This isn't just a Chinese problem either. This is an Asian woman problem - this happens EVERYWHERE, that includes South Korea and Japan.
This is why dating Asian women is a huge fucking risk if you're rich. You think gold diggers in the West are bad? Wait until you meet an Asian woman who knows her value in the market of looks AND is looking to take everything you own for herself.
The male equivalent of this are Asian men (usually ones in their late 40's to 50's) who get so damn rich that they turn into their own version of the Emperor's invisible clothes. They're kind of the stereotypical "fatcat CEOs" you think of here in the West, but with their stubbornness ramped up to an eleven. Their shit never stinks. You are there to serve him as a thankful employee of his company, etc.
Source: I'm Korean. And those stereotypes you see in K-dramas? They actually do exist in real life.
As someone who doesn't watch K-drama, what would be a good place to get a glimpse, without being overly painful to watch?
I've read some Korean comics, which all seem to glorify the idea of the rich and powerful shitting on others... just because they can I guess? I assume it's in a similar vein?
"The Glory" is a pretty decent series. Revenge story about a girl who was mercilessly, cruelly bullied and tortured in high school, enabled by parents and teachers.
Even the first couple episodes are enough to probably let you know that most Americans would be completely incompatible with Korean culture. I'd have been throwing hands repeatedly based on the way people were being treated.
It is not women the problem, it is the governments that give them the power to take a man money the problem. But China made a new law that say women cannot take a man money in divorce they are toast.
I think the best method for the modern man is to move like Dicaprio and jump from girl to girl and never settle.
The fact that they have such a sizable gender imbalance and aren't overrun with ugly bitches already is a testament to how fucked it is here. The only ugly Chinese girls I've seen are just ones that are naturally ungifted in the looks department. Unlike American girls who in many cases go out of their way to ruin their natural beauty because they're infected with some shitty mind virus.
People always forget that "woman" is the top tier category that develops first in a person. They are made women before they become any race, religion, nationality etc.
Standard woman behavior is always in play, and it only ever seems like it isn't through strict social controls. Something that barely exists in any country anymore thanks to USAID type interventions.
And if we agree that's true, their actions since being "liberated" have made a very strong case that that is the best course of action for humanity as a whole.
Asian women are one of the least likely to date their own ethnicity if given the choice. I imagine it might actually be worse in China these days. Since they don't even have that strong of a baseline attraction to begin with, just pure entitlement.
And everywhere else in the world, just places like China have preserved their cultural awareness of that biological reality moreso than western cultures that like to pretend it doesn't exist.
The US romantic movies/romcoms are so cringe because a story that in the 90s or 00s would have focused on a good looking guy and girl in their 20s is now centered around 40-somes with crows feet. That no romcoms with Kristen Bell comes to mind. Yeah, she's cute but she's twenty years past being ripe and that fact that there is such a big contingent of perennial daters in their 40s that the show justifies it's budget and existence is fucking sad.
It might be more reasonable than in the West, but if women were actually reasonable (ie going for their male equivalents) then even in China only 10% of men would be locked out of dating. The percentage of men getting gyped in the SMP is way higher than that in that West, let alone China.
Suppose all or many of these women are getting exposed to media from the west that depict standards of living far beyond what 99% of everyone on the planet will experience?
It is in all countries where women make as much as the average man. Even third world countries like Thailand or philippine, the women look down on the men that make as much as them and since women in these countries also do prostitution, they make way more than the average men so they almost have no respect for them.
They only care about men that are more wealthy than them.
This isn't just a Chinese problem either. This is an Asian woman problem - this happens EVERYWHERE, that includes South Korea and Japan.
This is why dating Asian women is a huge fucking risk if you're rich. You think gold diggers in the West are bad? Wait until you meet an Asian woman who knows her value in the market of looks AND is looking to take everything you own for herself.
The male equivalent of this are Asian men (usually ones in their late 40's to 50's) who get so damn rich that they turn into their own version of the Emperor's invisible clothes. They're kind of the stereotypical "fatcat CEOs" you think of here in the West, but with their stubbornness ramped up to an eleven. Their shit never stinks. You are there to serve him as a thankful employee of his company, etc.
Source: I'm Korean. And those stereotypes you see in K-dramas? They actually do exist in real life.
