posted ago by misogynegro ago by misogynegro +58 / -1

It's election season, and there's a video of a cop shooting a mentally ill old black woman who was trying to throw boiling water on them. The usual arguments are happening of course, but it's not dominating the news like it normally would.

Two possibilities stick out to me as plausible.

One is that the Dems and their mouthpieces in the MSM are sitting and waiting to push this story at the right moment, as they've calculated that it isn't a good time to make it go viral yet. While the other possibility is that they've simply dropped the BLM shit because even their own voters are sick and tired of it, which the election of Eric Adams over Maya Wiley among many other developments was already indicative of.

The fact that Kamala has a record as a "tough on crime" DA and AG and was roasted by her own side for trying to ride the BLM wave probably makes it next to impossible for Dems to promote chimpouts with her as their candidate.

I've definitely noticed an angle to the gender war among blacks being that black women are more apt to be stridently pro-cop (God help anyone who's ever at the mercy of a black female cop btw), and to say the quiet part out loud about how black male criminals won't stop unless you're ruthless with them. Considering that black men probably despise Kamala as the epitome of a bossy black woman, and how Trump is a felon who was shot at, I have to wonder how that'll affect the black male vote - not that I'm holding my breath.

Now that black girl magic boss babe police brutality is the hot new thang, white women are also feeling emboldened to say the quiet part out loud. "Karen" doesn't really work anymore either. I've long believed that Western police states would ultimately ground their legitimacy in feminist rhetoric, of course that's already blatantly been the case in the UK for a long time so it's not like I'm Nostradamus here.

Plus VAWA was in and of itself a huge expansion of the American police state. Funnily enough, back in the day Biden got Bernie to vote for the 94 crime bill by pairing it with VAWA, and Bernie supporters talk about that like it was a dirty trick, but if you really think about it, Biden was being the more logically consistent one, since VAWA and the crime bill both meant more blacks in prison LOL!