I don't believe ZuckerBorg. At the very least, he could have exposed the Biden regime and made a statement. "We have been asked to censor speech and information, and we intend to comply. It's not us, it's them." Then it would have been a Pyrrhic victory for Biden; they'd get their censorship, but everyone would know why and how. There'd be no putting the cat back in the bag; if anything happened to FB everyone would know who did it and why. Then they might have abandoned it. Giving the Biden regime cover allowed it to continue further.
Agreed. This is just people throwing Biden under the bus to save their own skin, because they know Biden is an empty suit who controlled nothing, so they'll never face reprisal for throwing him under the bus.
In one regard, they see the winds changing, so are trying to play damage control because they know most people hate their guts and would lynch them in a second if given the chance. On the other side, this is just the system trying to placate the masses who are increasingly exfiltrating themselves from the corrupt systems, and so they're trying to present themselves as "friends" again, in an attempt to bring us back into the fold of the entirely corrupted systems, so they can continue to control us. They absolutely don't want us off their plantation, where they have all the power and where we're completely neutered. Off the plantation, outside of the corrupted systems, we can make effectual change and cause damage to their truly malicious schemes, their systems, and them.
If anyone actually believes Mark Zuckerberg of all people is shifting right, and changing his mind on his censorious authoritarian globohomo position, they're too stupid to be alive.
they're trying to present themselves as "friends" again, in an attempt to bring us back into the fold of the entirely corrupted systems, so they can continue to control us. They absolutely don't want us off their plantation, where they have all the power and where we're completely neutered.
1,000% -- They want us to think we're "winning" to placate us, knowing full well that 90% will pat themselves on the back, call it "mission accomplished" and got back to watching sports and drinking cheap beer. We haven't "won" ANYTHING. We haven't accomplished ANYTHING.
I am very bitterly and sinfully anticipating all the members of my family suffering the side-effects of their chosen injections, especially after all their smug moralizing about the people who refused to take them. "Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but it it helps if it's an educated opinion. Snort snort snort." I know I should not wish my own blood to suffer, but if pain and suffering don't teach you a lesson, what ever will?
I have two people in my family that didn't want to but unfortunately caved due to things like their jobs. And I do at least feel sorry for them. We can all say people should have held out at all costs, but I get that it can be very difficult to give up an entire career like some did.
Still, the other family members that got their vaccines definitely get a level of apathy. I won't take joy in it, but neither will I be seeing them as victims in any way.
When they started talking about forced vaccinations I made it clear to myself and God that anyone who tried to force vaccinate me would die. The idea was comfortable for me.
I mean, I resisted too. Lost a job over it. It was rough, but I'm glad I did. Sadly, I saw the trouble and weight that it put on my family members that tried and couldn't resist. I truly feel sorry for them. Those types of people are victims. Not everyone can make a stand, though they wanted to.
Bravado away, I was nervous. I doubted myself at times and wondered if it was worth it, because it wasn't just me that my choice effected. And in retrospect I've been vindicated. But I have a lot of empathy for those that wanted to resist and caved. Because I was there myself. And I thank God that I didn't cave, but I don't blame others that struggled and ultimately did. I blame every single person that put that pressure on them to ensure they caved. Every politician. Every employers. Every coworker, neighbour, or family member that guilted and pressured and fearmongered those around them to cave. Those are the people that I hate.
There was never a better time to get fired than during Covid. Read that again. My sister dared them to do it and they did. Then she collected $700/week from unemployment and was approved for food stamps under "emergency criteria" to stay home with her family. She saved up over $22k, that's how much money and assistance she was getting. She later sued and they settled out of court.
People like you and yours were afraid because you're ignorant of labor laws, you're ignorant of contract law, you don't know your own Rights, and you're even more timid about suing employers. Another family member knew he was going to be laid off. I told him to sue his employer for insufficient compensation BEFORE they did; you can't fire an employee while there's legal action pending, as doing so is seen as retaliation. Well, his entire department was let go, except for him. They put him on paid leave until he withdrew his case a few months later.
Americans bitch about losing, yet they never bother to learn the rules of the game. There was NEVER a better time to get fired than during Covid!
