most of those signs are about language. It'd be the equivalent of an american business putting up a sign that says "english only", short for " our staff only speak english and all of our signage is in english. If you do not speak english, we cannot serve you."
Some of the core/foundational requirements for a group to exist, and continue to exist, regardless of the group's size or context, is for people to congregate with whom they choose, to be able to protect itself, to be able to protect its borders, to gatekeep out undesirables, to enforce its own culture and heritage upon that group, for the good of the group. If these basic tenets for group cohesion and survival are not followed or disallowed, it means that group will inevitably be destroyed by diversity, by people who do not belong in that group. It's tantamount to an invasion. No matter how slow the process takes, the results are always the same.
People are having to relearn these lessons, because we've been propagandize since birth, lessons that our ancestors knew so innately that they never needed to write about or discuss them. They could never conceive of lies so blatantly egregious to reality that anyone could believe them.
Fortunately, this has resulted in increasing numbers of people becoming ardent and unyielding gatekeepers of their groups. The cries for "inclusion" by the egalitarianists and multiculturalists are falling on deaf ears by these newly zealous gatekeepers, who no longer seek appeasement or compromise from people who would destroy them and everything they love.
It would be hilarious if the Japanese writing was talking about language, but the English translations were about foreigners/race. Nice way to gatekeep right there. If you actually speak (and read) the language, you can enter. Otherwise the signs are telling you to fuck off. That would be chef's kiss.
I can't remember how long ago it was but I remember a story with a Taco Bell restaurant whose late night shift team spoke only Spanish. They put up a sign that said orders had to be in Spanish, despite being in America. I bet this faggot would be fine with that.
They have pattern recognition and see foreigner's money isn't worth the hassle.
Your OWN actions are to blame as I bet the foreigner's of mostly European or American origins that live there have Japanese friends or contacts that this isn't as much of an issue compared to the visiting nuisance streamers.
If there are beauty salons which accept women only, barber shops which accept men only, why are some people angry when they see Japanese-only or Whites-only shops?
Yeah, true. Which, given the resurgence in the media screaming about Gamergate being responsible for Trump, I have to appreciate the irony of the left doing more to destroy feminism than we ever could.
most of those signs are about language. It'd be the equivalent of an american business putting up a sign that says "english only", short for " our staff only speak english and all of our signage is in english. If you do not speak english, we cannot serve you."
perfectly reasonable.
Its reasonable even if its about race. Its their own private property they can chose who they want in or out.
Some of the core/foundational requirements for a group to exist, and continue to exist, regardless of the group's size or context, is for people to congregate with whom they choose, to be able to protect itself, to be able to protect its borders, to gatekeep out undesirables, to enforce its own culture and heritage upon that group, for the good of the group. If these basic tenets for group cohesion and survival are not followed or disallowed, it means that group will inevitably be destroyed by diversity, by people who do not belong in that group. It's tantamount to an invasion. No matter how slow the process takes, the results are always the same.
People are having to relearn these lessons, because we've been propagandize since birth, lessons that our ancestors knew so innately that they never needed to write about or discuss them. They could never conceive of lies so blatantly egregious to reality that anyone could believe them.
Fortunately, this has resulted in increasing numbers of people becoming ardent and unyielding gatekeepers of their groups. The cries for "inclusion" by the egalitarianists and multiculturalists are falling on deaf ears by these newly zealous gatekeepers, who no longer seek appeasement or compromise from people who would destroy them and everything they love.
It would be hilarious if the Japanese writing was talking about language, but the English translations were about foreigners/race. Nice way to gatekeep right there. If you actually speak (and read) the language, you can enter. Otherwise the signs are telling you to fuck off. That would be chef's kiss.
Boy have I got an indignant leftist to sell you who'll argue that. There's so many isms there their head would explode.
I can't remember how long ago it was but I remember a story with a Taco Bell restaurant whose late night shift team spoke only Spanish. They put up a sign that said orders had to be in Spanish, despite being in America. I bet this faggot would be fine with that.
Why the fuck are people like that even doing in my country? It's absolutely absurd that we tolerate people who can't speak our language living here.
What fucking order at Taco Bell is so complex that a language barrier comes into it?
"One Nachos BellGrande"
"Uno Nachos BellGrande"
"Ooooh, si."
They have pattern recognition and see foreigner's money isn't worth the hassle.
Your OWN actions are to blame as I bet the foreigner's of mostly European or American origins that live there have Japanese friends or contacts that this isn't as much of an issue compared to the visiting nuisance streamers.
The only problem here is that we are specifically forbidden by law to do the same.
i actually dont think its legal in Japan either, but they still do it anyway.
Based nips
" If you don't let me in, I'll burn your house down!"
So they're making the right decision keeping you out, then?
If there are beauty salons which accept women only, barber shops which accept men only, why are some people angry when they see Japanese-only or Whites-only shops?
The faggots complaining about this absolutley also complain about women-only salons and men-only barber shops.
they dont complain about women only salons they complain about how we define a woman.
Yeah, true. Which, given the resurgence in the media screaming about Gamergate being responsible for Trump, I have to appreciate the irony of the left doing more to destroy feminism than we ever could.
They not only accept it, they encourage it, they call them "safe spaces"
There aren’t enough blacks in Japan for that to happen
Black streamers who are troublemakers are the reasons for some these signs...
Must be nice to have that kind of freedom of association.
It's the dream. To be able to say "nah, I don't feel like dealing with foreigners or subhumans."
Good on them. Protect your own.
Firstly, it's their right to deny you service. They owe you nothing.
Secondly, they very likely used to be welcoming until they had difficulties that made them say fuck it, no more of this shit. No more of 'them'
And if you are a 'them' blame those that fucked it up for the rest of you.
That sounds like a USA problem fam.
FYI. The Japanese are racist.
And yeah. It kind of sucks when you live over there.
But it’s their country so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
What retard unironically dresses in that gay ass hoodie?