Leftists utilize an old sales technique called “assuming the sale”. When you’re trying to sell someone on a product, you speak to them as if the sale is a foregone conclusion. You never use language or engage in hypotheticals that suggest the existence of a future reality in which they have not purchased your product. It’s a framing/priming device that is intended to prevent certain thoughts from forming in the target’s mind. Thoughts like “do I need to spend $600 on a new vacuum cleaner?” or “is this harmless word I’ve used for my entire life suddenly a violent hate speech?”
Leftists frequently pair this tactic with their most outlandish and experimental vocabulary. Nothing fools people into accepting the legitimacy of your most radical terminology quite like making them feel dumb or out of the loop. You can casually use retarded words like “regularize” and “incelspeak” in order to baffle the average reader, who will then mindlessly accept your nonsense as status quo. And the moment you run into a critical thinker who rejects the premise of your worldview, you just gaslight everyone else into thinking that dude is crazy.
It requires a good base of idiots to work.
Which then partially explains the lefts inclination to protect idiots from themselves. Idiots are their core demo. Without them there goes their followers, voters,.and constituents.
This shit ONLY works online precisely because it allows you to block/mute anyone you don't like and make safe areas for free. Ive encountered this type of woke shit twice in real life, ever. In person people don't do this shit even if they say it online. Just like people don't say nigger IRL even if they do online. The difference is that mods don't let people say right leaning stuff and they suppress.those ideas which actually grow pretty fast when left alone, but they foster left stuff. Basically, right ideas will thrive without interference. Left ideas require echo chambers and banning dissenting opinions to have a chance. This is why historically, every civilization was right wing, bar none. Until, I'm assuming Jews, came up with communism.
That particular sub has clearly had some new mods added, as it's went into overdrive with crap like that lately. Earlier in the week, they were sending out mass ban waves for being in problematic wrong-think subs:
Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/therewasanattempt because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.
Note from the moderators:
You have been banned for participating in the bigoted, nonsense-regurgitating subreddit r/kotacoinaction. Also because your shoulders are soft and you look weak. Like, worse than Joel from TLOU2.
Friendly reminder that:
the future is female
Rainbow Road is an LGBTQ+ track and always has been
Don Cheadle > Rowling
white people do not experience racism in any meaningful way, and any white who cries about racism is an eensy weensy baby who couldn't for a second handle real racial stress
gamers will never rise up. not from their couches, not from their futons
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.
Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.
The left is just absolutely without any objective standards. Anything/everything is acceptable to them, so long as it is being used to attack those that do not share their politics. Also, when they do their purges, they don't care who gets caught up in it, as I saw plenty of complaints from people protesting about how they were in lock step with them politically, but just posted in one of those subs once or twice, mocking them, but still got banned by the bot.
As for the leftists running reddit, and the hypocrisy of it all: how using a bot to go through everyone's post history, and then sending out harassing private messages to thousand of people isn't harassment, and shouldn't itself be a bannable offense is basically the perfect example of what the left is.
The left being in a position of power should always horrify anyone. Once they get that power, they will do whatever they feel like they can get away with. They will do this until they are forcibly removed.
The left always destroys itself. I point people to the Spanish Civil War, where one of the main reasons the Republicans lost is that they couldn't stop attacking and purging each other for only a 95% overlap in beliefs long enough to defeat the Nationalists.
As long as our side's response is to point out that they're the real racists and say "hypocrisy" like it's a magic word, they'll continue to radicalize.
"Rainbow Road is an LBGTQ+ track and always has been"
I pray that this was just the mods adding some trolling to their ban, but I would believe that they unironically think this is true.
It's like saying "the rainbow after the flood is a reference to LBGTQ+ pride and always has been." You retards are the one who co-opted and corrupted the rainbow in the first place...
What, they're still trying to push that old canard?
I tend to read askmen on reddit a fair bit(I get bored at work), and for a while there was a consistent thread of women barging in when someone said 'females' and making a big hay of it.
I can't even think any of this is organic by this point. It's all astroturf.
The Reddit mods threw that giant hissy fit about third party apps because most of those admins are tranny super mods who rely on the features in those apps to manipulate consensus on the platform.
99% of the time it's somebody trying to figure out how to address women after somebody already snarled at them for a word like women, chicks, girls, etc.
My god. I knew Reddit was shit when I got banned for something I can't even remember, some offense against someone's precious fucking ego/"identity," but this is next-level dumbness.
This is the depth of retardation the tranny insanity is causing, and this is the level of intolerance and sheer stupidity caused by the weaponization of identity.
All normal people inherently understand the difference between men and women on a level beyond language and no amount of communist wordsmithing will ever truly change that.
I agree. Controlling language usage and entering nonsensical definitions into dictionaries doesn't so much control thought as attempt to control it by imposing some sort of penalty for wrong-speak.
Someone corrected or banned from a forum or even fired from a job for calling women females still believes the same thing, only now he's angry, seething with resentment.
Eventually he comes to the choice--will I conform to their speech codes or just stop playing with them and become their enemy?
The answer always depends on what the speech criminal thinks he'll lose for not conforming.
Leftists utilize an old sales technique called “assuming the sale”. When you’re trying to sell someone on a product, you speak to them as if the sale is a foregone conclusion. You never use language or engage in hypotheticals that suggest the existence of a future reality in which they have not purchased your product. It’s a framing/priming device that is intended to prevent certain thoughts from forming in the target’s mind. Thoughts like “do I need to spend $600 on a new vacuum cleaner?” or “is this harmless word I’ve used for my entire life suddenly a violent hate speech?”
