posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +48 / -1


This one is remarkable, I've watched Callum Upton for quite awhile and always enjoyed his takedowns of studios and all the dumb shit they get up to in order to pull the wool over consumers eyes. Here though despite clearly being quite a part of the gaming community and generally being knowledgeable he comes across as completely ignorant. I went away after getting annoyed at his video and came back to do a more measured response

The video he does is incredibly dismissive and misses the point entirely that people have about gender pronouns and how yes it is a problem if you pander to such a small percentage of people ( At least he admits what he is doing along with other devs ) and he must know he's talking crap because he then like every other ignorant person on this topic decides to resort to gaslighting the audience for the rest of the video going on about how it's no big deal.

Which let's be real, is not an actual argument against gender pronouns, I think that's my biggest problem with this however the NPCs seem to have gotten their firmware updates and this is being repeated across the internet. His comments page as well seems to almost suspiciously be filled with this sort of response of people going "Not big deal" "Why people mad?" and they fucking know exactly what they're doing.

Looks like the devs who do this are just asking for a second GamerGate, except this time it's going to happen in the dev space, not the gamer space. They realised they couldn't really get anywhere with gamers which is why they spam propaganda so often calling us all bigots, so they've been going after clueless and lazy devs who get their ignorance reinforced by these SJWs spamming their comments pages with positive feedback and dismissing anyone who complains.

What is interesting to me is witnessing this shit happen to somebody I've followed in real time. This is how it's done, it seems to be less malicious for a lot of them and more that they simply don't know any better. They get surrounded in a protective bubble by leftists they pander to and they have no idea how bad these people are until the mob finally turns on them after they've gained enough power.

I'm going to state being a wannabe indie dev myself, I'm a dev and I am 100% behind your rights as consumers to boycott this shit if you don't want anything to do with it and yes I know the actual reasons why gender pronouns are bad.

Also, gender is binary, there are only two of them, this is non-negotiable. I can't believe I'm taking a fucking TERF position but here we are lol. Really disappointed with Callum actually as I've pointed people to his videos in the past and he's clearly done zero research on this topic if his reactions are genuine.