I was originally just going to make this post about TV shows that are hard to watch now, but decided to include all media. What I mean by hard to watch is it's either super dated due to what has occured in the world, seeing what used to be is painful ("the world you grew up in is lost" meme), or seeing old media one can now see the progression of leftism and what was slightly obnoxious then is now understood to be the beginning of something much worse.
An example of the latter is Burn Notice. I love that show, but the serious daddy issues and pointless drama is a little hard to stomach nowadays, and I can't stand Fiona's proto girl boss crap. She even has the botoxed/ heavy makeup face of modern thots. Or Dukes of Hazard had an episode which featured the blue pill storyline of love. Two lady drivers come into town and show up the Duke boys in every way. Then their evil exes show up and the Duke boys have to save the fair maidens, despite them being better than them in every way. Only once the boys beat the exes do the ladies show their love towards them... An entire episode geared towards white knighting/ simping, with the women both being super independent are more awesome than the men and super damsels in distress in need of protection from bad men they used to date.
I can't watch anything based around WW2 anymore, even documentaries. The tragedy of it all is too painful for me. When I was a kid I had some lingering pride about the Allies and 'winning' that war based on cultural osmosis. Looking around at the world today, however, and then looking back at footage of that conflict, all I can see is Europeans tearing each other apart for no good reason. We can see where 'victory' led us. There's nothing to be proud of.
3rd reason: oversaturation and what was once a cool twist becoming the norm. Like old whedon stuff.
Try watching firefly or aliens 4 now. Oh sure you might have thought aliens 4 was bad then (you were wrong), but now after the decade of marvel and whedonisms, you will be clawing your ear drums out to end the pain. The quips are aggravating and immersion breaking. But it applies to the good as well, firefly won't hit the same.
I think a lot of the subversion stuff is like that too. Watchmen was maybe fun when every other superhero was earnest. Now it would be subversive to play it straight and not have morally gray slop.
Alien 4 was always terrible. What an absolute trash take to say I was wrong for knowing is was garbage now, but you just discovering it was garbage is correct.
My point is more that whatever level you thought it was, it's 20x worse now after seeing so much marvel/whedon shit.
I thought it was good, it's now unbearable
You thought it was bad? Prepare to be tortured
You thought it was torture? Welcome to the 9th circle.
(on it being good. I liked the new types of horror being introduced and their unwillingness to throw out everything that 3 set up, like 3 did to 2. Just being hunted and being space-pregnant with a chest alien is getting stale, some cloning and hybrid horror is welcome. And the whedon dialogue didn't feel as bad back then)
If you didn’t want anyone to challenge you on your dog shit taste in movies you shouldn’t have put in an incredibly inflammatory “if you think this movie is bad your wrong” in parentheses like a leftist faggot.
It threw out ripley sacrificing herself to stop the alien inside her by cloning her dna all so they could shove ripley back on it. Did you now just realize that selling Weyland-Yutani to Walmart for a cheap laugh did massive damage to the story? Did you like the aliens standing out in the open and roaring like a tiger because acting like xenomorphs isn’t as scary as lion roars!
Ol jossy boy was outstaying his welcome a long time ago. I never finished the marvel movies, I think the last one I watched was....Ragnarok? Maybe? I can't remember.
It was just so kitschy. To this day the only one I can rewatch, other than like Iron Man 1 and Cap 1, is Age of Ultron.
No Cap 2? It's one of the best MCU movies there is because it's not a superhero film, it's a spy thriller with superheroes.
It's not even just a good MCU movie, it's a good movie all the way around.
All of the scenes with the Winter Soldier are some of the best filmed action-thriller scenes in the last two decades (which isn't saying much due to all the slop out there) but yeah. Captain America 2 was the best thing to come out of the MCU, everything else could be tossed in the bin (though I will admit that Infinity War was really well done).
Watched it once. Barely remember it.
I loved Aliens 4 but need to find the theatrical release that doesn't have the weird alien sex scene
The same could be said for Buffy the vampire slayer.
I had this same issue replaying Dragon Age Origins this month. I'm so sick of Whedon style talking I couldn't wait to get Alistair out of my party. He's the only character in the game who talks like that. I even remember liking him back in the day.
I'm just going to say it, sitcoms like Friends and especially Big Bang theory are extremely hard to watch now, the latter A LOT more now thanks to leftist infiltration of geek/nerd spaces.
I don't have an issue with older shows and some mid 2000s and earlier British shows like I'll watch some of the older crime ones with the goat being Columbo if that's ever on and older British shoes show how hard they've fallen as if you ever watched The Thick of It you KNOW how much he was wasted by terrible writing when he was Doctor who.
Frasier (1993) is still good because even though Niles is King Simp, it's always portrayed as pathetic and comic relief with Frasier saying "oh for God's sake, Niles".
At least while the running gag of Niles in love but married is going on it's almost therapy with Frasier yelling out what we're all thinking all the time these days in every show and having zero patience for it.
I can easily watch Fraiser any time of the day because it is very well written, would say the same of Home Improvement as despite the visual physical gags abundant in it, it has a lot of good writing underneath.
Frasier is still of the era when most writers were extremely intelligent and didn't try to fake intelligence.
The writing on Frasier was top notch. One of the only sitcoms I've ever actually found funny.
If you want a real case of self inflicted whiplash look up the unaired alt pilot for TBBT. Sheldon is a completely different kind of character, same actor however, and was very quickly changed from a potential Chad to what the show went with.
Coloumbo is on the Great American Family channel nearly daily, and on Hallmark Mystery's channel.