I'm gonna say it's a bit different when it's choosing to lose a job and lose a career path.
It's also different when it's in Australia. Plenty of benefits while unemployed. Not so much in recourses after the fact considering how abysmal the legal system is for victims of just about anything unless it's class action level. It's less about being timid and simply knowing that the laws here simply don't exist like they do in America. And don't forget about how our police were treating us at the time. It was easy to allow fear to take hold a little.
And frankly, you're speaking in hindsight. At the time, shit was up in the air. I don't care about how I now know without a doubt that I made the right decision and have pursued what I can and looked into more that went nowhere. At the time, there was some really dangerous levels of rhetoric coming from the state about complying. Like I said, it's bravado aside. I can sit here and bullshit about how easy it is to throw away what was up until that point your life, but I'd be saying that in hindsight of doing it after the fact and having pieced the parts that fell apart back together. At the time, it wasn't all roses and sunshine. It was frustrating. It was challenging. It wasn't fun. But it was worth it. Because you're right, it was to defend/ensure/exercise my rights. That's always worth it. But I'm not going to sit here and devolve into machismo to say that it was a piece of cake. I wish I didn't have to go through that, even if it's made me better and I made the right choices.
People like you and yours were afraid because you're ignorant of labor laws, you're ignorant of contract law, you don't know your own Rights
The people the military that were discharged have no recompense, even after the feds lost a lawsuit and were prohibited from mandating the vaccine or taking derogatory personnel actions against those who refused.
Those that got kicked out before the court ruling did not get their jobs back, will not be receiving a monetary settlement, and lost all the vesting they had towards their retirement unless they already had 20 years in.
Yes, but that's a different situation when you contract with the government. Generally speaking, nobody should hesitate to sue an employer if your lawyer agrees you have a case. Most of those cases are settled out of court and if they fire you soon after, you'll have another case for retaliation.
I almost did. Was my last day and got a call from my great-grandboss(3 levels up) telling me to get an exemption letter to him ASAP and he would guarantee it gets accepted.
Got walked out, badge destroyed access revoked, and came back the next morning with my letter approved and had everything remade. Was a wild time.
And the enemy heard you. Now they're developing an aerosol vaccine they can release into the air with crop dusters, or into the A/C vents at malls, concerts and grocery stores. They're also looking to add it - undisclosed -- into food and drinks.
Same. When it was first announced my thought process was "huh, that's a neat breakthrough but I'm going to wait a year or two and see how it shakes out. If everything goes good I'll probably get it then." But then as the machine started to rev up demanding, nay trying to force everyone to get it whether they wanted it or not, I knew nothing good was possibly going to come from it and reached the same stance as you. And today I want mass tribunals followed by poor quality hangings.
My family is pretty close and has very few internal conflicts. However, I tried to warn them all to not take the vaccines. Unfortunately, my mom and step dad did, because my brother recommended it, and he's a doctor. I'm not accredited in any way, I just know about confirmed conspiracies, the damage and lies surrounding vaccines, and the rampant corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But, I was ignored, and my brother was believed, purely because of his position of "authority" regarding health and medicine. Even more aggravating, is my mom has been anti-vaxx her whole life, knows the dangers of vaccines, and refused to vaccinate all of us as kids, but took the first Covid shot because my brother said so.
Numerous pleas and conversations with my family members, with lots of evidence to back up my claims, all amounted to nothing, because I'm not an "authority". The whole Covid thing really damaged my respect for people I thought knew better, and unfortunately the vaccine acceptance was only one part of that loss of respect.
My brother isn't a system pig, and distrusts the system a little bit, but he's always been several months, or years, behind me. This was apparent during the Covid stuff, as I told him about the inefficacy of masks, social distancing, where Covid originated, the government manufacture of Covid, the fake PCR tests, that the flu completely disappeared during Covid, that the ventilators were killing people, that vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxochloroquine and ivermectin were the best treatments of Covid, that Remdesivir was killing people, that hospitals were intentionally killing people to get government Covid money, etc.
