It should be no secret that the idealized vision of the financially conservative, socially Libertarian, anti-Globalist, populist Right that is currently enjoying a brief ascendancy was brought about by a wave of young, Internet-savvy independents swinging to the Right since 2014. You saw them everywhere on social media before the vast purges began. For the sake of brevity, let's call them "the Anime Right."
Contrasted against them are the "Tradcon Right." These are the financially insolvent, socially oppressive, globalist powermongering boomers who have dominated the establishment Right for at least the past half century, as well as a smaller but loud swell of ambitious newfags who want to emulate them because the libertarian populism part won't make you a billionaire or get you fawned over on Fox News.
All of the good things coming about in western society today as the result of the Anime Right rising for the past yet years, and merging with the establishment Right, and doing so with enough numbers and energy so as to overpower the Tradcons. The latter have lost footing in every single area of cultural and political action except for the tiny hats, and even that, impossibly, is beginning to be discussed somewhat openly if still in hushed tones.
They tried demoralizing the shit out of us, beginning with an event called #GamerGate, to get us to fall in line and it only made us angrier and more determined Now years later, what do we see? The age-old tactic of salami fighting, and loli art is the bait. What is salami fighting? Its a tactic taught in some martial arts as a way to deal with an opponent who outnumbers you. tl;dr is, you run and let them chase. Because people naturally have different body builds and running speeds and endurance, by stringing the enemy along using bait (in this case yourself) the enemy naturally stretches out into a thin line from fastest to slowest. Then you turn around suddenly and try to pull a quick takedown on the first person behind you before the second catches up. Then you repeat with the second person, and the third. It's like slicing a salami. You can't beat the whole thing, so you trick it into spreading itself thin and then you take out its pieces one by one in the order of lowest hanging fruit.
In this case its because the new Right is, well, new. It has fragility. Fault lines. Points of disagreement that are less important than the overall cause, but ripe to be exploited to cause fracturing if the enemy can just find the right wedge. And you know who the enemy's best allies are for this? The Tradcons who want control and power back.
I warned this very forum about this shit a year or more ago. The Left and their political cuck allies are desperate to shut down the Anime Right. To splinter it off, or more accurate force it to be ejected from the new Right coalition.
Do you want the people making the Right wing a viable, populist alternative to the Globohomo Left to pack up our shit and go home? Because moralfag crusading of fictional works of any fucking kind is how you're gonna do it. AND THE ENEMY FUCKING KNOWS THIS. STOP. HELPING. THEM.
You want the 4chans and 8chans and regular fucking memelord degenerate nerds of the world on your side through all of this bloody bullshit fighting? Because people that like are how you ever got this far. Then leave the fucking anime, the fucking videogames, and the fucking lolis alone. You are directly in the process of taking the first steps down the path that made our enemies our enemies in the first fucking place. You think somebody's ideas are "icky" and you want government power to destroy expressions of it, and in a vacuum where no one and nothing is being harmed by it except your personal , highly egotistical sensibilities. We're not talking Drag Queen Story Hour corrupting real kids here, you disingenuous fuckers. We're talking about art that you can look up on Google for twenty fucking years.
I love this in relation to a discussion on, among other things, porn.
But, on a more serious note, you're completely correct, and I've also been warning about this nonsense.
I suppose we should actually be grateful for someone like Matt Walsh, when you think about it. He gives the game away, and goes after things like anime and video games directly. Not even the "icky" stuff, just anime and games. We need people with those sorts of retarded opinions, to rile the Anime Right up and keep them going, I guess.
The divide and conquer is very real though, and we have to be careful of all the canaries in the coalmines. Sadly, a fair few people keep failing the test, over and over.
The fact that yall vaginas are still whining about Walsh's sarcastic take on anime and video games is incredulous. Calling yourself the anime right is just plain faggotry
I've said a few times that the entire purpose of this has nothing to do with protecting children, or any noble pursuit.