Those first two shows have always been horrible.
Friends kind of lulled you in since was something you could relate to (points to the lyrics of the intro song) and didn't deliberately attack or demean their audience.
Big Bang theory was the opposite as if you were in the in the geek/nerd scene it was just demeaning you every time they could.
it crowd was clearly done at some level by nerds for nerds
Big bang theory was someone trying to cash in on 'nerdy/'i fucking love science' shit yeah.
That is a GREAT comparison, as EVERYONE here can sympathise with the IT crowd's 'have you tried turning it off and turning it on again? Have you made sure it's plugged in?' as it just showed sure we're outsiders as nerds/geeks but normies are REALLY dumb.
Remember that's how the first episode starts, with Roy being introduced at his desk eating something while the phone is going leading to that conversation.
Then later on when he's physically checking one of the computers the bloody thing isn't plugged in!
Just... never watch the attempted US version of the show.
There have been a few meme graphs about some tv shows and whether they are about smart/dumb people and for smart/dumb people.
TBBT is almost universally classed as "about smart people, for dumb people".
And neither one was funny.
thick of it was great, a more modern yes-minister but far less cheesy.
One of my favorite shows is Miami Vice. I have the box set on blu ray, as well as the soundtrack on cd.
Miami Vice isn't just a product of the 1980s, it is the 1980s. It's the era of optimism, of possibility. That show has my dream car, my dream era, and a bangin soundtrack.
Just about everything I love in life has either been from the 80s or had its roots in that period. From Blade Runner, to Ghost in the Shell, to Megadeth, to Rammstein, to Stratovarius, to the Testarossa, to Synthwave, to 80s action movies.
Watching that show is like meeting the man I could have become if I had reached my full potential. Even as I enjoy it, it shatters my heart to know I will never be able to have that kind of future. My parents grew up in that era, and they basically achieved the American Dream. I however, am looking at a bleak cyberpunk dystopia (without any of the cool neon aesthetic I was promised) at best, and possibly a massive civil war/revolution/ethnic conflict that will probably result in millions dead and my country torn asunder.
It is hard to watch my dreams and my future slip further and further away from my grasp as time goes on. I will likely never have a family, or own a house, or get my dream car, etc.
All I can do is endure.
Really nice mini-doc on Miami Vice and how it pretty much invented the aesthetic of the 80s.
We can be friends
Did you want a pet alligator as well? I have to ask if you watched the Michael Mann Miami Vice movie, and your thoughts on it?
I do not have enough meat to distract the gator.
I have seen the movie, and it isn't amazing. The problem is that Miami Vice being set in the 80s is kind of a core component of the series, and when you take that out it loses a lot of what made it special.
I think it could have been a better movie if it wasn't trying to be Miami Vice. If Mann had done something like what he did with Collateral it could have been better.
M * A * S * H. The film is still great, but I grew up loving the TV show. There is still a lot about it that appeals to me. Not just the anti-war message, but the entire premise of a bunch of misfits thrown together in a crucible-type situation who manage to make themselves into a sort of family.
But I can barely stand to watch it now. It could be that I'm projecting too much current year onto it, or maybe just that I've grown more conservative as I've got older, but they really did lay down the progressive themes pretty thick in that show (much to Richard Hooker's chagrin) and I find it harder to ignore it now.
I notice that MASH is anti-thatwar and the following wars, but has no problem with WWI or WWII. To my modern eyes it's saying wars against white people are okay, it's only bad when POCs are the enemy.
Plus I hate how Hawkeye is always preaching and moralizing about hatred and violence, but he's the first guy to threaten to punch someone, did punch people, and performed unnecessary surgery on someone. I hate the sanctimony of the liberal it's wrong unless I do it, because I'm so much better than everyone else.
I used to think it just had anti-war message. I've seen some episodes lately, that show must have been the pinnacle of 70's-80's woke back then. Despite the onerous progressive causes in it, at least it is based for pointing out the opportunism of trannyhood, and it's anti-government for the most part. That's the part the modern left has shed. They are now very pro state in the US.
Because that anti-white faction is literally in charge now.
Little House on the Prairie. Great acting, but the writers didn't know what to do, so they ended everything on a bad last minute answer. After a while I noticed it over and over again.
Three's Company. That show should be called Jack is always wrong. Even in episodes with Jack being wronged he'll apologize and the girls will forgive him. It's feminist cancer. And every episode is a comedy of errors that would end in two seconds if someone would just stop for two seconds and clear things up.
Yes even taking away the feminism, Three's Company was Idiot Ball: The Show.
You can't go back into the matrix.
It's mostly anything made after the 1960s.
The only show I enjoy on TV at the moment is Severance - but the Season 2 gap is getting pretty annoying
In season 3, episode 10 of Stargate they deadname 'Bruce Jenner' in a running hard reference. I was absolutely mortified by this shocking revelation of bigotry!
I didn't watch it during its heyday, but later during the end of the Obama administration/beginning of the Trump administration.
It made me physically ill to watch. It was like being waterboarded with propaganda about how great and wonderful the democrats are and how the republicans are foolish and misguided. Not a single person in that show behaves like an actual politician; more like a middle school child's idea of a senator/president/etc.
Not to mention having to look at Rob Lowe's face all the time. Blech.
Ted Kennedy would represent the argument that the rot was present even earlier.
Certainly not the guy banging the Chinese spy who didn’t even get a slap on the wrist.
I've always made the argument (IRL) that the only "good" Democrat was Andrew Jackson, and even then there is room for debate.