My brother initially resisted everything I told him, and then came around several months later on almost all of it. I warned him about the dangers of the vaccines, but he didn't listen. He got it for work, and he convinced several of my family members to get it, even my dad, who I think died due to complications of it during his lung transplant operation (even though I can't be sure, given the other health problems he was dealing with). However, my brother did come around to the stupidity of the Covid vaccines when they started pushing for more and more of them. He, and the rest of my family, only took the initial vaccines, not the subsequent ones. So, I guess that would be his admission to being wrong, but he, nor the rest of my family, ever apologized or recognized the fact that I knew all of this far, far before they did. They still resist me and reject what I tell them on lots of subjects, which is quite disheartening. I'm almost to the point where I won't tell them anything of importance any more, just to maintain my own sanity and mental health. I really love them, though, so it's a difficult decision. It just hurts all the more because they keep rejecting all the things I try to teach and tell them, regarding the corruptions of the world, the things I learn through conspiracy theory forums, the uncomfortable truths that go against the programming they still get, because they still have some blind faith in the system. They're right wing, but what I would describe as "right wing normies", except for two of them (both of them are my brother in laws).
Is this in regard to any new vaccines, or everything? Because I am presently due for a dose of the tetanus vaccine and I've been hesitant about getting it.
Suzanne Humphries does an excellent talk on tetanus (it's on youtube, the sound quality is a bit off). Like with all vaccines, the data really isn't what you think it would be. It's worth looking at the actual data and then deciding.
If a vaccine immunity is going to last 10 years it'll last a lifetime, unless the specific cells in your bone marrow that remember the antibodies just happen to die - which can happen for many reasons. It's also possible to get vaccinated and not develop immunity (if injected into a vein instead of muscle for instance).
So they have people get tetanus 'boosters' that aren't really boosters just in case.
Lockjaw is a pretty bad way to go and the bacteria is everywhere in nature so personally I'd rather have peace of mind than the small risk not getting vaccinated again, but maybe you could do every 20 years instead of 10 or wait until you get a puncture wound.
And now he's playing nice with the Republicans who probably want to investigate his company. Isn't that a fun coincidence?
It was completely in his monetary interest to stifle the truth about covid. Social media and vr for a nearly literal captive customer base.
Speaking of social media, they had firsthand exposure to the suffering and strife caused by the lockdowns and vex mandates. And they were apparently "pushed" into censoring the truth and prolonging this suffering even though they totes beliebed there were legitimate concerns about the vexes.
This faggot can eat shit.
He's just saying what he thinks will prevent the new regime from going after him. That's also why he donated a bunch of money to the inauguration and is kissing Trump's ass.
The upshot is that this will be useful for all the lawsuits being filed against them, and I'm surprised his attorneys are letting him say all this. As a private company, Facebook can censor their website as they wish, but if they do it at the demand of the government they are treated as a government agent, and are then liable for restricting speech the same as the government itself would be.
The problem is proving it, as courts have ruled that a simple request from the government isn't enough, as they are free to collaborate when their interests align. A litigant needs to show that they did it because they felt coerced or pressured by the government, and these statements are establishing that pattern of facts.
It's crazy, because someone posted a link to an organization actively suing them and alleging they acted as a government agent just a few days ago.
"All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident"
I don't believe ZuckerBorg. At the very least, he could have exposed the Biden regime and made a statement. "We have been asked to censor speech and information, and we intend to comply. It's not us, it's them." Then it would have been a Pyrrhic victory for Biden; they'd get their censorship, but everyone would know why and how. There'd be no putting the cat back in the bag; if anything happened to FB everyone would know who did it and why. Then they might have abandoned it. Giving the Biden regime cover allowed it to continue further.
Agreed. This is just people throwing Biden under the bus to save their own skin, because they know Biden is an empty suit who controlled nothing, so they'll never face reprisal for throwing him under the bus.
In one regard, they see the winds changing, so are trying to play damage control because they know most people hate their guts and would lynch them in a second if given the chance. On the other side, this is just the system trying to placate the masses who are increasingly exfiltrating themselves from the corrupt systems, and so they're trying to present themselves as "friends" again, in an attempt to bring us back into the fold of the entirely corrupted systems, so they can continue to control us. They absolutely don't want us off their plantation, where they have all the power and where we're completely neutered. Off the plantation, outside of the corrupted systems, we can make effectual change and cause damage to their truly malicious schemes, their systems, and them.
