It's not enough that men are already having more orgasms than women.
The headline was already stupid, and the first sentence lives up to that stupidity too.
I read some stupid articles for entertainment, occasionally. This one is too stupid.
I like how they talk about men making everything about them...when that's what all these feminist or women-centric pieces do.
So women not having enough orgasms is bad, and shows that men are bad...but women having orgasms also shows that men is bad? Yeah, no, not playing that stupid game.
men also derive a specific sort of masculine pleasure from making female partners orgasm. The researchers in the study, Sara Chadwick and Sari van Anders, refer to this incredibly predictable phenomenon as a "masculinity achievement."
So somehow they turned making your partner cum, a bad thing to do
Like shit, I thought reciprocating was just good manners.
If your woman is faking orgasms though, you prolly need to step your game up.
If someone is not capable of connecting emotionally/spirtually with their mate and cant tell if they are faking or not, i got no tips for someone in that case. Im a empath, ive never really had that problem.
Sounds like a rape hentai with some mind break or ntr plot. "you say no, but your hips are moving by themselves and your pussy is wet". Lol. Basically if a dude makes you orgasm, you submit to him. And im pretty sure the author willy only applies this to white males. The worse thing for them is to submit to white males. Of course.. submitting to darkies, even forcefully, is fine.
In hentai, if you make the girl orgasm and creampie in her. She is automatically yours. Lol.
Basically if a dude makes you orgasm, you submit to him.
That is the way pair bonding works literally. Those happy chemicals your brain gets flooded with during orgasm also make you attached to the one who gave them to you, and this is much more prevalent of an effect with women. Likely, as an evolutionary trait to make them love their rapist/conqueror back in the more tribal days, as fucked as that is morally.
This is at the heart of a love of the reasons why women love their abusers to an illogical level, and why whores are so broken.
"These results suggest that women's orgasms do function — at least in part — as a masculinity achievement for men
Or maybe men just aren't as self-centered and evil as you imagine they are, and legitimately enjoy making sure their women also enjoyed themselves. And that orgasm is a far more reliable metric than taking her at her word that "yeah I totes loved it babe!"
and truly view them for what they are: tiny little pleasure explosions that should be enjoyed — frequently — by female partners
Women aren't immune to the overstimulating effects of too much masturbation/sex. Having incredibly frequent orgasms diminish both the high you get from them and the ability for you to easily achieve them. We know this because it comes up constantly in all the "porn is bad for you" studies, but those only focus on men for political reasons.
Women might be under less pressure to fake orgasms if they could achieve them through a normal amount of effort that could happen during normal sex. But instead they'll run 500 miles of dick through themselves and buy ultra vibrators to make sure they can't feel anything on a reasonable level and they need a 20 minute post script after sex to achieve it.
That study sounds like absolute bullshit. Either partner might get turned on by causing the other to experience pleasure and possibly orgasm. That doesn't necessarily make it a product of pure ego. Because just maybe it might have something to do with being a product of feeling happy for making someone you care about feel good? Like as something of a loving and compassionate reaction.
And admittedly, this isn't exactly a "new" argument put out there by retard feminists. They've been bitching about something along these lines off and on for 20+ years every now and then.
It’s just classic “heads I win, tails you lose” bullshit. You can make retarded arguments for every conceivable male behavior as being sexist, so the only way to appease the impossible contradictory demands of feminism is to cease existing.
This is what happens when deeply irrational beings are foolishly elevated to the role of influential philosopher. We’ve enshrined hysterical neurotic children as our priests and leaders.
Hahaha my totally superior girl loves it when we have sex and i just don’t climax. Nothing weird about that. Definitely wouldn’t concern her as a person apparently unable to sexually satisfy their partner. Super normal for women not to be interested in their partners orgasms at all, definitely just a selfish man thing.
The study gathered 810 men to read a story where they had to imagine an "attractive woman" either did or did not orgasm during sex with them. Each man was then asked to rate their sexual esteem and the extent to which they'd feel "masculine" after experiencing the scenario. The results are what you'd expect: Men felt more masculine and felt high self esteem when they imagined a woman orgasmed during sex with them.
So they're "studying" claims about purported imaginings, and making judgements based on this.
I thought it was a bad thing because it bred (heh) care and sympathy from the man towards the woman. This creates a chance of pair-bonding occurring, and (the horror!) monogamous traditional family units occurring in the wild!
The headline was already stupid, and the first sentence lives up to that stupidity too.
I read some stupid articles for entertainment, occasionally. This one is too stupid.
I like how they talk about men making everything about them...when that's what all these feminist or women-centric pieces do.
So women not having enough orgasms is bad, and shows that men are bad...but women having orgasms also shows that men is bad? Yeah, no, not playing that stupid game.
Honey? You haven't been with a real man. No woman I dated ever had THAT complaint! 🤩 (Of course that was long ago, sigh!)
Enforced monogyny requires orgasmic equity.
