If its optional to be gay in the game then it should also be optional to persecute gays in the game.
Why can't i hunt down all the gays in the game as an "optional" side quest? why can't i roleplay as a homophobic priest? why can't i report Hans to the Church for being gay? its all just "optional" right?
Because they won't actually let you do things the developers dislike. You can either be bad (but for good reasons), comically evil, or they need to lecture you about how bad it is to think/do something like that.
The only exception I can really think of are some simulator/map games where you can play as just about anybody and do anything.
I could use some more Human Hats.
They really complement a duster of the same material.
I see your hat and raise you a armchair.
The real problem is that you need two stories. To really play evil there has to be a second story for the evil side where they have a satisfying 'win' in the end and nowadays they have trouble even writing one story.
In BG2 there's an actual evil substory with Bodhi, until it merges back into the main 'good' story.
In SW:TOR at least for a while in the core game there's an actual story told from the perspective of ruthless merit, where the Jedi are evil for being soft on crime woke pussies (ala Anakin: "from my point of view the Jedi are evil"). I think eventually you have to take over the Sith and make them actually good, but at least for a good portion of the core game you have the ability to ruthlessly execute incompetence and commit war crimes. It's great.
...just too bad about the jump animation ruining SW:TOR.
I hated the regression to 80% realistic character models with oversized limbs. The KOTOR games had normally proportioned models.
If they are insistent on having faggotry in it, it should have just been a cut scene showing the romance, followed by a cut scene of both faggots being hanged by the church, followed by a game over screen.
Or just dying from a laundry list of STDs that perverts get when they aren't loaded up on antibiotics
That's more applicable to modern faggotry, though. Antibiotics weren't really a thing in medieval or renaissance times.
I'm not sure what kind of STDs were common during that period in Europe. Definitely not AIDS, but perhaps something like syphillis, which was brought there from South America at the tail end of the fifteenth century. There were likely many other diseases as well, considering that even an ancient book like the Bible condemns sodomy.
Excellent questions, especially reporting Hans to the famously tolerant medieval Catholic Church. That would be one of the juiciest choice dilemmas in an RPG.
How is it a dilemma if the right choice is obvious?
Reminds me of how Henry can straight up lie about the Waldensians to the Vicar about their prayers. lmao You can do some fucked up shit in KCD1 for the sake of the Church.
Medieval hygiene + homosexuality = banned for your own good.
Hey I said this earlier!
Truly "optional" would be gay romance and gay slaughter not gay romance or not gay romance.
Hogwarts legacy was an especially horrible example of this, you had "cruel" dialogue options, but the moment they were over your character reverted to soft shelled poor sweet babyisms.
The funny thing is sexy outfits. Sexy outfits can be optional.. yet these game companies dont want to include them. Bet you when resident evil 5 remake comes out.. there wont be sexy outfits for sheva because its "le objectifiying" even though its optional. These fucks never compromise, while we have to compromise. While in prison, i jacked off into a towel. I compromised. I made grill cheese sandwich on the radiatoe. I compromised. That new jershey fat fuck's cousin killed my brother. I compromised. Nope. No more compromises.
I hope you pirated it, at least.
I like these ideas and have had them before.
I hear that Baldurs Gate 3 definitely has faggotry, but afaik you can also murder anyone for any reason, commit genocide, and be a hateful racist wretch.
I'm fine with "choice" as long as I'm provided with any and all of them. I usually don't play a bad guy, but I can tell what kind of game dev they are when they don't provide truly evil and fucked up choices
BG3 also didn't shy away from advertising this content front and center, whereas KCD2 denied them, the leaks were totally fake you guys until they weren't and now it's they're just optional!
The TFD mod for this game is going to be the only thing keeping it relevant.
Make it obligatory to report to the Church and I'll buy it