Its entirely to give the Left and the elite complete dominance over your escapism. Anime as a whole is outside their complete strangehold on propagandizing us through media, and loli is the foot in the door to start to control it. Because like 80% of anime/manga involves high school and it'll soon be all considered "loli" the same way the word "pedo" now involves everyone just under 18 (with push by many women to make it any girl under fucking 25).
Podesta won't get arrested for having legitimately made child porn art in his house. None of his friends would even get talked to about this law. A bunch of creepy nerds might get arrested and sent to die in prison to make it look legitimate, but the entire purpose is to start removing Japanese media from American consumption because they didn't bend the knee when the Woke tried to cancel them.
I might support the Texas bill more, if it didn't lazily fall back on the ol' word "obscenity" as its main crux for determining what is and isn't bad. Which is not only so broadly subjective that it can be abused easily, it was also already found by the SCOTUS to be an infringement of the First Amendment and too vague to be useful as a law. And they just hope people will be too embarrassed to push it that far up again.
Have you read the bill? It references existing law on how the image has to be depicting an actual real child or very similar. This is literally a psyop
The "very similar" you just said is why I don't trust it. Anything but a hardline definition is a problem because I can see the rabid folks all around already trying to define anyone under 5'6 or with small enough boobs in real life as "basically pedophilia." Let alone just saying "all anime is lolicon" which is a very common belief already.
Especially as, we are two months into Trump with activist judges happily just interpreting the law however they want just to destroy people that they want hurt almost every week. So even more so right now do I not want something so vague as an option on the books.
This is a very insightful post. Well said.
While I like anime, I personally think loli is gross, but I've literally never said a word about it. You know why? Because I don't punch right, ever. We have far, far more pressing issues than weirdos looking at weird cartoons. OP is absolutely right, the left laugh at us any time we get into one of these purity fights, because they know it weakens us.
Are you making the argument that pedophilia is right wing. Gtfo
No. Please read my reply to the other guy who asked the same question.
"drawn child pornography is right-wing"
good grief, man.
That's not the point I was making, and you know it.
i really don't know it, dude. that sorta shit is the stuff we can take a stance on really easily. anime is not crucial to the right-wing worldview and i find it almost parody i even have to mention that. on the other hand, pedophilia, losing yourself in fantasy worlds full of softcore porn and sexy chicks really of any apparent age - that IS part of the left-wing worldview. the recent mutation of them thinking ugly tranny sheboons are also sexy is just that, a mutation, not a distinctly different thing from them generally pushing promiscuity, hedonism, and escapism.
You're right, all of those things you mention are symptoms of the decadent, hedonistic age in which we live. However, as was very eloquently stated in another similar topic posted today, it is not the place of government to be regulating these moral failings. In a properly structured society, that role should belong to the community and the church.
The disease is modernity, the symptoms are things like loli and overreliance on escapism. Legislating those things away is 1. not going to fix the hollowness in people that caused them to exist in the first place, and 2. going to give the powers that be (which are hostile to us conservatives in particular) yet another excuse to regulate the internet and free exchange of information.
That is why I said there are far more pressing issues to fix before we consider what randos on the internet are jerking off to.
No surprise hoovy didn't respond to this.
But slight addition. I'd argue that government regulation is what lead to the decadent, hedonistic age. When you replace community, family, and the church with the state, what are you going to get but an amoral mass?
The reality is that people as a whole rely on each other for the most part. Historically, and not even that long ago at that, such reliance was done through direct community and family ties, often brought together via the church. But when you replace reliance upon community and instead supplement that with state reliance, all the moral aspects vanish along with it. Anyone begging for more state interference is also begging for more of the problem.
Its like you people don't even think past your own noses. No its not crucial, but its beneficial even if the most pathetic of our society get lost in it.
