New stonetoss
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This guy is an absolute treasure to the Human race! 🤣
This works with the majority of entertainment, too… it’s a perfect meme.
Fun fact about "shit corn."
What you see as kernels are not actually corn, they are just the outer hull which is mostly indigestible but still packed with shit.
Another [not so] fun fact:
Did you know that
Ah yes, the culture of elite engineers and scientists
If you look at some Indians it explains A LOT. They also have tons of gold the Paralympics. Genetic defects are abundant in Indians, looking like incestuous monstrosities is just the icing on the shit cake. India is truly hell on earth.
By victims does the report mean they are the product of incest, or they are raped by a male blood relative?
All of the above. Lol
Pajeets have no culture.
Makes the comic even more appropriate.
There's way too much corn on that turd.
Third panel is sussy
mm ok but why the reference to mute cinema 1920?
I don’t get it.
Don't mass import the bad to get a small amount of good.
Yeah I'm not sure what's confusing about it. It doesn't even need the last panel.
There's nothing confusing about it. Understanding this (even without the last panel literally explaining it) is an npc test, much like the "did you eat breakfast yesterday" questions are.
LOL, I had no clue about this "Breakfast Question." I definitely have to try this experiment sometime.
Most people you know will pass that one... but try to get them to say something bad about gays (for example) without prefacing with 'well, not all gays...'. Same thing -- an inability to generalize, which is the basis of thinking.
"Not all, not all, not all ... but MOST ..." 😎
The last panel is mocking a leftist comic which has also ends abruptly with the same sort of last panel that says "This comic is about Student Loan Debt"
Ah, I've never seen that one. I don't peruse leftist bullshit myself.
The other thing is that if someone is reading his archive in the future, the context is clear. Without it being the big topic of discussion, it's slightly ambiguous. The generic "tiny amount of good isn't worth it" comes across, but is it H1-Bs? All immigration? Any group where the "there are some good people" discussion is had?
Its a running meme with Stonetoss comics, people post them, someone says "I don't get it" and then it gets explained in hilarious or overly verbose ways.
Its to take the piss out of Leftists who have to pretend to not understand it at all when shitting on him, because even explaining it would undermine their worldview because of how obvious shit is.
When you consider the intelligence of the average voter, the overexplanation might be necessary.
People give Ben Garrison shit for labeling literally everything in his political cartoons, but old "legitimate" cartoons were just as wordy.
True, but this case is unique in that Stonetoss is hugely popular among the Left as hate readers, who have to consistently misunderstand or pretend to do so simply to avoid how effectively he delivers a message that undermines their worldview in very few words and simple pictures.
Its why "Antifa Stonetoss" is a fucking 90000 person sub on Reddit, to do nothing but "I don't get it" and then replace all text with a "Leftist Meme" level of text. And then it creates further memes and so on.
He has this entire fucking ecosystem going on. Its not even getting into the "amongus in every comic" guys or his still operational NFT market.
I think it needs the last panel, actually. That does help a little, but it is also a bit subversive of the comic structure.
I’m not sure H1Bs give us any corn.
I thought it could be a reference to the many videos of Indians serving disgusting food.
Fuck you bloody! bastard bitch saar. India pooperpower by 2030!
Where's that from (other than the great Pewdiepie song)?
Unsolicited Indian DM #1241552562
My Lord! That's... something else.
I think it's just a reference to them being "poos".