“I am anti-gun until I work myself into hysterical fear because the media convinced me the guy who already ran the country for 4 years is going to legalize rape and then make me keep the rape baby” or “I’m anti gun when my side holds all political power”
Damn near 10 years ago I pointed that out to that sub. I don't want to be shot by a psychotic feminist that is so hysterical about men that I get shot in the street because I asked her for help.
Zhangcheng knife7in1 functions including window breaker stainless hard steel less than 5" legal carry in 31 states independent woman edition pink with bunny motif.
Keeping a loose gun in a purse is retarded. The other year some woman shot her daughter in the head at a grocery store because it went off while she was rummaging through her purse. Beyond the negligence, the undisciplined hysteria of women is very dangerous. Take note that this poster isn't saying to arm yourself against any real threat, like illegals or thugs, but the imagined treat posed by eeeevil Trump supporters. Any white man they see will make them nervous, and any disagreement will give them the mistaken impression that their life is in danger.
"Trump forced me to shoot the black rapist who lost his mind due oppression by the huwite patriarchy, I'm going to keep the retarded mulatto rape baby and raise him to be rebel against the huwite patriarchy."
Not disagreeing that TERFS suffer from TDS, but the TERFS have been banned from TwoXChromosomes a while ago. Reddit dosen't allow blasphemy against the Church of Girldick.
Everyone remember the "summer of love", when a bunch of people who hated guns decided that maybe they were a good thing to have around a bunch of rioters? There a bunch of articles in the vein of "committed gun control advocate discovers his state has a waiting period when he goes to buy a gun".
And after 2020 they proceeded to...vote even harder for gun control in the states controlled by Democrats. These bitches will post stuff like this, and will maybe even go out and buy a gun, but they'll still vote just as hard for more gun control.
Yes because they did all the things that police did, and effectively became the police. After which, they became the most corrupt and violent police force in the country.
Armed goons claiming authority does not give them legitimacy. Calling them police implies they had some form of community or government backing, some claim to legitimacy however worthless. They were a petty gang.
"...men will never respect women until women start fighting back."
That has literally never, EVER happened in the whole history of humankind, throughout our whole existence, all you cunts have ever done was leech on the conquests and accomplishments of the great men who built our society. The only reason why you're even allowed to make these asinine remarks is because a bunch of limp-wristed bureaucrats decided to give you voting rights without asking for anything in return and now we're all paying the price for it.
A woman has NEVER conquered large swathes of land and founded an empire, a woman has NEVER founded a country where her fellow women could be "free from the patriarchy", all female rulers in history ruled on the back of capable men, even blacks have african kings and emperors to be proud of, you have nothing.
So.. they blame all men. Not a subset of men. Its like the safest part of europe.. imports millions of rapefugees, but just blame men in general. Rofl.
“I am anti-gun until I work myself into hysterical fear because the media convinced me the guy who already ran the country for 4 years is going to legalize rape and then make me keep the rape baby” or “I’m anti gun when my side holds all political power”
Damn near 10 years ago I pointed that out to that sub. I don't want to be shot by a psychotic feminist that is so hysterical about men that I get shot in the street because I asked her for help.
Legalising rape would fix a lot of problems though as women once again would seek the shelter of trustworthy men.
Not based. Based would be my enemies being unarmed and my friends being armed.
It's a joke. The only "weapon" those leftoid reddit whores will be using are their dildos.
>car window breaker
Holy shit women are so dumb. Pepper spray. Knife. Gun. Those are the things that work.
Everyone's gangster until I pull out my CAR WINDOW BREAKER (???)
Knife-wrench! For kids!
Zhangcheng knife7in1 functions including window breaker stainless hard steel less than 5" legal carry in 31 states independent woman edition pink with bunny motif.
Knife is less effective than pepper spray because it doesn't cause the same level of pain that guns tend to, even if moral wounds.
