I am so completely and utterly burnt out from the last 15 years of DEI, and immigration/ illegal immigration onslaught that I now lump legal immigration into the same bucket. I want so many fucking people deported that I never have to press 1 for English ever again.
I have watched as all this immigration and dei has collectively destroyed our culture, lowered all objective standards and made America a substantially less safe.
I now lump legal immigration into the same bucket.
Especially for something like "work visas." They're being brought here specifically to take jobs from Americans. And, no, they're not Americans, despite the framing of some Indians. They're by definition, foreign workers who are abusing the systems, which our own elites are abusing as well to hurt us.
Personally, I don't have an issue with people coming over in small numbers, through a rigorous process that looks for compatibility, but things have also gone so far out of control that even the small number I think would be the ideal number could be stopped for decades while we focus on Americans, and that would be fine.
H-1Bs need to be scrapped out the gate though. The border needs to be closed. We need to stop giving money to foreigners. Than we can look at legal immigration.
The entire “work visa” argument is retarded. The premise is that corporate America “needs” these workers, that America doesn’t currently possess them, and so infinity immigration must happen until… what exactly? Who defines the “needs” of pathologically greedy corporations? Elon Musk “needs” infinity engineers so he can get to Mars yesterday. There is no reality in which America can generate enough engineers to satisfy the arbitrary demands of either morally bankrupt industry or obsessed megalomaniacal billionaires. Replacement immigration is baked directly into Elon’s platform. He will enthusiastically sacrifice the American middle class on the altar of immigration if it means accomplishing his goals just six months sooner. Is that who should be deciding our public policy?
The entire “work visa” argument is retarded. The premise is that corporate America “needs” these workers, that America doesn’t currently possess them...
And if that were the case...why do these desperate corporations...work so hard to keep Americans from applying for these jobs?
That's maybe the part that pisses me off the most about the whole thing; the framing, the condemning of Americans, and the dishonesty. If Americans won't do these jobs, or aren't smart enough to...let them at least apply. There's no harm.
These greedy bastards don't get to say Americans are incapable of the jobs, if they won't even let them have the jobs. I hate these shits.
That's maybe the part that pisses me off the most about the whole thing; the framing, the condemning of Americans, and the dishonesty. If Americans won't do these jobs, or aren't smart enough to...let them at least apply. There's no harm.
Corporate America hates, utterly, truly, deeply, fundamentally hates honest Americans. If you aren't an open dindu, woke Hispanic or a degenerate of some sort, they despise you, and openly sneer at you. I've done at least one interview per month for a corporate job for over a year now, and every... single... fucking... one... of them ended up being me versus a gaggle of idiotic women who had come directly to a HR job right out of 4-8 years of college, and who openly ridiculed me every time I spoke.
And then the same people post on LinkedIn, asking why no good candidates make it into their company, and why their company never meets their quarterly goals. NEWSFLASH.
It's not just America. Look at the captured areas in Europe to see what's coming for us here as their cultural suicide has not been interrupted for a generation in some cases
Obviously you don't think any human is a literal virus because viruses are not even technically living things. The point is that it seems like you are saying that immigrants are less than human.
It "seems" like I'm drawing an analogy between something that kills the host once it reaches critical mass in numbers, and so call immigrants. Who kill the host once they reach critical mass in numbers.
And it "seems" like that to several dozen other people who upvoted me because that's exactly what it is.
The base still has pull on Trump because he loves their applause. As long as he has the people in his corner then everything rolls off him like water off a duck's back. But if they turn on him, he wouldn't be able to stand it.
He also genuinely likes other Americans, so that helps.
Like I said in another thread: the only people in favor of immigration are the immigrants taking resources from native citizens and the Elons who cut their labor costs in half with cheap workers. There is no argument for having them other than you love brown people, because any idea that we need them "to succeed" should immediately be countered with "for what?" and "who succeeds?"
I actually think immigration and population growth can be a positive sum game. But it's not the case now, because we have runaway cost of living. More people could in theory bring the cost of living down, but there are too many government imposed Barrier to make that possible.
But it's not without tradeoffs, suburbs would need to become denser for example, or we would need to find a way to actually spring up new cities and space people out instead of cramming them all into one. And Americans don't need to make such a trade off if they don't want to. And seems like they don't want to.
And society would make a lot of positive changes if there wasn't the assumption we would have lots of people and cheap labor. Automating the shitty jobs is a real good thing, so people can do something better.
