I went to the gas station once and the Muslim clerk was nice to me. So therefore all Muslims are lovely, peaceful people with the same value systems and morals as me!
The upper class college educated whites were as brainwashed as any western liberal population and are the reason SA is the way it is today. The farmers and types of people who would found Orania might be a bit different.
That’s how you know it’s not a real person. This is a vintage black nationalist talking point. I was born in Africa and spent 35 years of my life there. I have never set foot in Europe, I’m about as European as a Texan is cockney. White South Africans like me would all feel the same way, even the woke ones.
Understand that we DO have a big issue with white leftists - it’s basically how we lost our country. But now that time has proven us pro-white conservatives CORRECT, the lefties cannot help themselves but deny reality and repeat that there’s no problem, even when they themselves are being robbed raped and murdered.
Commie scum are commie scum, no matter where in the world you are, but the posts above look and sound so fuckin fake, I refuse to believe they’re real people.
Isn’t it the case that basically no one lived in what is now South Africa, until whites settled it and made it into livable, productive farmland, and only then did blacks start migrating there from other parts of Africa? If anyone is stealing that land from the rightful owners, it’s the blacks.
So the blacks are parasites who tried to claim the land after all of the hard work was done by Whites? Sounds like typical shitskin ghetto-trash behavior.
Hmm is this basically like everyone has to keep clapping during a Stalin speech or have to display ZERO emotions unless directed to in North Korea?
I'm sure there is one or two 'NPCs' but it may be the case that they HAVE to deny the evidence that the government and population there wants them dead for their property.
I wonder if they'd use the same logic on "native" tribes in the Americas? Because I doubt they would say since the lands have no real indigenous population the land is up for grabs.
Maybe the based ones all moved to Orania. Half joking, but there's thousands living there now. I remember when Jewy Theroux went there to mock their early efforts for the BBC.
Interesting I have noticed a disproportionate number of the South African emigres I have encountered are Jewish. Almost as if they could see the writing on the wall and got out as soon as possible, whereas the Whites perhaps actually believed the "rainbow nation" branding and stayed, investing their efforts in its future?
He calls us jews now. He thinks it is clever and effective because he was super butthurt about it being done to him. He figures it must bother us just as much, without realizing it just makes him look every bit as pathetic as the liberals trying to take back the "snowflake" insult.
I went to the gas station once and the Muslim clerk was nice to me. So therefore all Muslims are lovely, peaceful people with the same value systems and morals as me!
^^^ how stupid these people sound.
That’s not what this post is about.
This post is about people who aren’t white pretending to be white so that they can speak for whites.
It's cute that you think white people can't be Leftists.
It's cute that you think atheist jews aren't jews
I also think christian arabs aren't muslim.
The upper class college educated whites were as brainwashed as any western liberal population and are the reason SA is the way it is today. The farmers and types of people who would found Orania might be a bit different.
Read the tweets again. These two aren't brainwashed, they're the ones doing the brainwashing
Africa belongs to the Africans so let Egypt own South Africa?
That’s how you know it’s not a real person. This is a vintage black nationalist talking point. I was born in Africa and spent 35 years of my life there. I have never set foot in Europe, I’m about as European as a Texan is cockney. White South Africans like me would all feel the same way, even the woke ones.
Understand that we DO have a big issue with white leftists - it’s basically how we lost our country. But now that time has proven us pro-white conservatives CORRECT, the lefties cannot help themselves but deny reality and repeat that there’s no problem, even when they themselves are being robbed raped and murdered.
Commie scum are commie scum, no matter where in the world you are, but the posts above look and sound so fuckin fake, I refuse to believe they’re real people.
Isn’t it the case that basically no one lived in what is now South Africa, until whites settled it and made it into livable, productive farmland, and only then did blacks start migrating there from other parts of Africa? If anyone is stealing that land from the rightful owners, it’s the blacks.
So the blacks are parasites who tried to claim the land after all of the hard work was done by Whites? Sounds like typical shitskin ghetto-trash behavior.
That's definitely the case for the Zulu. The largest black ethnic group living in South Africa today.
Hmm is this basically like everyone has to keep clapping during a Stalin speech or have to display ZERO emotions unless directed to in North Korea?
I'm sure there is one or two 'NPCs' but it may be the case that they HAVE to deny the evidence that the government and population there wants them dead for their property.
I wonder if they'd use the same logic on "native" tribes in the Americas? Because I doubt they would say since the lands have no real indigenous population the land is up for grabs.
Sarah Downs is one of them. She is not white.
Maybe the based ones all moved to Orania. Half joking, but there's thousands living there now. I remember when Jewy Theroux went there to mock their early efforts for the BBC.
Any competent White South African left in the 90s.
Interesting I have noticed a disproportionate number of the South African emigres I have encountered are Jewish. Almost as if they could see the writing on the wall and got out as soon as possible, whereas the Whites perhaps actually believed the "rainbow nation" branding and stayed, investing their efforts in its future?
I mean, the jews wrote the writing on the wall, so yeah, they're ahead of the game.
Are they even real people, or are they bots?
I can assure you the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is real.
They're in your head rent free! There I even preloaded his response
But you didn't say stormfags.
He calls us jews now. He thinks it is clever and effective because he was super butthurt about it being done to him. He figures it must bother us just as much, without realizing it just makes him look every bit as pathetic as the liberals trying to take back the "snowflake" insult.
Strangely enough once I mention HIAS he tends to not respond anymore.
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