What kinda nose are we talking about btw
can't really argue that when japan is infamous for being a product of US occupation leading to its fucked up media culture, can you?
besides: if it was really about "media outside the stranglehold", you'd consume and support western dissidents creating media, not japanese people catering to lonely perverts and foreign xenophiles.
That thing that happened over a century ago that started to diverge into its own unique entity around the 60s when they began to try and adapt US media into their own original versions?
Yeah I think I can argue that pretty well.
Of what little there is of this, it usually is of low quality or purely political works. Political works have their place, but a person is allowed to want a simple comedy or action series divorced from the daily stressors and real life analogues as well. Lady Ballers still reminds me trannies exist and actively doing evil for its entire runtime, and is also pretty terrible.
And also the easy fact that I can do more than two things at once. Shocking I know!
There is no exclusivity clause. Both are useful.
People forget that trap culture was one of the contributors to trans culture, and that came from anime.
It's true anime isn't crucial per se - but it is also true that anime advocacy will be a part of any RW movement because it is a globally recognized cultural force that is largely independent of Western lib influence.
I always wondered about the trap stuff. But there has to he an intersection with zog because Japan society outside of Anime is still largely conservative and doesnt tolerate faggotry within families. Whereas Americans generally allow their kids to be gay.
I gave you 48 hours to find (that you claimed)people posting CSAM/CP on twitter while they were asking whether it was "which one's underage mr lawmaker huh??"
Time's running out.
The problem with places like Texas along with Kentucky is that they are not just right leaning but deep tradcon boomer territory.
This means that the voter base is A LOT older,not understanding the importance of culture and media control and any attempts to make their own comes off as shallow as look at some of the Daily Wire's attempts at comedy.
They think they can turn back time to the 1950s culturally not realising that the media in the west is too compromised to do that and ironically thanks to Abe's influence, Anime has MORE family, traditional values in it to be a positive influence.
The only good yet dark news is that the tradcons are DYING out, we see how weak their grip is by how close Brandon Herrera came to winning in Texas, they're getting replaced and the left are unable to sort themselves in time to capitalise.
I know. My message is for our supposed (((allies))) here of all places, the splinter of a splinter literally born of anti censorship, who want to support that shit and feel high and mighty over the rest of us. Its a due diligence reality check.
Because in a room with an enemy and a traitor and two bullets in your gun, you shoot the traitor twice. And some fart-huffing moralists are starting to talk about the entire other half of this cultural movement like they're just hunky dory using the system to betray and censor us instead of fighting the real world problems coming from our common foe. Loli art has been the un-crossable line for our side for over a decade - the ultimate canary in the coal mine. The old 8chan was abandoned to burn by millions of people because its new owners banned it to appease the Qanon boomers, and the only thing left was the vapid carcass called "8kun" which gets less traffic than our own little spinoff does today. Even anons who hate loli left, because the principle of warning signs and red lines on censorship is just that fucking important.
Similar to Alex Jones really, he was the prototype of what would happen to US if we crossed the establishment, loli art is the same in that you can rightfully not like it but you let it be censored and like this bill they'll target ALL of the media that isn't under THEIR control.
Mostly correct, but there's a important distinction that has to be pointed out:
The wedge for right-wing infighting is porn (or more accurately, obscenity), as seen with Goonergate or groypers (widely unpopular position).
"Muh loli" is a tactic globalists use in order to gain more control over japanese media.
Depending on the group, these issues may overlap, point is, it's a motte and bailey tactic that kills two birds with one stone for globalists.
As you said, loli is the low hanging fruit, most people have a clear image on what loli is, problem is, when you look closer at the leftist definition of loli, there are some obvious disingenuous examples, one of the most infamous is when Schreier called the sorceress from Dragon's Crown "a lolicon fantasy", why? Because she has a round face.
The actual problem leftists have with japanese media is they portray women as likeable, you'll notice leftists talking about how infantilizing anime is to women and that's a problem because muh male gaze, that's the bailey part the boomercon section of the right is oblivious to
This analysis contains a lot of truth, but misses the mark in some important ways.