Asian women are more open about being gold diggers and Western women are more open about being cunts.
But they're all both.
As someone who doesn't watch K-drama, what would be a good place to get a glimpse, without being overly painful to watch?
I've read some Korean comics, which all seem to glorify the idea of the rich and powerful shitting on others... just because they can I guess? I assume it's in a similar vein?
"The Glory" is a pretty decent series. Revenge story about a girl who was mercilessly, cruelly bullied and tortured in high school, enabled by parents and teachers.
Even the first couple episodes are enough to probably let you know that most Americans would be completely incompatible with Korean culture. I'd have been throwing hands repeatedly based on the way people were being treated.
It is not women the problem, it is the governments that give them the power to take a man money the problem. But China made a new law that say women cannot take a man money in divorce they are toast.
I think the best method for the modern man is to move like Dicaprio and jump from girl to girl and never settle.
They have a shortage of women and too many men. Of course women would be spoilt and with unreasonable standards..
It’s the reverse problem that Russia had after WW2.
Prepare for some really ugly bitches to come out of China lol
The fact that they have such a sizable gender imbalance and aren't overrun with ugly bitches already is a testament to how fucked it is here. The only ugly Chinese girls I've seen are just ones that are naturally ungifted in the looks department. Unlike American girls who in many cases go out of their way to ruin their natural beauty because they're infected with some shitty mind virus.
From what i heard chinese men are starting marry foreign women.
Women exist in China, more at 11.
People always forget that "woman" is the top tier category that develops first in a person. They are made women before they become any race, religion, nationality etc.
Standard woman behavior is always in play, and it only ever seems like it isn't through strict social controls. Something that barely exists in any country anymore thanks to USAID type interventions.
To be fair it's because they've mostly been property throughout history.
And if we agree that's true, their actions since being "liberated" have made a very strong case that that is the best course of action for humanity as a whole.
I have never met a women that didn't follow Briffault's Law. I see no reason Chinese chicks would be different.
Chink females are even more upfront about being parasites.
Well, TIL about Briffault's Law, at least.
When you understand Briffault's Law, you understand society. Even in the countries passport bros have gone to, Briffault's Law still applies.
Asian women are one of the least likely to date their own ethnicity if given the choice. I imagine it might actually be worse in China these days. Since they don't even have that strong of a baseline attraction to begin with, just pure entitlement.
Well yeah their men are hairless and short.
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Passport bros love almost every Asian Country except for China and South Korea.
Passport bros primarily go to the Asian equivalents of Mexico.
Passport bros are in for a nasty shock as the feminist ideology gets spread in the countries they flee to thanks to social media.
Already heavily infected Vietnam.
The Philippines is definitely next.
They’re everywhere
Reasonable, their male/female demographics are horrible. A Chinese woman can be picky because there are so many more men.
Yes but women come with an expiry date in china.
And everywhere else in the world, just places like China have preserved their cultural awareness of that biological reality moreso than western cultures that like to pretend it doesn't exist.
The US romantic movies/romcoms are so cringe because a story that in the 90s or 00s would have focused on a good looking guy and girl in their 20s is now centered around 40-somes with crows feet. That no romcoms with Kristen Bell comes to mind. Yeah, she's cute but she's twenty years past being ripe and that fact that there is such a big contingent of perennial daters in their 40s that the show justifies it's budget and existence is fucking sad.
It might be more reasonable than in the West, but if women were actually reasonable (ie going for their male equivalents) then even in China only 10% of men would be locked out of dating. The percentage of men getting gyped in the SMP is way higher than that in that West, let alone China.
In theory, but apparently they've become so insufferable that not a single man showed up to a dating event with 1,000 women.
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Suppose all or many of these women are getting exposed to media from the west that depict standards of living far beyond what 99% of everyone on the planet will experience?
Pretty sure China/Asia invented that trope.
It is in all countries where women make as much as the average man. Even third world countries like Thailand or philippine, the women look down on the men that make as much as them and since women in these countries also do prostitution, they make way more than the average men so they almost have no respect for them.
They only care about men that are more wealthy than them.
Chinese Historian has been doing a ton of videos on this and how China is leading toward a collapse because of this.