Imagine being this butt hurt because he got caught on camera saying nigger once. I know people will bring up he's a Trump supporter but The Undertaker got an enormous pop and he's a well known Trump supporter. LA is full of faggot liberals that like the CM Punk types.
CM Punk and his "fans" have done more damage to wrestling than almost anything else, and that's a high bar to cross with some of the nonsense that has happened.
It will take an entire generation for them to be filtered out and stop dragging everything down with their incessant Liberal politics.
He is overtly Leftist and constantly wears shirts and holds up signs with slogans like "PROTECT TRANS KIDS." So he not only forces politics into the conversation, but he brings people who like such nonsense into the industry to follow him.
This also means he is hugely untouchable relative to how damaging he is, as he has an army of terminally online Lefties ready to defend him for anything because he is their Woke Mouthpiece. This seems to be deliberately fostered on his part and likely why he does it.
It really doesn't matter if the end result is the same, he brings Lefties into the fanbase and panders to them so they begin doing what Lefties do and destroying everything else with Wokeness.
He thinks there's a "genocide" in "Palestine" but doesn't seem to care about all those hostages for one. Wore a “Abortion Rights are Human Rights” shirt on TV (not WWE).
Hogan will always be my favorite wrestler and that sucks that he got that reception. We have all said regrettable things. I still like Mick Foley and he is on the left. Why I don’t engage with young wrestling fans. They are such crybabies
Those youngins don't understand how big Hogan was. How much business Hogan brought to the business. Even his heel turn to Hollywood brought eyes to WCW during the height of wrestling popularity.
Same thing happened with NBA sites. I bailed on because the Spurs fans there went full TDS in 2015/2016. Then bailed on the Spurs because Popovich went full TDS.
Yea I’ve noticed a lot of hobbies are infested like that. Only thing that seems safe are the baseball card forums I visit. Modern wrestling sites love to bash very popular wrestlers and eras from the past because it offends Gen z sensibilities
He was secretly recorded saying he didn't want his daughter dating a nigger. It's why he sued Gwaker, they posted it and he sued them. And he's a Trump supporter and they were in LA. If they were in a wrestling town it probably would have been a warmer reception
It's funny that these deep blue cities are also the ones that get the most "enrichment" from our darker pigmented countrymen, yet they don't seem to see any problems
The more enriched they get the more the cock suck harder. They have to remain virturious or they'll realize they traded their souls for nothing. Look at Molly Tibbets dad, he had to say tacos were more important than his daughter.
Everything surrounding wrestling has become so insufferable it makes it actually hard to enjoy anything.
Every journalist, podcast, "fan" online, and many of the various places meant to discuss it are Lefties who treat things like "Wrestlecrap" as gospel and think the "mostly buff dudes in tights and tassels*" of today is somehow less cringe than full kayfabe "no he is actually dead and that's his baby and that's an actual voodoo shaman" of yesteryear.
What's sad is that most of that isn't actually there in the business itself, its just every single facet of the fanbase you can find trying to force this narrative. Especially now that Vince is both gone and "cancelled" due to totally believable allegations that just coincidentally came out after he retired from someone happy to take his money before.
*These were always there and prevalent, but now its the overwhelming majority and that makes it far less impressive while also making everyone less distinct.
I don't understand how almost every major podcasts and YouTubers are super leftists. The roots of wrestling are so plebeian, you'd think it wouldn't appeal to them.
A lot of wrestling outlets today push out the usual articles like “why the attitude era wasn’t as good as you remember” which was written by someone who is like 20 years old
Ha! He is definitely the current face of the company and to be fair since I haven’t been as engaged as I was when ruthless aggression ended I don’t think I can judge fairly since for me nothing compares to 80s through early 00s
The last 20 years of success have literally been them coasting off the highs the Attitude Era brought them. Its why most people can't name more than one or two "post Attitude" wrestler outside of Cena, and they have to keep bringing those guys out of retirement to spike ratings.
Especially now that Vince is both gone and "cancelled" due to totally believable allegations that just coincidentally came out after he retired from someone happy to take his money before.
Ehh, if you've been paying attention, Vince has been accused of that sort of stuff for decades at this point. If said case was his first rodeo, then yeah, I'd side with you but this is very much old news and overdue. I do hope that Trump does not pardon him, mostly because I want the case to go through and the truth be seen, even though I'm biased to believing that Vince did in fact do the stuff alleged in the lawsuit, because this is nowhere near the first time that he's been accused of actions like that.
This isn't blindly believing her at all, it's simply seeing what Vince has done, what's been allowed under his watch in WWF/WWE, and what's around him. Vince is the person that people think Trump is, like one of the biggest examples is that JR literally had to show Vince that Asian porn existed or else he wasn't going to hire Gail Kim the first time around because he thought that Asian women were ugly, and both JR and Kim have addressed this on several podcast episodes (not while being on the same podcast, but they've both told this story multiple times).
