maybe if he's finally allowed to vent his systems on his female genocide theory he'll actually chill out a bit
He already owns and mods multiple boards for this and hasn't shown any signs of doing that. In fact he's gotten worse and repeatedly tries to post to other boards like Funny, Gaming, and wherever else he can, while also trying to take over modding there, so spam even more people he will inevitably piss off with his sperging.
And the latest one made 6 days ago, Dec 2024, FellowMales, which has all of 1 thread that for some retarded reason was pinned. There are literally no other threads which could hide it, that's the point of pins, so he's that desperate for visibility
Do note he's pretty much the only person who ever actually posts anything to these boards, or comments. The few others who are active could very well be more alt accounts of his since he's been stupid enough to not only use them but then admit it was him, so he's lost any and all credibility about not sock-puppeting himself.
Yeah let's not pretend like we can't think through second-order effects.
After the glorious dawn of Imp's artificial womb master race, women will only be necessary for egg harvesting. Since he thinks they are programmed to destroy men, that doesn't leave much use for them in society.
It's always amusing the ones who complain about this board then go make their own never then let others also mod the place. Sure Jester ended up squatting 3 and 4, but 5 has only had 1 mod since it was created despite said mod complaining about the moderation done here.
tl;dr It's always communists wanting to be the one in charge.
You're wasting your time, I have no idea what my login details are so can't even log into the URLs. So I can't even leave/remove myself from your stupid pet project.
I would not say that. You just have to get the timing right. I did no promo work for KiA2, other than ask for moderators in a post that made people aware of its existence.
Just how many times do we have to pick up and move to a new board? We lose more old guard every time and pick up a bunch of weirdos who don't belong with each iteration. And worst of all we never actually escape people who want to muzzle us.
Considering that the general topics seem to be identical, I don't understand why anyone would stay here if they also went to conpro to begin with.
Its genuinely baffling that they come here just to complain that the two boards aren't identical, when if they were then this place would be irrelevant.
Fair, but if it has that much crossover (which it obviously does in both categories) then this place should be an easy write off instead of a constant rage fest about it not being identical.
It might be, but on the flipside if he enforced them as lax as a lot of these topics want him to, it would be equally as dead.
Because without some amount of enforcement, it becomes unusable as certain users (like the one this topic was made to mock and the banned one from the drama post) will just spam the same Jew topics all day, and then scream at you for not agreeing with them 200% until you just stop participating.
I don't think Dom is doing anywhere near a good job or even has motives that wise, but the opposition has its own problems brought on by the way it runs its who.
they come here just to complain that the two boards aren't identical
They want all marginally similar places to talk about the same things unimpeded, either for validation or circlejerking, even if the post titles are "different". I've rarely seen complaints about this board not being like any other board, it's just the spat with ConPro
Are you retarded? This isn't a split from the reddit KiA2 it's just the win version in case the reddit gets deleted or for people permabanned from reddit. The same person made both
I was literally there when it was made. It's not a split when the same person made both and this one was explicitly made in case reddit banned the other. Fucking retarded newfag
You realize this offshoot was not created by or for low iq racial idpol da joooooos faggots, right?
And the large shift in posting over time has been entirely astroturfed by faggots like whoever's alt that is I'm replying to, or if it is a legitimately new account whichever fed was recently assigned.
Conpro faggots and dimwitted "reee jooooos" faggotry has never belonged here. This board isn't a split from reddit kia2, it's the .win version.
If you are unironically claiming the .win is for fake white nationalists (socialist subversion agents) you are subhumanly retarded. This site exists because of the_donald, not the larping feds or their retarded goblin pets over at conpro.
Too late, imp ruined it already.
Ahh, just like old times.
Hold.on, let him cook, maybe if he's finally allowed to vent his systems on his female genocide theory he'll actually chill out a bit.
He already owns and mods multiple boards for this and hasn't shown any signs of doing that. In fact he's gotten worse and repeatedly tries to post to other boards like Funny, Gaming, and wherever else he can, while also trying to take over modding there, so spam even more people he will inevitably piss off with his sperging.
Sounds like a certain other problem poster we have on this board who Dom for some reason refuses to actually purge.
Heh, fair enough, I'm only familiar with his sperging here not elsewhere in the wild.
Was wondering if maybe he wasn't too far gone to calm tf down if he just got the raving out his system.
If you check his profile, not that I would suggest anyone do so in the first place, you can see the boards he has control over.
First up, Feminism, because women live rent free in his head that much, board made Feb 2022.
Then there's TheCultureWar, made a few months ago in August 2024. Apparently this board exists specifically for Imp to ping u/ArchRespawnsAgain.
And the latest one made 6 days ago, Dec 2024, FellowMales, which has all of 1 thread that for some retarded reason was pinned. There are literally no other threads which could hide it, that's the point of pins, so he's that desperate for visibility
Do note he's pretty much the only person who ever actually posts anything to these boards, or comments. The few others who are active could very well be more alt accounts of his since he's been stupid enough to not only use them but then admit it was him, so he's lost any and all credibility about not sock-puppeting himself.
No idea how many times he managed to get banned here, but he had plenty of time to get it out of his system if it was coming out.
Yeah, I guess it's just a shame. Even as retarded his hissyfits got, at least he didn't used to be a total NPC all the time.
He gets traction on MGTOW.
Good delivery but the core of the joke doesn't land well because there's very little truth to it.
I mean he does have "a females will genocide us" theory to sell, and he has always been banned long before gasses out on it. The kernel is there.
Yeah let's not pretend like we can't think through second-order effects.
After the glorious dawn of Imp's artificial womb master race, women will only be necessary for egg harvesting. Since he thinks they are programmed to destroy men, that doesn't leave much use for them in society.
