The world's first gay Imam.... and it's gone
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I would love to see institutional Islam become as pozzed as most Christian churches are, just for the irony.
Me too.
I call em Hippy Church. My sister goes there.
Fucking "United Methodists" I'm not even religious and seeing how they twist the damn Bible to bullshti their beliefs is infuriating.
more like its not going to happen because muslims are taught that violence is supported if its for their religion but Christians are taught to be passive and turn the other cheek.
Jesus did say he brought a sword. But (((somehow))) Christians have begun to believe they should bemd over ready to receive for sinful behavior.
Westerners in general have somehow gotten 'violence is never the answer' lodged in their heads in spite of history showing it's very much otherwise.
That's what they're told by their rulers, while those rulers freely use violence whenever it suits them - not least against their own populations. It's a psy-op, as the kids call it I believe.
Because people don't understand "turn the other cheek" in the context of the time it was written. When Jesus said that it was a statement of defiance and not of "let people walk over you."
Yes, but you’re talking about a symptom, not a cause. That symptom is the result of failure by the church to pass on the proper context, abandoning it in favor of a hippie-like peaceful coexistence creed. Some of that failure may be natural mistakes, but some is almost certainly deliberately induced by one party or another.
The devil may be the prince of the earth, but he's not omnipotent. Every plot he conceives is eventually undone.
I like your type of Christian.
I wonder how all the “Islam is based and will save the West” grifters would react.
Never going to work. Too many petro-dollars and violent extremism within the Islamic world.
He came out as gay in 1996. Fuckers took their damn time. I guess this is how it is when your muslim terrorists aren't run by the CIA or Mossad.
It's South Africa. It was the crime capital of the world at one point and maybe still is. They don't know if he was targeted for being a fag but they're running with that narrative for obvious reasons.
He was probably living it up in style like an American evangelical preacher, and made himself an obvious target
''lgbt muslims'' is such an oxymoron, it's like the hippy Christians handpicking parts of the bible they like and going on to be false prophets, at least the muzzies don't allow it as seen by this example.
Christians used to be vehemently opposed to sodomy, too. The long march through Chrisitan institutions has most of them tolerant of it now, some even openly celebrate it.
It's just another side of the same old delusion coin. Our society breeds a certain kind of person that simply cannot accept reality constraints and trade-offs.
No, you cannot be a gay imam. That's not what Islam is. You have to pick one.
No, you cannot be a lesbian and a Catholic priest. That's not what Catholicism is.
No, you cannot become a woman. You are a man. That's what men are.
No, your 600 pound fat ass cannot ride in a normal Lyft.
No, you cannot solo female travel through Bumfuck, India. Bad things will happen to you.
These people will throw their lives away in narcissistic temper tantrums over how unfair it is that reality doesn't let them be impossible and contradictory things.
Muhsin Hendricks of South Africa. What a strange mish mash of words. None of them seem to be in concert with each other
It's so tiresome that the journoscum shout "hate crime" anytime something happens to a fag while acknowledging they have zero evidence and that SA is also Mad Max
Article says he came out in 1996. So he was a gay imam for 30 years...
Means they haven't figured out who the killer is yet and are banking on it being a white man.
What if one (or both) of the shooters was being blackmailed/groomed by the imam and sick of trading access to his body so the imam did not let slip that he was gay?
It makes me wonder if it is similar to this situation.
honestly, the first place my head was pulse nightclub...
Kinda surprised it took this long..
Maybe this was just a random crime hit of some sort. Was there ever a fatwa out on this guy? If not... why not?
I love how the pedophilia-aligned ILGA group is cited as a perfectly respectable organization.