Dragon Age: Inquisition came out in 2014. The trans cult wasn't really on the radar back then. Sure, the public sort of knew they existed, but the trans community back then generally kept to themselves and everyone else kept a "live and let live" attitude. It was a good balance at the time, or so it seemed. Look what tolerance bought us: Child mutilations, state-enforced trans indoctrination at schools, and censoring everyone who disagreed. That's why people are pissed now. We gave an inch and they took a mile. No more.
Also, growing up the rare time I remember hearing about trans or a sex change it was understood that a man who had a sex change was still a man who made himself look more like a woman. This insistence that everyone ignore reality is relatively new
The removal of "Transvestite" from public conversations has really helped accelerate this disaster. A guy who dresses up like a woman is in no way, shape or form a woman. And there was commonly used language to describe that. But now you're a bigot if you don't wax Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv's balls and have to fight a years-long case in the courts for your trouble. (Tranny went and sued the individual beauticians after the courts tossed the case against the salon as a whole. Shit's insane and comparable to the harassment of the Colorado baker.)
It's the linguistic erasure of a concept by obliterating words for it. It's also why there's no gradient between a self-loathing White person and a White supremacist. All terms in between those two extreme ends of the spectrum have been eradicated from public consciousness because there's no vocabulary with which to describe them. If you aren't a terminal self-hating White who wants to terminate yourself on the altar of social justice then you must be turbo mecha-Hitler come to kill everyone.
Even if we ignore that White supremacists basically don't exist by any reasonable definition -- The fact is that there legitimately are African/Black supremacists, Jewish supremacists, Asian supremacists, Hispanic/Latinwhatever supremacists who are 100% real and yet not at all pariahs in polite society. More often than not, they're treated like heroes.
I'm not sure why I should uniquely hate such "Supremacists" only when it's White people expressing their in-group preference.
Grabbed a copy of andromeda when it went on clearance for ps4. didn't have a good internet connection at the time, so i didn't get the "day one" update, and by this point, I'd forgotten about the rendering issues...
Fiance and I seesawed between being creeped out and laughing our asses off at the souless, deadeyed models.
Never finished the game, because it was just so terrible to look at, and the gameplay just wasn't interesting enough to keep me playing.
They caught flak for it, but not as widely. I considered none of that franchise to be playable at all except the first one, and even then only if you kill the Hispanic guy as fast as you can.
Yeah I laughed when I saw people on YouTube wanting to replay nonwoke DAI instead. It was already so pozzed I couldn't finish it. The characters were ugly too.
I think it caught more flak for being quite mediocre, the characters were quite bland compared to previous entries, the idea of the inquisition taking territory was a concept not fully utilised and the story constantly pulled a 'choose one' scenario throughout not enabling a 'secret' option if you explored and researched enough.
People raked DAI over the coals over that tranny. They literally made compilations comparing Sten's dialogue in DAO with Iron Bull. If you have a female warrior or rogue GW Sten will literally pull you aside to have a conversation about how you make no fucking sense and are, in his eyes, a tranny. Women are bakers, priests, caretakers, etc. Men are warriors. He wants the GW to explain why she clearly wants to be a man.
DAI was garbage, it was a huge departure from the tactical CRPG format of DAO and imo was unplayable trash.
It was not received as well and thus, didn't get attention, plus in 2014 when it came out, the troons were still kinda underground.
Bioware, however, at the time was fully infected (PL: I do know some people who work there, by this time, its original founders who made Baldur's Gate were gone and the place was infested with so much soy, it was actually nauseous). This wasnt because of diversity standards or DEI, this was the employees and writers at Bioware wanting to take their sexual deviance and shoehorn it in there for "acceptance". People at the time already knew Bioware games as "the games where you could fuck anyone in the game", so it didn't really raise eyebrows at the time.
2014 was a very slow year in gaming. People were so starved for something half-decent that they were ready to sing praises for Inquisition, despite its mediocrity.
There was nonstop shitposting comparing DAI to The Witcher 3, including stuff as simple as the fact that your party apparently just rides in your horse's saddlebags as they dissapear as soon as you mount up.
That would have required me to play the game. But after 2 was shit and by that point it was clear the studio was a husk, I stopped giving them my money.
This is my first time seeing this, and I've gone through most of the game twice. Maybe I missed it because I was so bored with Inquisition by that point that I didn't want to spend any more time in dialogue than I had to.
They were definitely roasted for it. People were just not as burned out of it all at the time as much as they are now, which is why it seems more extreme now. They just had to keep digging and digging and digging.
Dragon Age: Inquisition came out in 2014. The trans cult wasn't really on the radar back then. Sure, the public sort of knew they existed, but the trans community back then generally kept to themselves and everyone else kept a "live and let live" attitude. It was a good balance at the time, or so it seemed. Look what tolerance bought us: Child mutilations, state-enforced trans indoctrination at schools, and censoring everyone who disagreed. That's why people are pissed now. We gave an inch and they took a mile. No more.
