Sweet Baby Inc. is going stealth
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Wait, what the fuck?
"I should hold a video chat with my animal skull collection in view. That's definitely not creepy or weird in any way at all. I'm totally normal."
A villain that believes herself to be the her-o? It is more likely than you think!
We should start our own consulting group. With blackjack and hookers.
If sweet baby has touched your game, we'll unfuck it.
If Sweet Baby Inc has touched a game, why would you want to be near ANYONE involved in the game? They don't just magically assume control of the narrative, they don't even get final say in what the end result is. Someone is approving it.
So who takes the blame when the game fails?
I mean, if my help fucked up a game, I probably wouldn't have companies reaching out for my help, or want me anywhere near their stuff again.
Unless they wanted it destroyed. If so, why make it in the first place?
Rather than the cause, they (or all DEI "consultancies" in general) are more like the ultimate red flag.
Fleek Fixes should just register as an LLC.
My boy Fleekazoid would have everyone making blockbusters in a week.
Go for it, seeing as how that requires you to then dox yourself in order to provide any form of visibility and therefore not only shoot yourself in the foot but blow off both legs at the same time all because you're trying to troll. Poorly, it should be added, because you're that retarded you can't even come up with ideas that don't fuck you over, like this one.
LOL. It reminds me of this.
Which then reminds me of the single greatest thing to come out of the new B&B stuff. "Your mouth works, ma'am. You can stop testing it.". Man! I've watched this probably a dozen times, at this point, and it's still funny every goddamn time.
I'm feeling personally attacked right now because behind my desk is my skull and mask collection.
Am I also a baddie?
Probably not. Unless your goal is to burn the games industry to the ground, like Sweet Baby admitted awhile back.
I would absolutely love to burn it to the ground, but not for progressivism but because I want to gatekeep out a lot of people.
Like anyone who plays pvp games. Toss them right out.
I mean, we've seen worse. I can't remember the context or details, but a few years ago, people were marveling at a video where some US official joined a Zoom call from his home office and a picture of Mao Zedong was in view of his camera. Someone on the call suggested he move the camera to the side, so he did that, and as Mao disappeared from view, the feed showed some kind of a fucked up picture of little children in a sexual context. The call was related to covid, IIRC.
I remember that.
It's like people have this thin veneer of fitting in so they don't get their lives destroyed if people found out what they're really up to.
And any crack in that mask just spills out concentrated evil so much that you regret making the crack in the first place.
Literal armchair cat-petting evil cackle villains and some retards out there still believe they are the good guys.
The Powell Group looks like a much bigger player and are going to help out Sweet Baby Inc.
If Sweet Baby Inc are going to work thru The Powell Group that covers 500 publishers it will be hard to follow the trail.
I guess we could blacklist every publisher but 500 seems like a lot to follow.
I'm sure blacklisting 500 publishers is completely warranted at this point.
The industry is no longer fit for purpose, burn it all to the ground and try again.
I've got a couple of heuristics that help and kind of mitigate the need for things like SBI detected:
Cal arts or similar shitty art style? Ignore.
Received any awards from any "game festivals"? Ignore.
Marketing materials feature quotes from mainstream gaming publications? Ignore.
Female protagonist? Ignore, unless she looks traditionally beautiful, or shown to be actually sexy.
Black protagonists with dreadlocks? Ignore.
Black protagonists featured first? Ignore.
Yeah, this does catch some stuff that might actually not suck, but oh well. There's plenty of other stuff to play.
Plus Factorio: Space Age just came out so that should keep me occupied for the better part of 2025.
Its almost like that might be their goal? Hmm....
I mean it’s hardly surprising given how much they hate us. Lies, censorship and treachery are standard business practice here in the good ol 2020’s. But I believe they’ll still lose in the long run.
We can all spot woke a mile away, going stealth won’t cover up its dog shit scent. The best product will always become the most sought after, mediocre crap will always tank.
And even if the entire industry all start rigging the market like EA recently (aggressively gatekeeping access, giving review codes only to handpicked reviewers, NDA’s, sending out talking points to the media, copyright striking YouTube channels etc) it still won’t save them in the long run.
All they’re going to do is further erode their own credibility and ensure that NO ONE trusts them enough to preorder in future. High fake review scores and pretentious game awards do not pay the bills or keep the lights on. SALES pays the bills and keep the lights on, and the only way to ensure sales is to give the audience what they actually want.
So they can all play these little corporate leftist games as much as they like, they can protect the Sweet Babies and Black Girl Gamers and Hit detections et al as much as they want, but they’re going to keep losing. People will either become even stingier with their money or they’ll just check out of video games all together and take up something else instead.
Their end goal is to replace their audience, there shall only be what they want, everything else overwritten or destroyed. The idea is to inflate your closed wallet away, all dosh will be granted by the gov anyway, haha
People will have a harder time confirming it was sweetbaby. But the games will still be obvious turds.
Because the pajeets are savages who ape a real society
Sair, sair, please do not resume. Do not resume, is great cultured.
The worst part is that the US government is going to have to crack down on this motherfuckers in order to stop this bullshit.
Sweet Baby is going to hunker down in Canada unfortunately, meaning that unless the incoming Trump administration plans to "mosad" them then they are going to have to pressure Pierre Poilievre into cracking down on them, which will only work if it turns out he is not a globalist conspirator who is going to make rebel news eat their shoes.
The US government finances DEI. Why would they crack down on it?
Because we are going to picket Trump to have everyone in the government involved convicted for treason.
There is nothing ''authentic'' about woke revisionism.
these dev companies and consultant groups being disbanded is bad.. they will spread and infect everything else. its like a cancer that metastasized. its like when tumblr went down and all those tumblr people spread into twitter and reddit.
The problem is that the cancer is almost everywhere already, Only solution is the radiation so nuke them, only way to be sure haha