And now he's playing nice with the Republicans who probably want to investigate his company. Isn't that a fun coincidence?
It was completely in his monetary interest to stifle the truth about covid. Social media and vr for a nearly literal captive customer base.
Speaking of social media, they had firsthand exposure to the suffering and strife caused by the lockdowns and vex mandates. And they were apparently "pushed" into censoring the truth and prolonging this suffering even though they totes beliebed there were legitimate concerns about the vexes.
This faggot can eat shit.
And now he's playing nice with the Republicans who probably want to investigate his company. Isn't that a fun coincidence?
It was completely in his monetary interest to stifle the truth about covid. Social media and vr for a nearly literal captive customer base.
Speaking of social media, they had firsthand exposure to the suffering and strife caused by the lockdowns and vex mandates. And they were apparently "pushed" into censoring the truth and prolonging this suffering even though they totes beliebed there were legitimate concerns about the vexes.
This faggot can eat shit.