I carry a ka bar because I'm 1. Not actually concerned. 2. It was a gift and looks cool. 3. I use it to cut cigars when I forget the proper tools.
I would be very wary of carrying a knife for self-defense depending on your state laws. It could be criminal.
I don't. It sits in my car.
That may also be illegal depending on your state. Knife laws are fucking awful.
Broadly speaking. Most of them are related to concealment. Mine are fine.
Even if my state laws werent.... county behavior is already non-compliant to begin with.
Keeping a loose gun in a purse is retarded. The other year some woman shot her daughter in the head at a grocery store because it went off while she was rummaging through her purse. Beyond the negligence, the undisciplined hysteria of women is very dangerous. Take note that this poster isn't saying to arm yourself against any real threat, like illegals or thugs, but the imagined treat posed by eeeevil Trump supporters. Any white man they see will make them nervous, and any disagreement will give them the mistaken impression that their life is in danger.
Off-body carry is dumb in general.
Odds are that's a guy.
Fight back against what? I thought stranger danger rapes were a racist bogeyman
"Trump forced me to shoot the black rapist who lost his mind due oppression by the huwite patriarchy, I'm going to keep the retarded mulatto rape baby and raise him to be rebel against the huwite patriarchy."
You act like they actually have positions on things instead of just saying things to gain power and attention
Oh, you.
I thought you needed F15s to take on the government...
TERFs were going to be pissing themselves regardless. Their misandry knows no bounds.
Trump win meant a return to normal masculinity. Dems win meant half-orcs continuing their invasion of women spaces.
Not disagreeing that TERFS suffer from TDS, but the TERFS have been banned from TwoXChromosomes a while ago. Reddit dosen't allow blasphemy against the Church of Girldick.
Wait, I've seen this one!
Everyone remember the "summer of love", when a bunch of people who hated guns decided that maybe they were a good thing to have around a bunch of rioters? There a bunch of articles in the vein of "committed gun control advocate discovers his state has a waiting period when he goes to buy a gun".
And after 2020 they proceeded to...vote even harder for gun control in the states controlled by Democrats. These bitches will post stuff like this, and will maybe even go out and buy a gun, but they'll still vote just as hard for more gun control.
The worst police brutality of 2020 took place in CHAZ and CHOP
Can you really call the goonsquad there "police"? They had no legal authority, no training and no mandate other than "we have guns so you obey us".
Yes because they did all the things that police did, and effectively became the police. After which, they became the most corrupt and violent police force in the country.
Armed goons claiming authority does not give them legitimacy. Calling them police implies they had some form of community or government backing, some claim to legitimacy however worthless. They were a petty gang.
Except the police gave them legitimacy by abandoning territory to them. Making them the only legitimate police force in the area.
She has a point, the troons and illegals might get so pissed they go on a rape spree.
Even when they're smart, leftists/women are still dumb.
"...men will never respect women until women start fighting back."
That has literally never, EVER happened in the whole history of humankind, throughout our whole existence, all you cunts have ever done was leech on the conquests and accomplishments of the great men who built our society. The only reason why you're even allowed to make these asinine remarks is because a bunch of limp-wristed bureaucrats decided to give you voting rights without asking for anything in return and now we're all paying the price for it.
A woman has NEVER conquered large swathes of land and founded an empire, a woman has NEVER founded a country where her fellow women could be "free from the patriarchy", all female rulers in history ruled on the back of capable men, even blacks have african kings and emperors to be proud of, you have nothing.
Can't wait for the first woman to go to prison for wasting a random guy on the street for absolutely no reason
I don't respect a lot of people (including women) because they're hysterical cunts without the ability to think critically
Either this person is stupid or from a different country; in America it's spelled defense.
Ah the usual "it's okay when I need it" from the left.
Woops! Guns still "illegal" in their cities. 🤣
So.. they blame all men. Not a subset of men. Its like the safest part of europe.. imports millions of rapefugees, but just blame men in general. Rofl.