Immigration has been found to be useful at times when and only when it’s an extreme minority of the present population. Otherwise 3 things happen: non-immigrant birth rate tanks, average wages plummet, and assimilation never occurs and the present population actually has to assimilate to the immigrants.
That birth rate drop is from the soft “immigration” they did when they doubled the workforce by shoving women into jobs. The US did the same thing while also importing millions of people, the wage stagnation as a result is insane. For example an entry level engineer made 42k in 1990, today they make 70k. Upgrade right? Except if you adjust for inflation that $42k salary in 1990 is $102k today. So the average engineer is getting paid less than half the difference of an equal salary in 1990.
Yeah inflation also slowly rots away people's income who aren't really noticing. Though, not a ton you can do about it while it happens other than seek a better job
The country already has enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs ... 48% of respondents who answered this way identified as Immigrant
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
From those same cross tabs- 52% support continuing the current level of immigration driven population growth. Zapata doesn’t want illegal migration because it affects them economically. Pretending Hispanics haven’t been trying to reclaim the southern US through population growth is as blind as pretending the US Government funded NGO La Raza wasn’t about population replacement. It’s magical that Hispanics, Africans and Arabs all had the exact same idea and implemented it in the exact same fashion on similar timelines.
Not all Hispanic immigrants are literally La Raza. These numbers wouldn't be as low as they are if that were the case. They wouldn't care about economics if they thought it was more important to conquer the American SW.
La Raza is being funded by the US Government. And that is because swathes of the US government are literally members of La Raza or sympathizers to La Raza. Most of your immigrants, however, are chancers. They are not dedicated idealogues for what amounts to "Bronze" National Socialism. Most immigrants are "chancers" (as the English call them), and are basically just taking advantage of the money offered to them.
Not really, if every Hispanic didn’t vote Trump would have won by a larger margin. They’re already enough to be the new ethnic majority in Texas and are the reason democrats are going to turn Texas blue just like California. The only foil in the “demographics are destiny” plan is literally feminism. You can thank the trannies, terfs, radfems, and abortionists for terrifying enough Hispanic men into voting Trump.
"Texas will turn blue" was predicted in 2016 and 2020, and continues to be the prediction going forward under the assumption that Hispanics will never be anything but a captured Democratic supermajority and it is absolutely false. I literally watched The Red Elephants be dead wrong on this subject as he predicted voting outcomes entirely by ethnic demography. If you keep pushing only for ethnic conflict, you'll continue to fail. The whole point about Trump being able to win in 2024 is specifically because he talked about economics. Feminism had nothing to do with it. Once again, Trump had slim support among Catholics. Most Christians seem to have been so disgusted by Institutional Christianity (whether by Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelism, etc), that they were fairly low turn-out in this last election, and also seem to have low support for their own religious institutions. However, there is a rise in the religiosity of Christians: indicating that there is a kind of spiritual rebellion against the churches taking place.
And winning more of hispanic and black votes has gone well for Trump, better than basically anyone else so far. This is because Trump literally is scraping the bottom of the barrel for white votes. It really is why he lost in 2020: he basically had a small loss among Union Dems, elderly whites, and Sweedes. His worst white demographic is among people who ethnically identify as English. The demographic with his strongest support self-identifies as ethnically American.
That is actually the real ethnic discussion that no one is having. How do you create a larger American ethnic group.
“It was the economy!”. No it was the Kamala They/Them ad they ran ad nauseam which garnered the male vote. The voting outcome of Hispanics is they voted majority dem by 8 points, the best turnout republicans ever had with Hispanics was a loss of 8 points. Based on demographics trends Texas will in fact turn blue, the only modifier is time. Also the catholic bs from you is adorable considering the only reason Trump didn’t win Catholics by a landslide was HISPANIC CATHOLICS who voted 31 points for Kamala while White Catholics voted 23 points for Trump.
When the criminals do their thing, just like with Muslims, the powers-that-be can just point at the "moderate" ones and say "see? They're not all bad! You can't ask them to go home, bigot!"
... as the "moderates" continue to look the other way while the gangs and terrorists hide in their midst.
It's not nearly as bad as the Muslims who have a dedicated ideological foundation to support each other over "the white enemy".
Most Hispanics living in Aurora do not want the cartels to take over their building. The problem is that they are used to this in their home countries, so it's not expected to send in the Marines and move the Sherman Crocodile tanks against the apartment complex.
