posted ago by BetterNameUnfound ago by BetterNameUnfound +50 / -0

I was watching The Brave Little Toaster for the first time in years, and was surprised to see John Lasseter's name show up in the opening credits. I had completely forgotten he was involved in that movie.

That made me think of all that was unjustly done to him, which forced him out of Pixar, and it occurred to me: Pixar movies, Inside Out notwithstanding, have gotten significantly worse after his ousting.

You could also say it started when Disney bought Pixar outright in the mid-2000s, which is fair, given what we know about Disney now. Hell, it probably led to Lasseter's false accusations years later.

Anyway, just some thoughts springing from ignorance of the whole situation. You guys taught me to be skeptical of any such accusations, unless the guy in question is already known to be an asshole, which I have no evidence Lasseter is.