If anyone actually believes Mark Zuckerberg of all people is shifting right, and changing his mind on his censorious authoritarian globohomo position, they're too stupid to be alive.
1,000% -- They want us to think we're "winning" to placate us, knowing full well that 90% will pat themselves on the back, call it "mission accomplished" and got back to watching sports and drinking cheap beer. We haven't "won" ANYTHING. We haven't accomplished ANYTHING.
Yep. The only indication that we're winning is when these evil bastards start getting unalived.
Don't saying it like that. It's too obvious.
Instead, say "the only indication that we're winning is when the evil bastards' vaccines start working."
I often couch it within the phrase "they start getting what they deserve". It's non specific, but anyone who knows, knows exactly what I'm saying.
I feel like this is more apt, since western governments are basically at war with their own citizens at this point.
That list also falls in line with the notion I've heard that the Left is an ideology of war. It matches up perfectly.
History is written by the victors, after all.
Well, by the victors' financeers.
At this point if you give your family any vaccines you are a sucker enabling these crooks.
I am very bitterly and sinfully anticipating all the members of my family suffering the side-effects of their chosen injections, especially after all their smug moralizing about the people who refused to take them. "Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but it it helps if it's an educated opinion. Snort snort snort." I know I should not wish my own blood to suffer, but if pain and suffering don't teach you a lesson, what ever will?
I have two people in my family that didn't want to but unfortunately caved due to things like their jobs. And I do at least feel sorry for them. We can all say people should have held out at all costs, but I get that it can be very difficult to give up an entire career like some did.
Still, the other family members that got their vaccines definitely get a level of apathy. I won't take joy in it, but neither will I be seeing them as victims in any way.
When they started talking about forced vaccinations I made it clear to myself and God that anyone who tried to force vaccinate me would die. The idea was comfortable for me.
I mean, I resisted too. Lost a job over it. It was rough, but I'm glad I did. Sadly, I saw the trouble and weight that it put on my family members that tried and couldn't resist. I truly feel sorry for them. Those types of people are victims. Not everyone can make a stand, though they wanted to.
Bravado away, I was nervous. I doubted myself at times and wondered if it was worth it, because it wasn't just me that my choice effected. And in retrospect I've been vindicated. But I have a lot of empathy for those that wanted to resist and caved. Because I was there myself. And I thank God that I didn't cave, but I don't blame others that struggled and ultimately did. I blame every single person that put that pressure on them to ensure they caved. Every politician. Every employers. Every coworker, neighbour, or family member that guilted and pressured and fearmongered those around them to cave. Those are the people that I hate.
Make a list. If society collapses and this becomes a free-for-all, you'll have something to keep you busy.
There was never a better time to get fired than during Covid. Read that again. My sister dared them to do it and they did. Then she collected $700/week from unemployment and was approved for food stamps under "emergency criteria" to stay home with her family. She saved up over $22k, that's how much money and assistance she was getting. She later sued and they settled out of court.
People like you and yours were afraid because you're ignorant of labor laws, you're ignorant of contract law, you don't know your own Rights, and you're even more timid about suing employers. Another family member knew he was going to be laid off. I told him to sue his employer for insufficient compensation BEFORE they did; you can't fire an employee while there's legal action pending, as doing so is seen as retaliation. Well, his entire department was let go, except for him. They put him on paid leave until he withdrew his case a few months later.
Americans bitch about losing, yet they never bother to learn the rules of the game. There was NEVER a better time to get fired than during Covid!
I'm gonna say it's a bit different when it's choosing to lose a job and lose a career path.
It's also different when it's in Australia. Plenty of benefits while unemployed. Not so much in recourses after the fact considering how abysmal the legal system is for victims of just about anything unless it's class action level. It's less about being timid and simply knowing that the laws here simply don't exist like they do in America. And don't forget about how our police were treating us at the time. It was easy to allow fear to take hold a little.