We even see this with Blacks in America who have similar problems. Most Black communities want more police protection, more aggressive police, and more police presence. And American blacks are much more groomed into accepting Leftist race communism. Hispanics come from dozens of different places with wildly different cultures that don't regularly associate with each other. Hell, I think it was the residents of Tijuana that were freaking out about all the foreigner Guatemalans living on the border back when Trump was in office. There just isn't a lot of "Racial Solidarity" among hispanics the way there must be by Muslims because of Islamic Doctrine.
Not as bad as Muslims? Sure. But that's like saying it's better to be punched than stabbed.
The "moderate" Hispanics still form their ethnic enclaves, still refuse to learn English, still protect the La Raza types because they're their children, relatives, and friends. They still won't work with law enforcement to protect themselves.
Similarly with black people: sure, they say they want more cops. Fine. But then when shit goes down, they don't actually help the cops or detectives investigate.
And like Indians, when they get into hiring positions in businesses, they only hire other Spanish-speakers. I can't count the number of places near my house that are staffed entirely by Hispanics -- and no, they are not even close to being a majority of the population.
We both know that "the largest supporter" is ambiguous enough to mean either the group with the most supporters or the group with the % proportion of support.
But at least you didn't try to use "largest" to refer to the physical mass or volume of the people comprising each group.
I am so completely and utterly burnt out from the last 15 years of DEI, and immigration/ illegal immigration onslaught that I now lump legal immigration into the same bucket. I want so many fucking people deported that I never have to press 1 for English ever again.
I have watched as all this immigration and dei has collectively destroyed our culture, lowered all objective standards and made America a substantially less safe.
Especially for something like "work visas." They're being brought here specifically to take jobs from Americans. And, no, they're not Americans, despite the framing of some Indians. They're by definition, foreign workers who are abusing the systems, which our own elites are abusing as well to hurt us.
Personally, I don't have an issue with people coming over in small numbers, through a rigorous process that looks for compatibility, but things have also gone so far out of control that even the small number I think would be the ideal number could be stopped for decades while we focus on Americans, and that would be fine.
H-1Bs need to be scrapped out the gate though. The border needs to be closed. We need to stop giving money to foreigners. Than we can look at legal immigration.
The entire “work visa” argument is retarded. The premise is that corporate America “needs” these workers, that America doesn’t currently possess them, and so infinity immigration must happen until… what exactly? Who defines the “needs” of pathologically greedy corporations? Elon Musk “needs” infinity engineers so he can get to Mars yesterday. There is no reality in which America can generate enough engineers to satisfy the arbitrary demands of either morally bankrupt industry or obsessed megalomaniacal billionaires. Replacement immigration is baked directly into Elon’s platform. He will enthusiastically sacrifice the American middle class on the altar of immigration if it means accomplishing his goals just six months sooner. Is that who should be deciding our public policy?
And if that were the case...why do these desperate corporations...work so hard to keep Americans from applying for these jobs?
That's maybe the part that pisses me off the most about the whole thing; the framing, the condemning of Americans, and the dishonesty. If Americans won't do these jobs, or aren't smart enough to...let them at least apply. There's no harm.
These greedy bastards don't get to say Americans are incapable of the jobs, if they won't even let them have the jobs. I hate these shits.
Corporate America hates, utterly, truly, deeply, fundamentally hates honest Americans. If you aren't an open dindu, woke Hispanic or a degenerate of some sort, they despise you, and openly sneer at you. I've done at least one interview per month for a corporate job for over a year now, and every... single... fucking... one... of them ended up being me versus a gaggle of idiotic women who had come directly to a HR job right out of 4-8 years of college, and who openly ridiculed me every time I spoke.
And then the same people post on LinkedIn, asking why no good candidates make it into their company, and why their company never meets their quarterly goals. NEWSFLASH.
3,000 each year seems like plenty to me.
Yeah, 2000 is a good number to let in.
With 1000 a year, we can do good things.
It's great we're talking about deporting 3000 a year.
It's not just America. Look at the captured areas in Europe to see what's coming for us here as their cultural suicide has not been interrupted for a generation in some cases
Because legal immigration from Europeans isn't happening. That was never the problem in America.
Anti immigration is just anti shitskin. Let's be real, we would have no issues if it was swedes, Romanians, and French people immigrating here.
A virus exists solely to propagate itself.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
It's borderline because of dehumanization, but "immigrants" are not an identity group.
Are you unaware of the concept of a metaphor?
Obviously you don't think any human is a literal virus because viruses are not even technically living things. The point is that it seems like you are saying that immigrants are less than human.