Vince is an absolute lunatic, and a shitty person. But, fundamentally, what he did in the 80's & 90's is unquestionably some of the greatest things done in the industry.
JR literally had to show Vince that Asian porn existed or else he wasn't going to hire Gail Kim
Vince was a 100% business at all times guy. Wrestlers across all eras reported that he didn't watch almost any media that wasn't business related period, until Sons of Anarchy apparently. Its why Scott Hall was able to wow him with a simple Scarface impression.
So its likely he could formulate the concept of it existing, but the fact that it was a big popular thing just didn't ever factor into his universe and he needed someone to bring that inside his bubble.
I did. Had no idea there were so many settled lawsuits over his tenure. And he and his family definitely crossed lines I never would; but hey he got those sweet ratings.
This isn't blindly believing her at all, it's simply seeing what Vince has done
Believing her whatsoever is giving credit to a person making destructive accusations at somebody at the end of their life to destroy them and their legacy once they are unable to properly fight back.
No matter how much it feels true, its empowering every MeToo cancel the same way and is no different than "blindly believing all women" because the end result will be the same.
Literally zero details matter besides that fact. Either it was a bad enough thing to immediately report to the police or disengage from the industry for her safety, or she deserves no ears to listen.
They lost me when they started having fights outside the ring; like in parking lots or offices. I guess it helped their ratings, so I'm probably in the minority thinking that way.
It was only a matter of time before DEI got into the ring though, given how WWE is a performance show designed to maximize profit (and who has deeper pockets than the DEI collective?).
Also pro-tip for OP: Please wait for the archive to finish and post the final link instead of the wip link.
Maybe I'm a bit too naive, but I don't think his politics were a primary or even a major reason why Hogan was booed as heavily as he was. Hogan, as great as he was, has a reputation for being the biggest backstage politician possibly ever. There's a multitude of examples of Hogan sabotaging angles and stories to his benefit.
Triple H was a notorious politician as well, so was HBK and they normally receive pops. I don't think it's the backstage stuff. The newer fans don't have the Hogan history the older folks do. All they know is Tony Khan called him a racist. Those fans weren't booing Hogan because of his backstage stuff.
The difference is that The Undertaker didn't show up to the RNC with his entrance in full costume, Hogan did. What Hogan did would be the equivalent of John Cena showing up in the jorts and HLR shirt to the DNC
Still it’s pretty pathetic. I still would cheer for Mick Foley even though he on the left. Hogan is my favorite wrestler. Dont follow wrestling like I once did but still try to watch. I’ll be rewatching wrestling from 80s to ruthless aggression forever though. But he was in a very blue area. I wouldn’t care if wrestlers appeared at DNC but I guess that does put a bigger target on your back. I’m gonna go rewatch WM3 for the 500th time lol
My favorite mania. Savage and Steamboat was the best match and Ventura/Monsoon on commentary is always great. I still get pumped watching Hogan slam Andre.
Although I kind of think HBK and Triple H's stints as bookers in NXT and WWE, alongside HBK becoming a born-again christian, may have helped sanitise their image in that regard, that's a completley fair assessment. I'll chalk it up to me being too much of a wrestling oldhead on that.
Imagine being this butt hurt because he got caught on camera saying nigger once. I know people will bring up he's a Trump supporter but The Undertaker got an enormous pop and he's a well known Trump supporter. LA is full of faggot liberals that like the CM Punk types.
CM Punk and his "fans" have done more damage to wrestling than almost anything else, and that's a high bar to cross with some of the nonsense that has happened.
It will take an entire generation for them to be filtered out and stop dragging everything down with their incessant Liberal politics.
I don’t follow wrestling but CM punk seems like a drama machine. What’s the damage done with him?
He is overtly Leftist and constantly wears shirts and holds up signs with slogans like "PROTECT TRANS KIDS." So he not only forces politics into the conversation, but he brings people who like such nonsense into the industry to follow him.
This also means he is hugely untouchable relative to how damaging he is, as he has an army of terminally online Lefties ready to defend him for anything because he is their Woke Mouthpiece. This seems to be deliberately fostered on his part and likely why he does it.
I hate it as well and I believe he supports all those causes but also being insufferable has pretty much always been part of his gimmick.
Is it just his kayfabe though?
It really doesn't matter if the end result is the same, he brings Lefties into the fanbase and panders to them so they begin doing what Lefties do and destroying everything else with Wokeness.
He's a lefty. Simple as.
He's a fucking moron and pretends to be a Chicago Bears fan and can't even get the players' names right. I can't stand him.