Also, growing up the rare time I remember hearing about trans or a sex change it was understood that a man who had a sex change was still a man who made himself look more like a woman. This insistence that everyone ignore reality is relatively new
The removal of "Transvestite" from public conversations has really helped accelerate this disaster. A guy who dresses up like a woman is in no way, shape or form a woman. And there was commonly used language to describe that. But now you're a bigot if you don't wax Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv's balls and have to fight a years-long case in the courts for your trouble. (Tranny went and sued the individual beauticians after the courts tossed the case against the salon as a whole. Shit's insane and comparable to the harassment of the Colorado baker.)
It's the linguistic erasure of a concept by obliterating words for it. It's also why there's no gradient between a self-loathing White person and a White supremacist. All terms in between those two extreme ends of the spectrum have been eradicated from public consciousness because there's no vocabulary with which to describe them. If you aren't a terminal self-hating White who wants to terminate yourself on the altar of social justice then you must be turbo mecha-Hitler come to kill everyone.
Even if we ignore that White supremacists basically don't exist by any reasonable definition -- The fact is that there legitimately are African/Black supremacists, Jewish supremacists, Asian supremacists, Hispanic/Latinwhatever supremacists who are 100% real and yet not at all pariahs in polite society. More often than not, they're treated like heroes.
I'm not sure why I should uniquely hate such "Supremacists" only when it's White people expressing their in-group preference.
People used to laugh anytime anyone said "Her Penis" in 2014. Now, not so much.
Haha, I guess it's time to add "If they didn't have revisionist history, they'd have no history at all" to the one about double standards.
People ragged on it plenty back then too.
This is false, plenty noticed the pandering back then. However it was nothing compared to Veilguard shit.
Furthermore, people absolutely talked about the crossdresser in Mass Effect: Andromeda too, it was so cringe.
Grabbed a copy of andromeda when it went on clearance for ps4. didn't have a good internet connection at the time, so i didn't get the "day one" update, and by this point, I'd forgotten about the rendering issues...
Fiance and I seesawed between being creeped out and laughing our asses off at the souless, deadeyed models.
Never finished the game, because it was just so terrible to look at, and the gameplay just wasn't interesting enough to keep me playing.
They caught flak for it, but not as widely. I considered none of that franchise to be playable at all except the first one, and even then only if you kill the Hispanic guy as fast as you can.
What about the Qun? You also need to stay away from the Qun
The 2nd one is alright just a letdown compared to the 1st. And the dungeons are pretty repetitive.
Yeah I laughed when I saw people on YouTube wanting to replay nonwoke DAI instead. It was already so pozzed I couldn't finish it. The characters were ugly too.
I think it caught more flak for being quite mediocre, the characters were quite bland compared to previous entries, the idea of the inquisition taking territory was a concept not fully utilised and the story constantly pulled a 'choose one' scenario throughout not enabling a 'secret' option if you explored and researched enough.
People raked DAI over the coals over that tranny. They literally made compilations comparing Sten's dialogue in DAO with Iron Bull. If you have a female warrior or rogue GW Sten will literally pull you aside to have a conversation about how you make no fucking sense and are, in his eyes, a tranny. Women are bakers, priests, caretakers, etc. Men are warriors. He wants the GW to explain why she clearly wants to be a man.
DA:I was 2014 which is when feminism and muh gender equality was the big dog of SJW pandering.
It was also the year that EA sponsored the game awards and DAI won GOTY was featured everywhere.
DAI was garbage, it was a huge departure from the tactical CRPG format of DAO and imo was unplayable trash.
It was not received as well and thus, didn't get attention, plus in 2014 when it came out, the troons were still kinda underground.
Bioware, however, at the time was fully infected (PL: I do know some people who work there, by this time, its original founders who made Baldur's Gate were gone and the place was infested with so much soy, it was actually nauseous). This wasnt because of diversity standards or DEI, this was the employees and writers at Bioware wanting to take their sexual deviance and shoehorn it in there for "acceptance". People at the time already knew Bioware games as "the games where you could fuck anyone in the game", so it didn't really raise eyebrows at the time.
Women getting into CRPGs ruined the genre because they wanted to turn them all into fuck-simulators.
Honestly, I never got much in to inquisition do to feeling like a single player mmo. Never understood why it was getting 90+ scores
2014 was a very slow year in gaming. People were so starved for something half-decent that they were ready to sing praises for Inquisition, despite its mediocrity.
There was nonstop shitposting comparing DAI to The Witcher 3, including stuff as simple as the fact that your party apparently just rides in your horse's saddlebags as they dissapear as soon as you mount up.
It was pre-trans madness, so people were much more offended by the extremely forced gay one and the ugly as sin tumblr elf.
The former is pretty much normalized now and the latter is still far worse than any tranny could hope to be.
That would have required me to play the game. But after 2 was shit and by that point it was clear the studio was a husk, I stopped giving them my money.
DAI was the 1st DA I pirated. I was foolish back in the day and pre-ordered 2.
Stick with Origins. DA never reached its initial heights with any of the subsequent games.
Remember when Razorfist praised Dragon Age Inquisition as a return to form? God damn, what a dumbass.
This is my first time seeing this, and I've gone through most of the game twice. Maybe I missed it because I was so bored with Inquisition by that point that I didn't want to spend any more time in dialogue than I had to.
They were definitely roasted for it. People were just not as burned out of it all at the time as much as they are now, which is why it seems more extreme now. They just had to keep digging and digging and digging.