It "seems" like I'm drawing an analogy between something that kills the host once it reaches critical mass in numbers, and so call immigrants. Who kill the host once they reach critical mass in numbers.
And it "seems" like that to several dozen other people who upvoted me because that's exactly what it is.
That explanation makes sense to me.
See, here's the sad thing. Why should Trump align with his base? What are we gonna do? Not vote for him next time?
The base still has pull on Trump because he loves their applause. As long as he has the people in his corner then everything rolls off him like water off a duck's back. But if they turn on him, he wouldn't be able to stand it.
He also genuinely likes other Americans, so that helps.
Seems like January 6th is only a few day away...
Deport everyone who came here after the Hart Cellar Act.
Deport everyone not white. America is a white country for its white nation.
This is the only way.
Like I said in another thread: the only people in favor of immigration are the immigrants taking resources from native citizens and the Elons who cut their labor costs in half with cheap workers. There is no argument for having them other than you love brown people, because any idea that we need them "to succeed" should immediately be countered with "for what?" and "who succeeds?"
Where is the option for "reverse the growth by throwing them all out"?
I actually think immigration and population growth can be a positive sum game. But it's not the case now, because we have runaway cost of living. More people could in theory bring the cost of living down, but there are too many government imposed Barrier to make that possible.
But it's not without tradeoffs, suburbs would need to become denser for example, or we would need to find a way to actually spring up new cities and space people out instead of cramming them all into one. And Americans don't need to make such a trade off if they don't want to. And seems like they don't want to.
And society would make a lot of positive changes if there wasn't the assumption we would have lots of people and cheap labor. Automating the shitty jobs is a real good thing, so people can do something better.
Immigration has been found to be useful at times when and only when it’s an extreme minority of the present population. Otherwise 3 things happen: non-immigrant birth rate tanks, average wages plummet, and assimilation never occurs and the present population actually has to assimilate to the immigrants.
Indeed, Seems to be what is happening now.
Though the birth rate does drop in places with low or near zero immigration too. Notabley Korea and Japan.
But I don't doubt it is having an effect in USA, since it's affecting cost of living negatively
That birth rate drop is from the soft “immigration” they did when they doubled the workforce by shoving women into jobs. The US did the same thing while also importing millions of people, the wage stagnation as a result is insane. For example an entry level engineer made 42k in 1990, today they make 70k. Upgrade right? Except if you adjust for inflation that $42k salary in 1990 is $102k today. So the average engineer is getting paid less than half the difference of an equal salary in 1990.
Yeah inflation also slowly rots away people's income who aren't really noticing. Though, not a ton you can do about it while it happens other than seek a better job
Go Home Pajeet.
It's Sanjay, thank you
From the cross-tabs buried in the report:
The statement that the largest supporters of immigration are immigrants is a misnomer. They are they are the ones who support immigration the most, but even then, it's only a plurality of them.
Those pro-American anti-immigration immigrants are actually where Trump has a huge amount of support. See the results from Zapata county in Texas.
From those same cross tabs- 52% support continuing the current level of immigration driven population growth. Zapata doesn’t want illegal migration because it affects them economically. Pretending Hispanics haven’t been trying to reclaim the southern US through population growth is as blind as pretending the US Government funded NGO La Raza wasn’t about population replacement. It’s magical that Hispanics, Africans and Arabs all had the exact same idea and implemented it in the exact same fashion on similar timelines.
Not all Hispanic immigrants are literally La Raza. These numbers wouldn't be as low as they are if that were the case. They wouldn't care about economics if they thought it was more important to conquer the American SW.
La Raza is being funded by the US Government. And that is because swathes of the US government are literally members of La Raza or sympathizers to La Raza. Most of your immigrants, however, are chancers. They are not dedicated idealogues for what amounts to "Bronze" National Socialism. Most immigrants are "chancers" (as the English call them), and are basically just taking advantage of the money offered to them.
The majority are useful idiots and economic migrants. You don’t have to be a dedicated ideologue to be a pawn.
Yeah, that's my point. A swathe of those "useful idiots" are also heavily voting for Trump. So, they're a lot less useful than La Raza hoped.
Not really, if every Hispanic didn’t vote Trump would have won by a larger margin. They’re already enough to be the new ethnic majority in Texas and are the reason democrats are going to turn Texas blue just like California. The only foil in the “demographics are destiny” plan is literally feminism. You can thank the trannies, terfs, radfems, and abortionists for terrifying enough Hispanic men into voting Trump.