Leftists frequently pair this tactic with their most outlandish and experimental vocabulary. Nothing fools people into accepting the legitimacy of your most radical terminology quite like making them feel dumb or out of the loop. You can casually use retarded words like “regularize” and “incelspeak” in order to baffle the average reader, who will then mindlessly accept your nonsense as status quo. And the moment you run into a critical thinker who rejects the premise of your worldview, you just gaslight everyone else into thinking that dude is crazy.
It requires a good base of idiots to work. Which then partially explains the lefts inclination to protect idiots from themselves. Idiots are their core demo. Without them there goes their followers, voters,.and constituents.
Well, women are the majority of the democrats base so...
The obvious response is to accuse them of transphobia and TERF-speak.
Actually, that is the real reason to be against female. The transmafia is aware that refusing biology (female) can't last forever.
"I'm attracted to females" asserts biology, and rejects gender. "Female sports" asserts biology, and rejects gender.
The real reason to hate "female" is trans feminists prepping for when the pendulum swings back.
Every time.
This shit ONLY works online precisely because it allows you to block/mute anyone you don't like and make safe areas for free. Ive encountered this type of woke shit twice in real life, ever. In person people don't do this shit even if they say it online. Just like people don't say nigger IRL even if they do online. The difference is that mods don't let people say right leaning stuff and they suppress.those ideas which actually grow pretty fast when left alone, but they foster left stuff. Basically, right ideas will thrive without interference. Left ideas require echo chambers and banning dissenting opinions to have a chance. This is why historically, every civilization was right wing, bar none. Until, I'm assuming Jews, came up with communism.
Why did Pinochet ever surrender power?
Female is the feminist equivalent of the gamer word. They really take great offence at the use of that word in any context.
Meanwhile if someone uses the term male I just shrug my shoulders.
That particular sub has clearly had some new mods added, as it's went into overdrive with crap like that lately. Earlier in the week, they were sending out mass ban waves for being in problematic wrong-think subs:
Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/therewasanattempt because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.
Note from the moderators:
You have been banned for participating in the bigoted, nonsense-regurgitating subreddit r/kotacoinaction. Also because your shoulders are soft and you look weak. Like, worse than Joel from TLOU2.
Friendly reminder that:
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.
Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.
The left is just absolutely without any objective standards. Anything/everything is acceptable to them, so long as it is being used to attack those that do not share their politics. Also, when they do their purges, they don't care who gets caught up in it, as I saw plenty of complaints from people protesting about how they were in lock step with them politically, but just posted in one of those subs once or twice, mocking them, but still got banned by the bot.
As for the leftists running reddit, and the hypocrisy of it all: how using a bot to go through everyone's post history, and then sending out harassing private messages to thousand of people isn't harassment, and shouldn't itself be a bannable offense is basically the perfect example of what the left is.
The left being in a position of power should always horrify anyone. Once they get that power, they will do whatever they feel like they can get away with. They will do this until they are forcibly removed.
The left always destroys itself. I point people to the Spanish Civil War, where one of the main reasons the Republicans lost is that they couldn't stop attacking and purging each other for only a 95% overlap in beliefs long enough to defeat the Nationalists.
As long as our side's response is to point out that they're the real racists and say "hypocrisy" like it's a magic word, they'll continue to radicalize.
The Future is Female is literally a call for mass genocide.
"Rainbow Road is an LBGTQ+ track and always has been"
I pray that this was just the mods adding some trolling to their ban, but I would believe that they unironically think this is true.
It's like saying "the rainbow after the flood is a reference to LBGTQ+ pride and always has been." You retards are the one who co-opted and corrupted the rainbow in the first place...
What, they're still trying to push that old canard?
I tend to read askmen on reddit a fair bit(I get bored at work), and for a while there was a consistent thread of women barging in when someone said 'females' and making a big hay of it.
I can't even think any of this is organic by this point. It's all astroturf.
The Reddit mods threw that giant hissy fit about third party apps because most of those admins are tranny super mods who rely on the features in those apps to manipulate consensus on the platform.
Sounds like classic Male
PredatorAlly behavior in that post.Wait, I used the word "male", oh no! Their world is crumbling!
Actual biological women with boobs and vaginas are the ones who usually get huffy about the word "female" from what I've seen.
99% of the time it's somebody trying to figure out how to address women after somebody already snarled at them for a word like women, chicks, girls, etc.
Wait a week. The same simp will be whining at people for using the word "woman" when they should be using "female".
Link to the thread.
Best part is there was a post shortly after this where the entire sub absolutely shit on the mods.
They're right, 'female' is demeaning and dehumanizing. The politically correct term is 'birthing person'.
The least tolerant faction always wins.
The least tolerant faction always wins.
The least tolerant faction always wins.
The Irony of a leddit mod telling people to go outside will NEVER cease to amaze and amuse me.
If they get so mad at "female," I wonder how they'll react to "foid."
My god. I knew Reddit was shit when I got banned for something I can't even remember, some offense against someone's precious fucking ego/"identity," but this is next-level dumbness.
This is the depth of retardation the tranny insanity is causing, and this is the level of intolerance and sheer stupidity caused by the weaponization of identity.
Noted, the opposition don't like being called females.
You could start a blog series titled simply "Females".
(alternatively, "Bitches Leave")
All normal people inherently understand the difference between men and women on a level beyond language and no amount of communist wordsmithing will ever truly change that.
I agree. Controlling language usage and entering nonsensical definitions into dictionaries doesn't so much control thought as attempt to control it by imposing some sort of penalty for wrong-speak.
Someone corrected or banned from a forum or even fired from a job for calling women females still believes the same thing, only now he's angry, seething with resentment.
Eventually he comes to the choice--will I conform to their speech codes or just stop playing with them and become their enemy?
The answer always depends on what the speech criminal thinks he'll lose for not conforming.