And frankly, you're speaking in hindsight. At the time, shit was up in the air. I don't care about how I now know without a doubt that I made the right decision and have pursued what I can and looked into more that went nowhere. At the time, there was some really dangerous levels of rhetoric coming from the state about complying. Like I said, it's bravado aside. I can sit here and bullshit about how easy it is to throw away what was up until that point your life, but I'd be saying that in hindsight of doing it after the fact and having pieced the parts that fell apart back together. At the time, it wasn't all roses and sunshine. It was frustrating. It was challenging. It wasn't fun. But it was worth it. Because you're right, it was to defend/ensure/exercise my rights. That's always worth it. But I'm not going to sit here and devolve into machismo to say that it was a piece of cake. I wish I didn't have to go through that, even if it's made me better and I made the right choices.
Ah! That's all you had to say, buddy.
The people the military that were discharged have no recompense, even after the feds lost a lawsuit and were prohibited from mandating the vaccine or taking derogatory personnel actions against those who refused.
Those that got kicked out before the court ruling did not get their jobs back, will not be receiving a monetary settlement, and lost all the vesting they had towards their retirement unless they already had 20 years in.
That was a tough choice
Yes, but that's a different situation when you contract with the government. Generally speaking, nobody should hesitate to sue an employer if your lawyer agrees you have a case. Most of those cases are settled out of court and if they fire you soon after, you'll have another case for retaliation.
... I guess that's how we go from a high-trust society to a low trust one.
I almost did. Was my last day and got a call from my great-grandboss(3 levels up) telling me to get an exemption letter to him ASAP and he would guarantee it gets accepted.
Got walked out, badge destroyed access revoked, and came back the next morning with my letter approved and had everything remade. Was a wild time.
And the enemy heard you. Now they're developing an aerosol vaccine they can release into the air with crop dusters, or into the A/C vents at malls, concerts and grocery stores. They're also looking to add it - undisclosed -- into food and drinks.
Same rule applies. Someone is going to die.
Same. When it was first announced my thought process was "huh, that's a neat breakthrough but I'm going to wait a year or two and see how it shakes out. If everything goes good I'll probably get it then." But then as the machine started to rev up demanding, nay trying to force everyone to get it whether they wanted it or not, I knew nothing good was possibly going to come from it and reached the same stance as you. And today I want mass tribunals followed by poor quality hangings.
My family is pretty close and has very few internal conflicts. However, I tried to warn them all to not take the vaccines. Unfortunately, my mom and step dad did, because my brother recommended it, and he's a doctor. I'm not accredited in any way, I just know about confirmed conspiracies, the damage and lies surrounding vaccines, and the rampant corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But, I was ignored, and my brother was believed, purely because of his position of "authority" regarding health and medicine. Even more aggravating, is my mom has been anti-vaxx her whole life, knows the dangers of vaccines, and refused to vaccinate all of us as kids, but took the first Covid shot because my brother said so.
Numerous pleas and conversations with my family members, with lots of evidence to back up my claims, all amounted to nothing, because I'm not an "authority". The whole Covid thing really damaged my respect for people I thought knew better, and unfortunately the vaccine acceptance was only one part of that loss of respect.
Has your brother admitted that he was wrong?
My brother isn't a system pig, and distrusts the system a little bit, but he's always been several months, or years, behind me. This was apparent during the Covid stuff, as I told him about the inefficacy of masks, social distancing, where Covid originated, the government manufacture of Covid, the fake PCR tests, that the flu completely disappeared during Covid, that the ventilators were killing people, that vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxochloroquine and ivermectin were the best treatments of Covid, that Remdesivir was killing people, that hospitals were intentionally killing people to get government Covid money, etc.