"Texas will turn blue" was predicted in 2016 and 2020, and continues to be the prediction going forward under the assumption that Hispanics will never be anything but a captured Democratic supermajority and it is absolutely false. I literally watched The Red Elephants be dead wrong on this subject as he predicted voting outcomes entirely by ethnic demography. If you keep pushing only for ethnic conflict, you'll continue to fail. The whole point about Trump being able to win in 2024 is specifically because he talked about economics. Feminism had nothing to do with it. Once again, Trump had slim support among Catholics. Most Christians seem to have been so disgusted by Institutional Christianity (whether by Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelism, etc), that they were fairly low turn-out in this last election, and also seem to have low support for their own religious institutions. However, there is a rise in the religiosity of Christians: indicating that there is a kind of spiritual rebellion against the churches taking place.
And winning more of hispanic and black votes has gone well for Trump, better than basically anyone else so far. This is because Trump literally is scraping the bottom of the barrel for white votes. It really is why he lost in 2020: he basically had a small loss among Union Dems, elderly whites, and Sweedes. His worst white demographic is among people who ethnically identify as English. The demographic with his strongest support self-identifies as ethnically American.
That is actually the real ethnic discussion that no one is having. How do you create a larger American ethnic group.
“It was the economy!”. No it was the Kamala They/Them ad they ran ad nauseam which garnered the male vote. The voting outcome of Hispanics is they voted majority dem by 8 points, the best turnout republicans ever had with Hispanics was a loss of 8 points. Based on demographics trends Texas will in fact turn blue, the only modifier is time. Also the catholic bs from you is adorable considering the only reason Trump didn’t win Catholics by a landslide was HISPANIC CATHOLICS who voted 31 points for Kamala while White Catholics voted 23 points for Trump.
They're extremely useful.
When the criminals do their thing, just like with Muslims, the powers-that-be can just point at the "moderate" ones and say "see? They're not all bad! You can't ask them to go home, bigot!"
... as the "moderates" continue to look the other way while the gangs and terrorists hide in their midst.
It's not nearly as bad as the Muslims who have a dedicated ideological foundation to support each other over "the white enemy".
Most Hispanics living in Aurora do not want the cartels to take over their building. The problem is that they are used to this in their home countries, so it's not expected to send in the Marines and move the Sherman Crocodile tanks against the apartment complex.
We even see this with Blacks in America who have similar problems. Most Black communities want more police protection, more aggressive police, and more police presence. And American blacks are much more groomed into accepting Leftist race communism. Hispanics come from dozens of different places with wildly different cultures that don't regularly associate with each other. Hell, I think it was the residents of Tijuana that were freaking out about all the foreigner Guatemalans living on the border back when Trump was in office. There just isn't a lot of "Racial Solidarity" among hispanics the way there must be by Muslims because of Islamic Doctrine.
Not as bad as Muslims? Sure. But that's like saying it's better to be punched than stabbed.
The "moderate" Hispanics still form their ethnic enclaves, still refuse to learn English, still protect the La Raza types because they're their children, relatives, and friends. They still won't work with law enforcement to protect themselves.
Similarly with black people: sure, they say they want more cops. Fine. But then when shit goes down, they don't actually help the cops or detectives investigate.
And like Indians, when they get into hiring positions in businesses, they only hire other Spanish-speakers. I can't count the number of places near my house that are staffed entirely by Hispanics -- and no, they are not even close to being a majority of the population.
You’re such a fucking snake.
He's anti-White but insists he isn't.
Not only do I insist, but you know I'm not.
I don't hate whites, I hate National Socialism.
I don't hate women, I hate Feminism.
Same logic.
Your actions speak so much louder than your rhetorical gymnasium of word walls.
Indeed they do, that's why I explicitly stopped a DIE program at work.
If true: genuine approval.
It's in my Post history.
I said absolutely nothing deceitful. It's just not reasonable to assume that every immigrant wants mass migration.
They didn't include jews as a separate category. There's probably majority support in that group. Link to the crosstabs:
Religion - Other, but I doubt this fits in with the immigrants. There's probably very few immigrant jews in the US.
Clam down there Snopey. Save some deboonking for the other kids.
I just hate it when everybody runs with a statement that wasn't actually in the survey. It's happened to this survey specifically, twice.
We both know that "the largest supporter" is ambiguous enough to mean either the group with the most supporters or the group with the % proportion of support.
But at least you didn't try to use "largest" to refer to the physical mass or volume of the people comprising each group.
My complaint is that it was being taken as "the largest group of any combination of variables".