I think they were IN THE BEGINNING but the continued on without the backing because of the attention it gives them and the 'virtue' it bestows on them.
I'd look at if they have the same managers and leaders as when they started as they might've ducked out when they saw they'll do it for free so no need to risk a paper trail.
Once you're on a plane, the crew has a lot of leeway. These assholes aren't technically doing anything more threatening than sitting on the floor in the terminal. As opposed to "interfering with the safe operation of an aircraft" or something like that.
Still surprised airport security isn't dealing with them.
Pick them up and balance the boxes on something just high enough they can't touch the floor anymore. You'll see if they're really handcuffed in there or just holding hands again.
They know they'll be out in a couple weeks. It's only a deterrent if they know they'll do the full five years. They need to remove judges and prison officials discretion in letting these mentally ill goofs out.
The REAL deterrent would be going after the people funding this terrorism. Start seizing their wealth and frog marching them into prison and it would all stop with great quickness.
Side note: I'd walk right over them taking great care to step on their faces if I found this group blocking my way. Might circle back and do it a few times.
I’m hurdling these fuckers like I’m Jesse Owens if this happens to me. And I’m 45 years old and have creaky bones, so…I’m probably not gonna go over every hurdle cleanly.
Terribly sorry, did I step on your ankle? Just trying to get by. My fault I didn't mean to knee you in the face, it really is crowded in here. Look I fully support whatever it is you are protesting but I just lost my balance and cracked your skull with my carryon, won't happen again.
These people do the morally correct thing in response to their beliefs in the lies of governments and the IPCC claiming we are on path to collapsing the Earth's ecosystems and drown coastal cities if we don't stop all emissions to let GHG concentrations decrease.
After you learn to read the first line till the end.
You can't fix the eco-crazies problem without shutting-down the institutions who filled their heads with the false beliefs that the Earth will die if we don't stop all fossil fuel use.
Jail them? Schools release a new crop of eco-cultists every year.
I almost buy the theory that they actually work for the oil industry, so they can make their critics look bad and silly.
They're probably just useful idiots.
I think they were IN THE BEGINNING but the continued on without the backing because of the attention it gives them and the 'virtue' it bestows on them.
I'd look at if they have the same managers and leaders as when they started as they might've ducked out when they saw they'll do it for free so no need to risk a paper trail.
Soros is the one paying them now.
Once you're on a plane, the crew has a lot of leeway. These assholes aren't technically doing anything more threatening than sitting on the floor in the terminal. As opposed to "interfering with the safe operation of an aircraft" or something like that.
Still surprised airport security isn't dealing with them.
They need to be canceled for not being diverse, I also assume they are all women or at least body type B
That worthless cult is literally just a wealthy woman's grudge against her family.
I'm going to write something on it soon, the story is crazy.
Please do, this sounds plausible
drag them off to the side and break one of their legs. leave them there to cry.
only one?
Why do that when they have such kickable faces?
Pick them up and balance the boxes on something just high enough they can't touch the floor anymore. You'll see if they're really handcuffed in there or just holding hands again.
make a time machine with some rope and a chair.
Just walk over them.
Just fucking walk on them. Kick their silly shit out of the way and walk on them.
Use one of those big suitcase dollies, just scoop them all up and drag them outside by the dumpsters where they belong.
These people are rich assholes that have connections to the oil industry.
Lol I'd walk right through them and I'm not an especially big dude
They know they'll be out in a couple weeks. It's only a deterrent if they know they'll do the full five years. They need to remove judges and prison officials discretion in letting these mentally ill goofs out.
The REAL deterrent would be going after the people funding this terrorism. Start seizing their wealth and frog marching them into prison and it would all stop with great quickness.
Side note: I'd walk right over them taking great care to step on their faces if I found this group blocking my way. Might circle back and do it a few times.
I’m hurdling these fuckers like I’m Jesse Owens if this happens to me. And I’m 45 years old and have creaky bones, so…I’m probably not gonna go over every hurdle cleanly.
A 10kg carry-on bag to the head should sort them out fairly sharpish
Terribly sorry, did I step on your ankle? Just trying to get by. My fault I didn't mean to knee you in the face, it really is crowded in here. Look I fully support whatever it is you are protesting but I just lost my balance and cracked your skull with my carryon, won't happen again.
They're in prime crop dusting position.
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These people do the morally correct thing in response to their beliefs in the lies of governments and the IPCC claiming we are on path to collapsing the Earth's ecosystems and drown coastal cities if we don't stop all emissions to let GHG concentrations decrease.
LOL. Take a shower, hippie.
After you learn to read the first line till the end.
You can't fix the eco-crazies problem without shutting-down the institutions who filled their heads with the false beliefs that the Earth will die if we don't stop all fossil fuel use.
Jail them? Schools release a new crop of eco-cultists every year.
Southpark blink