It should be no secret that the idealized vision of the financially conservative, socially Libertarian, anti-Globalist, populist Right that is currently enjoying a brief ascendancy was brought about by a wave of young, Internet-savvy independents swinging to the Right since 2014. You saw them everywhere on social media before the vast purges began. For the sake of brevity, let's call them "the Anime Right."
Contrasted against them are the "Tradcon Right." These are the financially insolvent, socially oppressive, globalist powermongering boomers who have dominated the establishment Right for at least the past half century, as well as a smaller but loud swell of ambitious newfags who want to emulate them because the libertarian populism part won't make you a billionaire or get you fawned over on Fox News.
All of the good things coming about in western society today as the result of the Anime Right rising for the past yet years, and merging with the establishment Right, and doing so with enough numbers and energy so as to overpower the Tradcons. The latter have lost footing in every single area of cultural and political action except for the tiny hats, and even that, impossibly, is beginning to be discussed somewhat openly if still in hushed tones.
They tried demoralizing the shit out of us, beginning with an event called #GamerGate, to get us to fall in line and it only made us angrier and more determined Now years later, what do we see? The age-old tactic of salami fighting, and loli art is the bait. What is salami fighting? Its a tactic taught in some martial arts as a way to deal with an opponent who outnumbers you. tl;dr is, you run and let them chase. Because people naturally have different body builds and running speeds and endurance, by stringing the enemy along using bait (in this case yourself) the enemy naturally stretches out into a thin line from fastest to slowest. Then you turn around suddenly and try to pull a quick takedown on the first person behind you before the second catches up. Then you repeat with the second person, and the third. It's like slicing a salami. You can't beat the whole thing, so you trick it into spreading itself thin and then you take out its pieces one by one in the order of lowest hanging fruit.
In this case its because the new Right is, well, new. It has fragility. Fault lines. Points of disagreement that are less important than the overall cause, but ripe to be exploited to cause fracturing if the enemy can just find the right wedge. And you know who the enemy's best allies are for this? The Tradcons who want control and power back.
I warned this very forum about this shit a year or more ago. The Left and their political cuck allies are desperate to shut down the Anime Right. To splinter it off, or more accurate force it to be ejected from the new Right coalition.
Do you want the people making the Right wing a viable, populist alternative to the Globohomo Left to pack up our shit and go home? Because moralfag crusading of fictional works of any fucking kind is how you're gonna do it. AND THE ENEMY FUCKING KNOWS THIS. STOP. HELPING. THEM.
You want the 4chans and 8chans and regular fucking memelord degenerate nerds of the world on your side through all of this bloody bullshit fighting? Because people that like are how you ever got this far. Then leave the fucking anime, the fucking videogames, and the fucking lolis alone. You are directly in the process of taking the first steps down the path that made our enemies our enemies in the first fucking place. You think somebody's ideas are "icky" and you want government power to destroy expressions of it, and in a vacuum where no one and nothing is being harmed by it except your personal , highly egotistical sensibilities. We're not talking Drag Queen Story Hour corrupting real kids here, you disingenuous fuckers. We're talking about art that you can look up on Google for twenty fucking years.
That's not the point I was making, and you know it.
i really don't know it, dude. that sorta shit is the stuff we can take a stance on really easily. anime is not crucial to the right-wing worldview and i find it almost parody i even have to mention that. on the other hand, pedophilia, losing yourself in fantasy worlds full of softcore porn and sexy chicks really of any apparent age - that IS part of the left-wing worldview. the recent mutation of them thinking ugly tranny sheboons are also sexy is just that, a mutation, not a distinctly different thing from them generally pushing promiscuity, hedonism, and escapism.
You're right, all of those things you mention are symptoms of the decadent, hedonistic age in which we live. However, as was very eloquently stated in another similar topic posted today, it is not the place of government to be regulating these moral failings. In a properly structured society, that role should belong to the community and the church.
The disease is modernity, the symptoms are things like loli and overreliance on escapism. Legislating those things away is 1. not going to fix the hollowness in people that caused them to exist in the first place, and 2. going to give the powers that be (which are hostile to us conservatives in particular) yet another excuse to regulate the internet and free exchange of information.
That is why I said there are far more pressing issues to fix before we consider what randos on the internet are jerking off to.
No surprise hoovy didn't respond to this.
But slight addition. I'd argue that government regulation is what lead to the decadent, hedonistic age. When you replace community, family, and the church with the state, what are you going to get but an amoral mass?
The reality is that people as a whole rely on each other for the most part. Historically, and not even that long ago at that, such reliance was done through direct community and family ties, often brought together via the church. But when you replace reliance upon community and instead supplement that with state reliance, all the moral aspects vanish along with it. Anyone begging for more state interference is also begging for more of the problem.
Its like you people don't even think past your own noses. No its not crucial, but its beneficial even if the most pathetic of our society get lost in it.
What kinda nose are we talking about btw
can't really argue that when japan is infamous for being a product of US occupation leading to its fucked up media culture, can you?
besides: if it was really about "media outside the stranglehold", you'd consume and support western dissidents creating media, not japanese people catering to lonely perverts and foreign xenophiles.
That thing that happened over a century ago that started to diverge into its own unique entity around the 60s when they began to try and adapt US media into their own original versions?
Yeah I think I can argue that pretty well.
Of what little there is of this, it usually is of low quality or purely political works. Political works have their place, but a person is allowed to want a simple comedy or action series divorced from the daily stressors and real life analogues as well. Lady Ballers still reminds me trannies exist and actively doing evil for its entire runtime, and is also pretty terrible.
And also the easy fact that I can do more than two things at once. Shocking I know!
There is no exclusivity clause. Both are useful.
People forget that trap culture was one of the contributors to trans culture, and that came from anime.
It's true anime isn't crucial per se - but it is also true that anime advocacy will be a part of any RW movement because it is a globally recognized cultural force that is largely independent of Western lib influence.
I always wondered about the trap stuff. But there has to he an intersection with zog because Japan society outside of Anime is still largely conservative and doesnt tolerate faggotry within families. Whereas Americans generally allow their kids to be gay.