Ruined? Imp is entertaining. I miss him here.
Did you two ever hook up or what?
You're obnoxious and disliked, no one is going to your board. Even if they 100% agreed with you, you're such a cunt they will avoid you.
Its really amazing how often that is the case, even when they can see and acknowledge it in other people (like Imp).
That's what you always say about me, isn't it?
I did a few times, yeah.
And even as I come around to your point of view on why banning antisemites wasn't a bad idea (despite becoming one myself), I still think it was true.
I'm a cunt, and people seem to like me...😛
Perhaps you have a charm about you.
I'll relinquish mod status IDGAF. The point is that it's stupid to whine about mods when it's so easy to move.
Um just to be clear i didn't actually ask to be a mod there. He just put me as mod. Also kotakuinaction5 exists
Win is weird. Can you just unilaterally mod people? On Reddit, you have to actually accept.
You just want to complain then, is that it?
Im not complaining about your post dont get me wrong
Maybe just crosspost to KotakuInActionToo?
I don't know any of these other mods, I'm just a simple karma farmer.
There are "promoted" posts showing on your boards. There aren't any here.
I'm too lazy to find out if that is on my side.
i think its on your side. You probably have it aranged on "hot" rather than on "new"
We will watch your career with great interest.
Like a flaming poo on a doorstep about to be stomped.
See how easy it is to make a new sub?
Instead of whining like faggots move over to this sub. Wanna mod it let me know.
So easy that it's already been done, repeatedly.
Creating is easy. Getting people to actually use a new board, on the other hand, is like herding cats.
It's always amusing the ones who complain about this board then go make their own never then let others also mod the place. Sure Jester ended up squatting 3 and 4, but 5 has only had 1 mod since it was created despite said mod complaining about the moderation done here.
tl;dr It's always communists wanting to be the one in charge.
Aye comrade, now get to work.
You're wasting your time, I have no idea what my login details are so can't even log into the URLs. So I can't even leave/remove myself from your stupid pet project.
So you're just another complainer then? I gave you mod and 'oh deary me I can't possibly remember my password'.
"Pet project" lol I think you should create a community just to see how little effort it requires. Pretty much none which is my whole point.
Use a password manager u stupid faggot.
I would not say that. You just have to get the timing right. I did no promo work for KiA2, other than ask for moderators in a post that made people aware of its existence.
But a lot of unhappy people with HalfKiA did.
people here have stockholm syndrome
Or maybe we recognize inherent value in communities beyond "I'm mad things aren't exactly how I want them, time to burn it down!"
You have the mindset of a woman. "We argued too much this week, and also that guy over there is prettier, time to divorce and ruin shit for everyone!"
More like fatigue; the life of an internet nomad isn't for everyone. This site is already a spinoff of a spinoff as it is.
Just how many times do we have to pick up and move to a new board? We lose more old guard every time and pick up a bunch of weirdos who don't belong with each iteration. And worst of all we never actually escape people who want to muzzle us.
Or just go to conpro since the community is alive and they don't ban people for talking about stuff. Plenty of crossover already.
Considering that the general topics seem to be identical, I don't understand why anyone would stay here if they also went to conpro to begin with.
Its genuinely baffling that they come here just to complain that the two boards aren't identical, when if they were then this place would be irrelevant.
Different users, different posts
Fair, but if it has that much crossover (which it obviously does in both categories) then this place should be an easy write off instead of a constant rage fest about it not being identical.
Thats up to users to decide. Kia2 would be dead if Dom kept enforcing rules like he used to. Idk maybe he's just busy.
It might be, but on the flipside if he enforced them as lax as a lot of these topics want him to, it would be equally as dead.
Because without some amount of enforcement, it becomes unusable as certain users (like the one this topic was made to mock and the banned one from the drama post) will just spam the same Jew topics all day, and then scream at you for not agreeing with them 200% until you just stop participating.
I don't think Dom is doing anywhere near a good job or even has motives that wise, but the opposition has its own problems brought on by the way it runs its who.
They want all marginally similar places to talk about the same things unimpeded, either for validation or circlejerking, even if the post titles are "different". I've rarely seen complaints about this board not being like any other board, it's just the spat with ConPro
And its really giving more credibility than should exist to the "conpro brigaders are shitting the place up deliberately."
Yes, please take all of the tourist faggots who can't contain their low IQ "jooos" spergouts back to the containment board they belong in.
How the hell did you end up on this board and not on r/KiA2 where you would clearly be more at home?
Are you retarded? This isn't a split from the reddit KiA2 it's just the win version in case the reddit gets deleted or for people permabanned from reddit. The same person made both
It absolutely is a split from reddit KiA2 and you're retarded for thinking otherwise.
I was literally there when it was made. It's not a split when the same person made both and this one was explicitly made in case reddit banned the other. Fucking retarded newfag
This fucking nigger right here, calling me a newfag like I wasn't there when Arthur Chu called in the bomb threats during #GGinDC...
Are you literally too stupid to understand the distinction that has emerged over time to differentiate this place from r/KiA2?
You realize this offshoot was not created by or for low iq racial idpol da joooooos faggots, right?
And the large shift in posting over time has been entirely astroturfed by faggots like whoever's alt that is I'm replying to, or if it is a legitimately new account whichever fed was recently assigned.
Conpro faggots and dimwitted "reee jooooos" faggotry has never belonged here. This board isn't a split from reddit kia2, it's the .win version.
If you are unironically claiming the .win is for fake white nationalists (socialist subversion agents) you are subhumanly retarded. This site exists because of the_donald, not the larping feds or their retarded goblin pets over at conpro.
jooooooos joooooooos joooooooos is ironically all I see when I skim your posts
I like how they're arguing with you about the thing you made