My brother initially resisted everything I told him, and then came around several months later on almost all of it. I warned him about the dangers of the vaccines, but he didn't listen. He got it for work, and he convinced several of my family members to get it, even my dad, who I think died due to complications of it during his lung transplant operation (even though I can't be sure, given the other health problems he was dealing with). However, my brother did come around to the stupidity of the Covid vaccines when they started pushing for more and more of them. He, and the rest of my family, only took the initial vaccines, not the subsequent ones. So, I guess that would be his admission to being wrong, but he, nor the rest of my family, ever apologized or recognized the fact that I knew all of this far, far before they did. They still resist me and reject what I tell them on lots of subjects, which is quite disheartening. I'm almost to the point where I won't tell them anything of importance any more, just to maintain my own sanity and mental health. I really love them, though, so it's a difficult decision. It just hurts all the more because they keep rejecting all the things I try to teach and tell them, regarding the corruptions of the world, the things I learn through conspiracy theory forums, the uncomfortable truths that go against the programming they still get, because they still have some blind faith in the system. They're right wing, but what I would describe as "right wing normies", except for two of them (both of them are my brother in laws).
Is this in regard to any new vaccines, or everything? Because I am presently due for a dose of the tetanus vaccine and I've been hesitant about getting it.
If you want to hear the opposing view on your vaccine then search for what rfk says about it 😂
It seriously sounds like none were adequately tested against placebos to determine if they benefited you
Suzanne Humphries does an excellent talk on tetanus (it's on youtube, the sound quality is a bit off). Like with all vaccines, the data really isn't what you think it would be. It's worth looking at the actual data and then deciding.
If a vaccine immunity is going to last 10 years it'll last a lifetime, unless the specific cells in your bone marrow that remember the antibodies just happen to die - which can happen for many reasons. It's also possible to get vaccinated and not develop immunity (if injected into a vein instead of muscle for instance).
So they have people get tetanus 'boosters' that aren't really boosters just in case.
Lockjaw is a pretty bad way to go and the bacteria is everywhere in nature so personally I'd rather have peace of mind than the small risk not getting vaccinated again, but maybe you could do every 20 years instead of 10 or wait until you get a puncture wound.
Just putting the Covid "vaccine" in the same category as proven effective treatments like the Polio vaccine is dubious.
NONE of the new vaccines have been tested vs a placebo (which is a basic requirement to see safety and effectiveness for any medicine)
as if he didn't gleefully comply because his side was in power
Never forget - it took 4 years for Zuck to report this.
He is complicit as fuck.
All he had to do was hire a lawyer and tell the government to fuck off.
Yeah, this is just CYA.
Absolutely! It's repulsive to see this reptile try to play the victim now. Remember the Nuremberg trials?
"I was just following orders" didn't suffice as an excuse to the Jews who executed Nazis for crimes against Humanity.
Now look who's saying "I was just following orders" for contributing to crimes against Humanity.
And now he's playing nice with the Republicans who probably want to investigate his company. Isn't that a fun coincidence?
It was completely in his monetary interest to stifle the truth about covid. Social media and vr for a nearly literal captive customer base.
Speaking of social media, they had firsthand exposure to the suffering and strife caused by the lockdowns and vex mandates. And they were apparently "pushed" into censoring the truth and prolonging this suffering even though they totes beliebed there were legitimate concerns about the vexes.
This faggot can eat shit.
First this, then the tampon removal from Meta bathrooms. Incredible how a regime change can affect public megacorps in this way, innit?
He's just saying what he thinks will prevent the new regime from going after him. That's also why he donated a bunch of money to the inauguration and is kissing Trump's ass.
The upshot is that this will be useful for all the lawsuits being filed against them, and I'm surprised his attorneys are letting him say all this. As a private company, Facebook can censor their website as they wish, but if they do it at the demand of the government they are treated as a government agent, and are then liable for restricting speech the same as the government itself would be.
The problem is proving it, as courts have ruled that a simple request from the government isn't enough, as they are free to collaborate when their interests align. A litigant needs to show that they did it because they felt coerced or pressured by the government, and these statements are establishing that pattern of facts.
It's crazy, because someone posted a link to an organization actively suing them and alleging they acted as a government agent just a few days ago.
I can't believe Mark Zuckerberg committed suicide by 18 gunshot wounds to the ass.
now thats he's all honest we can leave tik tok and go to reels
I don't trust him for a moment.
But let him keep talking. He's incriminating people.