What's the deal? Why were jews rounded up to go to a resort?
This is real? No photoshop? Please tell me this is a joke... right?
And everyone expects you to be vocally supportive of the restrictions and join in on bashing the people who are having their lives destroyed by the lockdowns.
Man is that blackpilling. I naively hoped that the NPC's would wake up when there is literal tyranny afoot. As an American that is just a window to the future. May God have mercy on us all.
Have you tried reading books? That is a good way of escape for me.
Agree with the first part, not the second. The fake vax is not a treatment.
I was thinking more someone should get a hold of a uniform and round up people in the media, politicians and other provaxxers.
Based dad:
"I taught my children they were victims of three things: Their own ignorance, their own laziness and their own poor decision making. That is all," he said.
If you are not actively starting shit, stealing, killing and raping you are a white supremacist.
This reminds me of something Jordan Peterson once said, that women subconsciously want to be dominated and it makes sense for feminists to support women-oppressing islamists. Women DO NOT WANT FREEDOM. Look also at the massive success of 50 Shades of Gray.
Never heard of her.
Not saying it was right, but there are degrees of evil as far as child abuse goes; she was 16 at the time of the encounter. In many places that is age of consent. That and she waited 20 years to say anything about it. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would put this level of depravity at a 5 or 6. Wrong, of course, but I wouldn't throw them in the same category as someone as monstrous as Jimmy Seville.
Yep, it makes me think of how some rich people pay onlyfans girls to ignore them; they always get the hot chicks because they are rich and powerful.
I had to get the Joos on there somewhere. Maybe I can be changed to Isrealites? But then what can Z be?
Both parties are bullshit though...
It makes me wonder... maybe all of this covid nonsense is (in addition to all of the other reasons) a backdoor way of implementing socialized medicine in the U.S. No healthcare facilities get funds except for govt funds for (f)covid patients.
I dont relly care where the term originated. I think it suits me. Perhaps a better term would be Traditional?
Which are you referring to?
wtf is sonichu?
Holy fuck check out the frontman's thesis from 2017: http://digitallibrary.usc.edu/digital/collection/p15799coll40/id/364391
>Discovery of mature microRNA sequences within the protein-coding regions of global HIV-1 genomes: predictions of novel mechanisms for viral infection and pathogenicity (2017)
As a reactionary, I love their songs for reasons they probably would disagree with. For instance their song Wake Up to me is directed towards the sheep who go along with the plandemic.
...said Cuomo to millions of adoring hospital waiting rooms across the country.
😂🤣😆 This is great.
I 100% support manditory vaccination for all Journalists. Make all politicians get the jab as well. Imagine a world with no journalists or politicians. Would be heaven.
Well maybe just since the French Revolution.
All historical popular uprisings were driven by elites.
Wow I didn't know how far the lie went. What about the night of broken glass and brutality by the brown shirts?