He thinks there's a "genocide" in "Palestine" but doesn't seem to care about all those hostages for one. Wore a “Abortion Rights are Human Rights” shirt on TV (not WWE).
He's been on WWE TV a few times since then. Quite certain this is for being a Trumpamaniac, they were in Commiefornia.
Yeah, the thing is Undertaker got a pop and he is a Trump guy. So it's not just the Trump stuff
Taker did 1 podcast, Hogan did multiple big appearances.
Yea I guess he either won’t be used much anymore or just have him in certain areas
Hogan will always be my favorite wrestler and that sucks that he got that reception. We have all said regrettable things. I still like Mick Foley and he is on the left. Why I don’t engage with young wrestling fans. They are such crybabies
Those youngins don't understand how big Hogan was. How much business Hogan brought to the business. Even his heel turn to Hollywood brought eyes to WCW during the height of wrestling popularity.
Exactly. I had to stop going to a number of wrestling sites because they couldn’t shut up about their politics
Same thing happened with NBA sites. I bailed on because the Spurs fans there went full TDS in 2015/2016. Then bailed on the Spurs because Popovich went full TDS.
Yea I’ve noticed a lot of hobbies are infested like that. Only thing that seems safe are the baseball card forums I visit. Modern wrestling sites love to bash very popular wrestlers and eras from the past because it offends Gen z sensibilities
Hulkamania was literally real. The largest attended professional wrestling events in history were because of Hogan. It's literally insane how big.
Hogan's heel turn was literally the biggest event in Wrestling history.
I remember being so shocked when that happened in 96
I literally could not physically believe it.
What did he do that he's unpopular now?
He was secretly recorded saying he didn't want his daughter dating a nigger. It's why he sued Gwaker, they posted it and he sued them. And he's a Trump supporter and they were in LA. If they were in a wrestling town it probably would have been a warmer reception
Ah, thanks.
It's funny that these deep blue cities are also the ones that get the most "enrichment" from our darker pigmented countrymen, yet they don't seem to see any problems
The more enriched they get the more the cock suck harder. They have to remain virturious or they'll realize they traded their souls for nothing. Look at Molly Tibbets dad, he had to say tacos were more important than his daughter.
Humiliation. Ritual.
Nah that was long ago and he's been on WWE TV a few times since then. This is for forming the MAGApowers brother
Partly yes. But if that was the only reason Taker would have gotten booed as well.
Taker did 1 podcast, Hogan did multiple big appearances. Plus I think they respect Taker more overall.
Supported Trump.
Everything surrounding wrestling has become so insufferable it makes it actually hard to enjoy anything.
Every journalist, podcast, "fan" online, and many of the various places meant to discuss it are Lefties who treat things like "Wrestlecrap" as gospel and think the "mostly buff dudes in tights and tassels*" of today is somehow less cringe than full kayfabe "no he is actually dead and that's his baby and that's an actual voodoo shaman" of yesteryear.
What's sad is that most of that isn't actually there in the business itself, its just every single facet of the fanbase you can find trying to force this narrative. Especially now that Vince is both gone and "cancelled" due to totally believable allegations that just coincidentally came out after he retired from someone happy to take his money before.
*These were always there and prevalent, but now its the overwhelming majority and that makes it far less impressive while also making everyone less distinct.
I don't understand how almost every major podcasts and YouTubers are super leftists. The roots of wrestling are so plebeian, you'd think it wouldn't appeal to them.
Like most things, they don't really like it, they do it so that they can have another avenue of control over the media you consume.
And they always whine about attitude era or “problematic” things
A lot of wrestling outlets today push out the usual articles like “why the attitude era wasn’t as good as you remember” which was written by someone who is like 20 years old
"Roman Reigns is one of the most innovate wrestlers of all time"
hurled directly into the sun
Ha! He is definitely the current face of the company and to be fair since I haven’t been as engaged as I was when ruthless aggression ended I don’t think I can judge fairly since for me nothing compares to 80s through early 00s
The last 20 years of success have literally been them coasting off the highs the Attitude Era brought them. Its why most people can't name more than one or two "post Attitude" wrestler outside of Cena, and they have to keep bringing those guys out of retirement to spike ratings.
Yep. Anytime Austin or Rock appears it boosts ratings. Austin’s return match in 22 was the most watched match of Mania
Ehh, if you've been paying attention, Vince has been accused of that sort of stuff for decades at this point. If said case was his first rodeo, then yeah, I'd side with you but this is very much old news and overdue. I do hope that Trump does not pardon him, mostly because I want the case to go through and the truth be seen, even though I'm biased to believing that Vince did in fact do the stuff alleged in the lawsuit, because this is nowhere near the first time that he's been accused of actions like that.