"Socially libertarian" is not a good descriptor of a body politic that is completely intolerant of transgenders and has swung radically against gays. Only 15% of the LGBT vote went to Trump, about the same percentage as the Jewish vote. Also, since you're using this forum as a proxy for the "anime right," then it should be noted that we're so tilted against gays that they're considered the victims of pedophiles and mostly latent pedophiles themselves. There were gay posters on reddit KiA/KiA2, can't think of any here.
On the subject of the "tradcon" right, the old "tradcon" faction you speak of uncritically embraces feminism and no-fault divorce somehow, whereas the strongest voices in the new right want to make childrearing the primary life focus of women again and keep signaling that we should repeal women's right to vote.
I would say the ascendant faction on the right is actually a third party I will call the "1488 right." Lol. That is actually more serious than it is a joke, but maybe the "ethnonationalist" or "race realist" right are better labels since the key belief is that everything worth preserving about Western civilization can only be sustained by majority white populations. Collinear with this objective are stances of isolationism (anti-globalism), anti-feminism, anti-LGBT, anti-degeneracy, rejection of Jewish influence, and pro-Christianity. That last part may be a little shocking to say out loud, but I think it is easily appreciable to anyone who can look at patterns with an open mind.
The ethnonationalist right obviously did not form out of rigid ideology. Rather, the majority of it has come to that camp out of practical considerations. The boilerplate out of the old "tradcon" right was wholly inadequate to explain the fall of Western culture and society, and the left was attempting to hasten the process, so both must be rejected and more radical explanations must be considered. This practical attitude is why a lot of people here hold formerly unconventional positions like embracing adult Legos, video games, and anime, because there is no utility in rejecting those things other than signaling plaid shirt lumberjack conservatism for the Daily Wire (see the old tradcon right).
HOWEVER, an anti-degen, anti-pedophile, anti-prostitution, anti-promiscuity, pro-Christian faction is not oriented toward porn. Let alone cartoon porn of individuals with prepubescent characteristics. I can't recall a single prominent RW account that has signaled for porn.
Does this mean supporting legal bans on loli? No, due to practical considerations. But I'm fine with Steam banning it.
The reason that this place is still split on moral approval of porn and loli is because of the strong influence of the manosphere RW, which is a defensive reaction to a feminist society that has systematically crushed every male activity and interest for decades. The manosphere counters this by rejecting every single criticism of men as a group. But in the end, to try to embrace porn and reject promiscuous culture is an incoherent position.
I think you're both making the same mistake. There is no "new faction" of the right. What we're really seeing is a multitude of groups with fuzzy separations where the only real commonality is they are against the insanity of today's left. The gay 2A advocate, the pro-life boomer, the free-speech absolutionist, the union guy who has personally felt the open borders, the anti-feminization manosphere guy, the AIPAC neocon, the race-realist; they're not natural allies. At least not on every front.
That's why we've got to be extremely careful about purity spiraling. The best we can realistically aim for is: get government and the courts out of it and let culture and social pressure resolve the rest. That's the common ground. Shame worked great before. It's the infestation of lawyers into every aspect of human interaction that's destroyed the US.
And in that vein, this forum isn't a bad example. We don't have a united voice on every issue. But we don't need it to be an echo chamber. That's not the point. The free exchange of idea is.
Indeed, this is a new coalition under a new "big tent" and if I implied otherwise that's my mistake. But the faction that is gaining the most ground is by far the ethnonationalists.
That's a stretch. There's a few topics that are brought up in lock step in almost every thread, and a tiny handful of people who might share a different view that get like 30 downvotes every time. This sub is a lot more of an echochamber than you'd like to admit.
Maybe. But, if I assume that I'm not an outlier, some of us just don't give a shit about upvotes and especially downvotes. If someone says something worth recommending, I'll upvote. Anything short of actual spam, I don't bother downvoting.
