posted ago by FrozeInFear ago by FrozeInFear +31 / -1

Some users and I have noticed a few posts here--and across other win pages--have been created by brand new accounts, which will likely never post again. I've seen them called spam, bots, and shills, but the posts here are usually on-topic for this board, anyway. Ones that aren't can be properly reported and presumably removed in good time.

So, is this really a problem? If so, what should be done? This board is essentially founded upon anti-censorship sentiment. Auto-modding is a no-go (I think). If it isn't a problem, I'll ask this in some fairness to those seeing a problem: how much is too much? How will you be able to tell and still be able to fix it? Tagging u/DomitiusOfMassilia. I see you've been removing some days-old posts like these recently. Is there an unwritten rule that users should be participants of their respective communities before making posts?