This isn't blindly believing her at all, it's simply seeing what Vince has done, what's been allowed under his watch in WWF/WWE, and what's around him. Vince is the person that people think Trump is, like one of the biggest examples is that JR literally had to show Vince that Asian porn existed or else he wasn't going to hire Gail Kim the first time around because he thought that Asian women were ugly, and both JR and Kim have addressed this on several podcast episodes (not while being on the same podcast, but they've both told this story multiple times).
McMahon seems like a weird guy. Did you see the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix?
Vince is an absolute lunatic, and a shitty person. But, fundamentally, what he did in the 80's & 90's is unquestionably some of the greatest things done in the industry.
I absolutely believe that is real.
I don't. "...joining WWE in 2002." There's no way that Vince McMahon, in 2002, didn't know Asian porn existed. I cannot believe that.
Literal Boomer. Also, crazy, fucked-up, egomaniacal, boomer.
Vince was a 100% business at all times guy. Wrestlers across all eras reported that he didn't watch almost any media that wasn't business related period, until Sons of Anarchy apparently. Its why Scott Hall was able to wow him with a simple Scarface impression.
So its likely he could formulate the concept of it existing, but the fact that it was a big popular thing just didn't ever factor into his universe and he needed someone to bring that inside his bubble.
I did. Had no idea there were so many settled lawsuits over his tenure. And he and his family definitely crossed lines I never would; but hey he got those sweet ratings.
I actually haven't, I have seen a lot of different videos documenting the various lawsuits from the past, I was also the one who posted his current lawsuit when it got filed a year ago:
There's nothing really revealing about it. McMahon has some weird quotes in it. He comes across as very odd.
Believing her whatsoever is giving credit to a person making destructive accusations at somebody at the end of their life to destroy them and their legacy once they are unable to properly fight back.
No matter how much it feels true, its empowering every MeToo cancel the same way and is no different than "blindly believing all women" because the end result will be the same.
Literally zero details matter besides that fact. Either it was a bad enough thing to immediately report to the police or disengage from the industry for her safety, or she deserves no ears to listen.
They lost me when they started having fights outside the ring; like in parking lots or offices. I guess it helped their ratings, so I'm probably in the minority thinking that way.
It was only a matter of time before DEI got into the ring though, given how WWE is a performance show designed to maximize profit (and who has deeper pockets than the DEI collective?).
Also pro-tip for OP: Please wait for the archive to finish and post the final link instead of the wip link.
Cornette would agree with you.
Cornette would probably try to fucking shoot us to death because he is about as much of an unhinged Leftist as Kieth Olberman.
True, but he's an old school wrestling guy. So he hates the gimmick matches
This is the biggest pop I've ever seen any wrestler ever receive.
How do you go from that to now??
One of my favorite moments in wrestling ever. A lot of young fans hate the past and whine about anything that happened before they were born
Vince McMahon's wife served in Trump's cabinet.
Trump was on your show.
Shut up Marks.
Maybe I'm a bit too naive, but I don't think his politics were a primary or even a major reason why Hogan was booed as heavily as he was. Hogan, as great as he was, has a reputation for being the biggest backstage politician possibly ever. There's a multitude of examples of Hogan sabotaging angles and stories to his benefit.
Triple H was a notorious politician as well, so was HBK and they normally receive pops. I don't think it's the backstage stuff. The newer fans don't have the Hogan history the older folks do. All they know is Tony Khan called him a racist. Those fans weren't booing Hogan because of his backstage stuff.
The difference is that The Undertaker didn't show up to the RNC with his entrance in full costume, Hogan did. What Hogan did would be the equivalent of John Cena showing up in the jorts and HLR shirt to the DNC
Still it’s pretty pathetic. I still would cheer for Mick Foley even though he on the left. Hogan is my favorite wrestler. Dont follow wrestling like I once did but still try to watch. I’ll be rewatching wrestling from 80s to ruthless aggression forever though. But he was in a very blue area. I wouldn’t care if wrestlers appeared at DNC but I guess that does put a bigger target on your back. I’m gonna go rewatch WM3 for the 500th time lol
That was my most prized VHS as a kid for years. That Ricky Steamboat vs Savage match...
My favorite mania. Savage and Steamboat was the best match and Ventura/Monsoon on commentary is always great. I still get pumped watching Hogan slam Andre.
John Cena would have absolutely done that if the CCP wanted him to.
Although I kind of think HBK and Triple H's stints as bookers in NXT and WWE, alongside HBK becoming a born-again christian, may have helped sanitise their image in that regard, that's a completley fair assessment. I'll chalk it up to me being too much of a wrestling oldhead on that.
I agree that there booking has redeemed their images.