Edit: Good lord, y'all niggas seriously need a /s for this shit?
All I'm hearing is that men are better at sex, just like everything else.
Good thing I'm a faggot, otherwise I'd have to be with some loser woman!
So somehow they turned making your partner cum, a bad thing to do
Sorry honey! Making sure you finish is the patriarchy or some shit.
Female orgasms are as much of a myth as the Pink Tax anyway
edit: this comment is sarcasm
Sounds like a skill issue.
Grab the clitoris by the husk, and then yank like you are starting a lawnmower.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Female orgasms... are not an identity group...
You motherfuckers don't understand how sarcasm works.
Like shit, I thought reciprocating was just good manners.
If your woman is faking orgasms though, you prolly need to step your game up.
If someone is not capable of connecting emotionally/spirtually with their mate and cant tell if they are faking or not, i got no tips for someone in that case. Im a empath, ive never really had that problem.
Sounds like a rape hentai with some mind break or ntr plot. "you say no, but your hips are moving by themselves and your pussy is wet". Lol. Basically if a dude makes you orgasm, you submit to him. And im pretty sure the author willy only applies this to white males. The worse thing for them is to submit to white males. Of course.. submitting to darkies, even forcefully, is fine.
In hentai, if you make the girl orgasm and creampie in her. She is automatically yours. Lol.
That is the way pair bonding works literally. Those happy chemicals your brain gets flooded with during orgasm also make you attached to the one who gave them to you, and this is much more prevalent of an effect with women. Likely, as an evolutionary trait to make them love their rapist/conqueror back in the more tribal days, as fucked as that is morally.
This is at the heart of a love of the reasons why women love their abusers to an illogical level, and why whores are so broken.
This is basically the old Feminist trope of "All sex is rape", but the woman has a rape fetish and is like "well, shit!"
Or maybe men just aren't as self-centered and evil as you imagine they are, and legitimately enjoy making sure their women also enjoyed themselves. And that orgasm is a far more reliable metric than taking her at her word that "yeah I totes loved it babe!"
Women aren't immune to the overstimulating effects of too much masturbation/sex. Having incredibly frequent orgasms diminish both the high you get from them and the ability for you to easily achieve them. We know this because it comes up constantly in all the "porn is bad for you" studies, but those only focus on men for political reasons.
Women might be under less pressure to fake orgasms if they could achieve them through a normal amount of effort that could happen during normal sex. But instead they'll run 500 miles of dick through themselves and buy ultra vibrators to make sure they can't feel anything on a reasonable level and they need a 20 minute post script after sex to achieve it.
Man doesn't make the woman orgasm = selfish lover.
Man does make the woman orgasm = control freak.
Was the written by one of those angry 'political lesbains'?
Ding ding ding!
That study sounds like absolute bullshit. Either partner might get turned on by causing the other to experience pleasure and possibly orgasm. That doesn't necessarily make it a product of pure ego. Because just maybe it might have something to do with being a product of feeling happy for making someone you care about feel good? Like as something of a loving and compassionate reaction.
And admittedly, this isn't exactly a "new" argument put out there by retard feminists. They've been bitching about something along these lines off and on for 20+ years every now and then.
It’s just classic “heads I win, tails you lose” bullshit. You can make retarded arguments for every conceivable male behavior as being sexist, so the only way to appease the impossible contradictory demands of feminism is to cease existing.
This is what happens when deeply irrational beings are foolishly elevated to the role of influential philosopher. We’ve enshrined hysterical neurotic children as our priests and leaders.
You know what comes after.
Hahaha my totally superior girl loves it when we have sex and i just don’t climax. Nothing weird about that. Definitely wouldn’t concern her as a person apparently unable to sexually satisfy their partner. Super normal for women not to be interested in their partners orgasms at all, definitely just a selfish man thing.
Unfortunately it's more like people who smell like cat piss and cheap red wine.
Well I guess if it's sexist for women to have orgasms then we better tell them to give BJs instead, just to be safe.
I'm a real feminist, I make sure my woman never cums.
We've got a contender for dumbest article of the year already.
Edit: checking the date of publication I guess not
Ben Shapiro is not going to be affected by this problem
The implication here is that lesbians don’t care about each other.
about to read the article, but lemme guess; something something power, something something oppression?
called it!
"Your man enjoys satisfying you sexually? PROBLEMATIC!"
Is it any wonder that modern/liberal women are so grouchy? Or why the joke of radical feminists simply needing a good dicking is so popular?
I dare someone post this on KIA5 for TheImp to see
So they're "studying" claims about purported imaginings, and making judgements based on this.
I thought it was a bad thing because it bred (heh) care and sympathy from the man towards the woman. This creates a chance of pair-bonding occurring, and (the horror!) monogamous traditional family units occurring in the wild!
She doesn't orgasm: 'Toxic Masculinity.'
She does orgasm: 'Toxic Masculinity.'
It's because men like it when you pee on their balls.
I'm sorry, that's just The Science.