Besides, you should gauge sentiment off post content and conversations in replies, not muh hecking updoots. We're small and votes are easily skewed by links/crossposts. Downvotes are the tool of people who don't disagree enough to have or bother with a reply.
tl;dr: Stop thinking like a Redditor.
If they don't matter, why are they a basic function of the site? Answer that and maybe I'll give a shit about your opinion.
I know you're not looking for a real answer, but here's one anyway.
Voat,, even Ovarit all splintered off from Reddit because they got banned or sick of what a shithole Reddit was. Then every one of them re-implemented Reddit's features identically because they were familiar. None gave a second thought to how those features contributed to Reddit's awful culture in the first place. None attempted to improve on the underlying formula, assuming it was only the mods that had made it shit. Which is somewhat understandable because Reddit mods left a hell of an impression.
Downvoting and hiding comments below a threshold are mechanics that invite abuse. And even if not abused, incentivize passive aggressive users. People who downvote and say nothing rarely have opinions worth considering. I'd go as far as to say they have reactions, not opinions.
And yet, downvotes to hide comment is a regular daily occurrence on this sub, employed by the vast majority of users, particularly in reference to a very small list of topics where there is clearly an acceptable opinion to have on this sub, and any opinion to the contrary is not tolerated at all. When the topic of discussion at hand that you were responding to me in regards to was the dubious claim that this sub isn't an echo chamber, you have absolutely no real answer to that other than 'nuh uh stop being like a redditor'.
I won't be responding to you anything, you have nothing of value worth reading.
I won't interact with you any differently. I'll probably forget your name in about 15 min anyway. But do know that I'm still not downvoting you.
Only because this forum is functionally dead, and has been brigaded relentlessly as part of a deliberate subversion operation.
Boomers aren't pro life much. They've given up that fight in order to elect zognald. Radical anti abortionists like myself are much younger.
I was making up examples of individuals that would be considered "right" while not having much obvious common ground to illustrate the idea, not commenting on their frequency.
Your answer is inadequate. We do not affect change in society by neutering our enforcement arms of government and ceding control to some random foreign corporate/NGO. Government is a tool that will be used. If you don't use it, someone else will.
I should have probably specified federal government.
But I still disagree agree with neutering the government being a bad thing. The 1A has done a pretty decent, but not perfect, job of protecting free speech via the government. It did not take a $5b/yr "Department of Free Speech" to accomplish that. And I see no reason to believe it would have been any better protected if such an agency did exist. It would just be more attack surface that could be subverted and weaponized.
There's plenty that a limited government can do with simple laws that doesn't require a sprawling bureaucracy that touches every part of your daily life.
Honestly amazing response except for the conclusion.
People merely advocating for certain things to not be banned are not "embracing" it. If I say I don't think that alcohol should be prohibited that doesn't mean I am "embracing" alcohol or any downstream problems introduced by its existence. If someone is advocating for weird shit to be normalized, that's a completely different thing altogether. I think 99% of people here could agree stuff like that should carry a stigma and not be normalized, but advocating for it not to be banned does not contradict that position.
You touch on utilitarianism a little, so it really seemed you were going to end with "and thus most here don't want it banned because it doesn't lead to us winning the overall cultural struggle we find ourselves part of, and is, in fact, counterproductive to it," but instead you randomly veered off into "not wanting something banned = embracing it."
Still saving your post though; stuff like this are why I love this board.
Thanks, I actually agree with that in general and I probably should have been more clear that I was speaking of embracing/rejecting in a de facto, cultural context, not a de jure, legal context.
Dude this is a grrat reply. And in it you summed up my thoughts perfectly when reading the OP. The ascending right is not libertarian at all, its collectivist at its heart as the young feel very threatened and are circling the wagons.
There is a path forming, a rejection of extreme isolationist individualism, a rejection of the boomercon right values of money money and more money. The market isn't safe to buy in, what's the point of having money to spend there?
