Delicious. Somewhat like venison, but a little different. Bear meat is pretty fatty, and in this case that lends to a better flavor. Quite rich but you have to cook it medium or more.
Bears are defensive, curious, and hungry for the beef jerky in my pack. I could navigate that situation reasonably enough.
Public school youths have a brain rotting concoction of pride and no consequences thanks to their shitlib school districts. thank God I'm bigger than most of them, so I just have to pray that they aren't packing.
Ironically if we compare race to bear species with that description:
White people are black bears, they'll mostly avoid confrontation unless backed into a corner
Urban Black youths are (White) Polar bears, doesn't matter what they'll hunt you down and fuck you up unless you fire your shotgun in their direction a few times..
It gets lost a lot in these discussions but you are very right. There are an extremely large amount of white niggers around and we can't discount their existence, for safety at least.
Speaking as the son of a white nigger who, while able to work hard and provide a lot of good lessons, was blacker culturally than probably 99% of the rappers who talk like they know the streets.
Nah, the biggest ghetto school always gets something like International Baccalaureate to counter it's insanity. So you'll see the smartest and dumbest kid you can imagine right next to each other.
I can confirm this, I was in IB and went to a ghetto highschool. There was a real push to be some form of lefty diversity. It was a really shocking how many Jews we had.
This is why I don't really buy the kamala Harris false prosecution charges narrative, niggers routinely get pleaded down from multiple felonies to misdemeanors, whatever false prosecutions she supposedly had done, they weren't near enough to balance out the under charges the rest of them enjoyed. Also no niggers are going to say they were prosecuted and judged fairly, because they dindu nuffin and THE MAN is trying to keep them down.
Yet if a straight white man kills a tranny for apolitical reasons in self defense, then the government would automatically declare it a hate crime and give them life while ignoring all claims that politics are irrelevant.
Uncle Ted created a piece of highly intelligent and prescient literature. This affords him some degree of respect from me, and that respect extends to some benefit of the doubt regarding his actions. Further examination of his actions reveals them to be idiotic and counterproductive. Subsequently, any reverence I might have for the man is grounded entirely in appreciation for his literature, not his mediocre terrorism.
These feral ghetto non-white children who murdered the white child at their integrated public school? They contributed nothing other than anti-white murder. Accidental? Only in the context of normalized head stomping, which is absolutely attempted (and here, successful) murder. Whites don’t headstomp downed opponents, so correctly charging this action as murder would “disproportionately” punish blacks. As a result, we have a legal loophole whereby blacks can attempt to kill people without being fully charged.
So minorities killing people is ok because you seem to believe a minority is never at fault? Can’t killing be bad or roughhousing or not, it’s still bad? I know you are the latest troll here so I don’t expect a coherent answer.
Amazing how there seems to be a correlation between animalistic behaviour and not providing consequences for harmful actions.
I'm just saying, I'd rather be around a random dog than an 'inner city youth' right now..
bear or inner city youth
Bear. If I kill the bear, I'm less likely to be an item on the nightly news.
Plus, bears are delicious and you get a new rug* too!
People.. eat bear? What's it taste like???
Delicious. Somewhat like venison, but a little different. Bear meat is pretty fatty, and in this case that lends to a better flavor. Quite rich but you have to cook it medium or more.
Bear, I'd have more luck taming the Bear.
Especially if they are the same in terms of youth, I'll raise a bear cub to the next Wojtek!
Bears don’t shoot unarmed grandmas for fun. Plus at least bears have the common courtesy to stay the fuck away from white neighborhoods
Bears are defensive, curious, and hungry for the beef jerky in my pack. I could navigate that situation reasonably enough.
Public school youths have a brain rotting concoction of pride and no consequences thanks to their shitlib school districts. thank God I'm bigger than most of them, so I just have to pray that they aren't packing.
Ironically if we compare race to bear species with that description:
White people are black bears, they'll mostly avoid confrontation unless backed into a corner
Urban Black youths are (White) Polar bears, doesn't matter what they'll hunt you down and fuck you up unless you fire your shotgun in their direction a few times..
I've had my fair share of urban youth encounters. depending on location, you can easily run into white niggers.
It gets lost a lot in these discussions but you are very right. There are an extremely large amount of white niggers around and we can't discount their existence, for safety at least.
Speaking as the son of a white nigger who, while able to work hard and provide a lot of good lessons, was blacker culturally than probably 99% of the rappers who talk like they know the streets.
Are we talking one bear vs a gang of dindus? Or one bear and one dindu?
The justice system that allows this to happen is complicit
That school was only 7% White, but thank God race doesn't matter!
Any parent that has their kid in a school where they are outnumbered 10:1 by niggers probably don’t care much anyway.
They're probably just poor.
If you're a poor white person, you might as well be poor in area with other poor white people. No point in multiplying risk factors.
It's extremely difficult to move while poor.
We should start a white charity to help poor whites, only.
It's the kind of thing that needs to happen, yes. It would probably need to be lowkey and localized.
Nooo that’s racist! That money could be used to help poor brown people you bigot!
It's cheaper to move to Appalachia than it is to live in Las Vegas.
I doubt they live in Vegas proper. If that school is full of blacks, it's probably a poor area.
Nah, the biggest ghetto school always gets something like International Baccalaureate to counter it's insanity. So you'll see the smartest and dumbest kid you can imagine right next to each other.
I can confirm this, I was in IB and went to a ghetto highschool. There was a real push to be some form of lefty diversity. It was a really shocking how many Jews we had.
Let me guess, the victim is white?
Yes. and yes the aggressors are black
At least one is a beaner.
Execute them all. They'll never learn, or change.
And before our resident janny fag deletes this, I'm referring to the criminals in this post.
Hey no hate crime charges. I'm sure race played zero part in this
They'll all reoffend in 5 years or less.
This is why I don't really buy the kamala Harris false prosecution charges narrative, niggers routinely get pleaded down from multiple felonies to misdemeanors, whatever false prosecutions she supposedly had done, they weren't near enough to balance out the under charges the rest of them enjoyed. Also no niggers are going to say they were prosecuted and judged fairly, because they dindu nuffin and THE MAN is trying to keep them down.
I hope they get curb stomped for this..
Yet if a straight white man kills a tranny for apolitical reasons in self defense, then the government would automatically declare it a hate crime and give them life while ignoring all claims that politics are irrelevant.
You're literally protesting for the right to commit gay rape.
Sit down and shut up.
You invented double standards, rabbi. Thus "it's not rape if the victim is a goy".
Uncle Ted created a piece of highly intelligent and prescient literature. This affords him some degree of respect from me, and that respect extends to some benefit of the doubt regarding his actions. Further examination of his actions reveals them to be idiotic and counterproductive. Subsequently, any reverence I might have for the man is grounded entirely in appreciation for his literature, not his mediocre terrorism.
These feral ghetto non-white children who murdered the white child at their integrated public school? They contributed nothing other than anti-white murder. Accidental? Only in the context of normalized head stomping, which is absolutely attempted (and here, successful) murder. Whites don’t headstomp downed opponents, so correctly charging this action as murder would “disproportionately” punish blacks. As a result, we have a legal loophole whereby blacks can attempt to kill people without being fully charged.
Kill yourself, kosher eater.
First based thing you said tranny
So minorities killing people is ok because you seem to believe a minority is never at fault? Can’t killing be bad or roughhousing or not, it’s still bad? I know you are the latest troll here so I don’t expect a coherent answer.