posted ago by YesMovement ago by YesMovement +78 / -1


“Forty-thousand people did not assault the Capitol,” said Mr. Shapiro. “There were maybe 1,000 people. That is not making light of the evil of those people, who all will end up rotting in prison, as they should.”

Peddling lies is what’s evil here


Hey @benshapiro you might want to brush up the extensive reporting of @julie_kelly2 and @DarrenJBeattie on January 6 before peddling uni party line BS and throwing your fellow Americans under the bus


Imagine going on Bill Maher to ‘defend’ the right/conservative position - or whatever Ben Shapiro’s role is supposed to be - and trashing the very people who are being persecuted for defending their rights


Woke up still p*ssd about those J6 comments and in general, as an outsider looking in, at the number of fakes and grifters on the ‘right’

All participating in theater distracting ppl while everything collapses around us

As Ben said, he sleeps fine on his ‘bed made of money’


Imagine believing that’s a good clap back

How callous can one be

The only thing that should determine how ‘well you sleep’ is your conscience

The three of them - all of it, is just so… poor


You know who isn’t sleeping so well on ‘beds made of money’? The J6 political prisoners

You know who’s using his resources to do something about it? @DineshDSouza

How amazing he and his family are donating 100K and raising awareness on this injustice