, debanking dissidents, doxxing, control of most social media, centralizing the internet into captured spaces they control, removing things we actually own (digital everything, which is merely "loaned" to us), BLM and Antifa riots which are condoned by the establishment, whereas the mere hint at White collectivism is roundly shamed and attacked, endless hypocrisy, disingenuous right wing media, abundance of microplastics in everything, which reduced men's testosterone and numerous other negative health effects (for men and women), demonization of healthy alternatives which used to be common, glorifying ugliness and obesity, transgenderism, using the police state to quash all dissidence, building obsolescence into all products so they intentionally fail, forcing people into endless consumerism, making repairing our own things as hard as possible, insider trading, the stock market ponzi scheme, mega orgs like Blackrock and Vanguard, ESG and DEI, girl bosses, media tropes which invert racial stereotypes, listing non-whites as "White" on criminal reports, censoring criminal reports, unequally applied justice, foreigners given resplendent treatment while our people suffer, wage slavery from teenage years to death, needing to work longer hours to earn far less than what our ancestors did, both parents needing to work, shaming of feminine women, shaming of masculine men, the outsourcing of men's role as protector and provider to the government, infiltration and subversion of effective organizations which could be used against the establishment, shilling against effective organizations as "feds" to make people fearful of joining, funding our enemies, funding everything meant to harm and destroy us, demonization of the wrong people to make us fight people who aren't our enemies, sexualization of children, interracial relationships, the take over of entire industries by foreigners, cheap foreign labor, depression of wages, outsourcing of our own jobs, making us less self sufficient, fake and gay curated search engines to prop up goodthink and suppress wrongthink, injecting blatant stupidity to discredit movements (like flat earthers into conspiracy forums), modern conveniences meant to placate and weaken the masses, smart phones, constant erosion of our ability to defend ourselves or our people, the Kalergi plan, degenerate music, incrementalism to push degeneracy, corruption of our churches, altered history, blackmailed politicians, dual-citizen politicians, dumbing down the populace, Common Core, egalitarianism, equality,...
This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head. They're are literally doing everything possible to weaken, control, and hurt us. However, as I stated above, even with all of their control mechanisms and schemes, their lies have become so blatant, the truth become to clear, discussion of the truth so widespread, that they can't counter it. They're in a lose-lose situation. I don't think you disagree. Just restating it, and how profound what we're seeing is, with how much resistance we're up against. In spite of everything arrayed against us, we're going to win.
They're employing every single possible control mechanism against us. It's not just one thing. They're doing all of it.
Shilling, trolling, censorship, curation of information, outlawing speaking the truth or questioning the official narratives, dictating what the official narratives are, through school, school textbooks and curriculums, media, news, Hollywood, and government, social media influence via shilling and vote manipulation, logical fallacies, bad faith debate, false dichotomies, false arguments, fake studies, appeals to emotion, appeals to popularity, appeals to authority, victim blaming, mockery from false consensus, projection, false left/right political parties, false saviors and leaders, infiltration and subversion, corruption, degeneracy, hedonism of every stripe, LGBTQ, no fault divorce, divorce courts, child custody courts, pushing women into the workforce, demonizing men, demonizing masculinity, demonizing White people, open borders, mass non-white immigration, porn, video games, drugs, TV, movies, goyslop and poisoned food and water, fake medicine, prescriptions for life to treat symptoms but not cure, lack of sleep, bread and circuses, endless wars, false flags, terrorist attacks, 24/7 fear mongering, fake patriotism, individualism vs collectivism, feminism, abortion, fake climate change, fake green energy, pushing everyone into college, demonizing farmers and tradesmen, demonizing rural life, fluorescent and LED lighting, forced diversity, the destruction of merit, removing men's only spaces, removing White's only spaces, the Civil Rights act, MLK, atheism, satanism, anti-Christianism, "science!", buying out authority figures, manipulating reality, inverting the truth, gaslighting, humiliation rituals, demoralization rituals, taxation, modern ugly architecture, modern ugly art, buying up beloved IPs and ruining them, taking away all of our heroes and hero stories, making everything ugly, modern banking, usury, fractional reserve lending and banking, endless money printing, inflation, destruction of food sources, letting foreigners lord over us, making housing unaffordable, making having children unaffordable, pushing women into college and the workforce en masse during their most fertile years, reduction is marriage rates, increase in divorce rates, reduction in child rates below replacement levels, putting all women on hormonal birth control in their teens, the entire Covid debacle, government designed diseases, forced race blindness on Whites, brother wars, banker wars, false ideologies and political solutions propped up to take away support for actual truthful ideologies and effective solutions, debanking dissidents, doxxing, control of most social media, centralizing the internet into captured spaces they control, removing things we actually own (digital everything, which is merely "loaned" to us), BLM and Antifa riots which are condoned by the establishment, whereas the mere hint at White collectivism is roundly shamed and attacked, endless hypocrisy, disingenuous right wing media, abundance of microplastics in everything, which reduced men's testosterone and numerous other negative health effects (for men and women), demonization of healthy alternatives which used to be common, glorifying ugliness and obesity, transgenderism, using the police state to quash all dissidence, building obsolescence into all products so they intentionally fail, forcing people into endless consumerism, making repairing our own things as hard as possible, insider trading, the stock market ponzi scheme, mega orgs like Blackrock and Vanguard, ESG and DEI, girl bosses, media tropes which invert racial stereotypes, listing non-whites as "White" on criminal reports, censoring criminal reports, unequally applied justice, foreigners given resplendent treatment while our people suffer, wage slavery from teenage years to death, needing to work longer hours to earn far less than what our ancestors did, both parents needing to work, shaming of feminine women, shaming of masculine men, the outsourcing of men's role as protector and provider to the government, infiltration and subversion of effective organizations which could be used against the establishment, shilling against effective organizations as "feds" to make people fearful of joining, funding our enemies, funding everything meant to harm and destroy us, demonization of the wrong people to make us fight people who aren't our enemies, sexualization of children, interracial relationships, the take over of entire industries by foreigners, cheap foreign labor, depression of wages, outsourcing of our own jobs, making us less self sufficient, fake and gay curated search engines to prop up goodthink and suppress wrongthink, injecting blatant stupidity to discredit movements (like flat earthers into conspiracy forums), modern conveniences meant to placate and weaken the masses, smart phones, constant erosion of our ability to defend ourselves or our people, the Kalergi plan, degenerate music, incrementalism to push degeneracy, corruption of our churches, altered history, blackmailed politicians, dual-citizen politicians, dumbing down the populace, Common Core, egalitarianism, equality,...
This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head. They're are literally doing everything possible to weaken, control, and hurt us. However, as I stated above, even with all of their control mechanisms and schemes, their lies have become so blatant, the truth become to clear, discussion of the truth so widespread, that they can't counter it. They're in a lose-lose situation. I don't think you disagree. Just restating it, and how profound what we're seeing is, with how much resistance we're up against. In spite of everything arrayed against us, we're going to win.