The argument for free speech has limits and people are starting to understand porn, degeneracy, and pedophilia, even animated shit, is not welcome in a healthy society. Those obsessed with gratuitous self pleasure will of course struggle when their favorite habit is rightfully attacked. And there are dire consequences to real freedom of thought and speech as the government pushes control and ID checking for things like porn, but you will not find me defending it. Its a fake refuge that weakens your position on speech protections when you try and integrate lewd destructive poison into protected speech.
Isn't right wing, keep dreaming wehraboo. You commies are literally just a splinter group promoted by globalist actors to harm the right.
The United States is a collective. Get over it.
Libertarian principles allow for rejecting the systematic use of homosexuality as a weapon. Actual libertarian principle is "do what you want to yourself but don't harm others or try to force it on anyone else" and the fucking faggots and troonery is nothing but forced and harmful.
I'd be fine if gays got back in the fucking closet, and nobody ever allowed troonery to be taken seriously again - the deranged faggots can go kill themselves in the corners like they used to. It's the system enabling them, promoting them, giving them privileges and access to children that is the harm.
In an actual functional libertarian society, shooting a pedo teacher that tried to groom your kids would be considered justified.
Great post.
This really makes me miss traditional education teaching the kids how to write essays.
An opening paragraph outlining the point you want to make, followed by paragraphs that start with a supporting point then elaborate on it, then a closing that brings it all together.
Even without the anime, the tradcucks will still be retards. Their israel love is tied with free speech bans, they promote genital mutilation, try to ban video games, the list goes on and on.
Boomers are anything but traditional. And the young right is not libertarian at all, they are becoming full on fascist. We are sick of being told to live and let live while our culture, our nation, and our race is piecemeal ripped apart. Boomers? Israel first. Libertarians? Weak fence sitters with no idea how people affect other people.
Which way western man?
Post Reported for: Please Sticky
For giggles, I'll throw it up for a week.
You don’t understand, people are looking at gross porn, and I don’t watch anime so I don’t care if it gets destroyed.
I still remember kenshin telling his student about the salami technique lol
You fucking bell end.
They are days away from more-or-less ending the open internet in the UK. Their rallying cry was "Think of the children!.
And your response is to just cede the ground and smile?
Fuck you. Fuck off.
I live in Australia. They took our guns, they literally made this thoughtcrime bullshit where representational art is exactly the same under law as a photograph.
You want to give up in Texas? Well do it, faggot. Strap on those skates and roll down that slippery slope. You fucking deserve what you get.
A lot of retards got their interpretation of the thing wrong too.
And it took some fucker with a "loli anime avatar" to scrutinize and read the fucking bill to realize IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. It just enforces something that's ALREADY federal law and expands enforcement against AI depictions of kids. Nobody should be opposed to that.
Good shit OP.
First time where I saw EVERYONE got it wrong, both from the left and right.
The biggest point of contention I see this sub bitch about are the Jews. That'll probably be our next point of contention once all this other shit calms down. I'd prefer we don't give Israel our money either, but that's just me speaking from an America first perspective. However, the main problem is there's a significant portion of the right are Jews as well and if we actually told them to fuck off we would've lost our elections the past year... so I don't see an immediate practical solution to that problem.
I'll fess up that I was one of them who thought it was bad until I saw people I actually trust to keep it straight because of past performance on the subject (namely, Rev Says Desu and Legal Mindset) managed to clear things up. The "obscenity's" part did get my back up based on past experience, but seeing that it is an expansion of a law that actually outlines what obscenity means in clear language instead of the vague ones that are usually done was reassuring.
But I also agree with the sentiment that some expressed in their respective livestreams that it is better to fault on the side of fighting censorship than not fighting it enough. Just be big enough to admit when you got it wrong.
We talk about the left eating their own, but they take breaks in their purity test spirals to unify on voting and exercising power.
Only the right is so gung-ho about suicide-pact principles that we split and fracture when it counts.