it doesn't help the giuliani's successor (bloomberg? can't remember) basically took what was a constitutionally sound policy, stop and frisk, and turned into a witch hunt against black people, forever tainting it in the minds of the public.
seriously, there's a clip of him basically saying something along the lines of "we know most of the time it's gonna be black people, so just frisk the blacks"
assimilation isn't the problem, lack of assimilation is...the governments of the west have spent the better part of sixty years impeding assimilation.
...and the problem is she's working backward from the conclusion, rather than working forward towards a conclusion
I figured, lol.
Just contributing to your argument. The big youtubers/content creators can't really afford to be pinned down to only AAA titles, though. it's not enough content to satiate the algorithm, and besides, one of the reasons they find an audience is digging up obscure gems with little to no marketing budget (slender: the 8 pages, FNAF in the early days, and a more modern example, sprunki).
So even if a publisher convinces a bigtime CC to play their game, they're still inevitably competing with indy games that are often more affordable, if a bit less polished.
markiplier and jacksepticeye
...even then, they play as many if not more indy games than AAA (markiplier in particular goes out of his way to play indy games to support smaller devs), so people have a cornucopia of options to compare it to.
...and while I'm not crazy about certain trends in Indie Gaming (low-poly horror for example), I know there's always something out there worth playing that sparks my interest...
You've also got to account for the fact that old games still get market share. One major advantage monolithic studios had back in the day(particularly on consoles) was that eventually, your sega genesis would die, and you'd have to buy their new game on a new console, or else watch for the nostaliga-boner inducing assraming of a collection to come out on the current gen console.
Nowadays, your old favorites are only a click away in an emulation scene that's been working overtime to keep those games alive for the better part of two decades.
...Besides, I'll usually play one game most of the time anyway, then switch to another title. (working on Oxygen not included right now. having a blast)
even more so if they happened to spread more anti-extraterritrialism than actual anti-extra-terrestrialist...
it's cutting off your nose to spite your face, ultimately. it just makes them look petty.
Brace yourselfs, friend, there's at least four more years of liberal temper-tantrums ahead.
might as well get used to it now...
are we talking composition or topic? composition I can't really argue with, because I'm not enough of a shutterbug, but as for topic, it reflects the difference in focus of the two publications. Nat geo is more focused on the natural world, and time on political/public interest news, so it makes sense they'd be different, lol.
as a publication, I like nat geo a little better, less political bias (it's still there, just less pronounced. they're even, dare I say it, based from time to time), but the time spread was definitely more relevant to people's lives.
good points, sorry, didn't mean to imply ainu were native to all of japan.
technically the ainu were there first along with a the Ryuku islanders and a few others (I think), the japanese are descended from chinese, korean, and I forget what else settlers who intermindgled to become the Japanese we know today. There's some controversy about supposedly forcing the Ainu to integrate into Japanese culture more closely and abandon their old ways, apparently. I suspect it's largelya reaction to the western commie bullshit going on right now, but yeah.
that being said, I'm surprised they bothered to finally defend the Ainu, when they look so european, but commies gonna commie, I guesss.
...what if it ends up killing humanity through incompetence?
true, but it fun to watch tem squirm all the same...and it makes them show their ass to anyone observing.
yeah, but look at it this way, you have something to shove in the faces of jackasses who demand a source now, lol.
I'm not saying they have to be heavily detailed, but some sort of differentiation would be nice. As an example, it's a little weird to have Japanese villagers that look like medieval peasants living in buildings from somewhere in Czechoslovakia, lol. it kinda throws off the immersion a bit is all I'm saying.
mythology was nice, because the basic units didn't all look exactly the same.
The only real gripe I had was they only used three mythologies (and one of them twice if you count the titans expansion....)
my understanding is that sequels to both skyrim and fallout benefited from bethesda mining the modding community to get ideas for the latest iteration, lol
well in the article, if they thought he had covid, they'd throw him in solitary, so he had to deal with a nasty cold. and try to hide it...
yeah, typo, fixed
to be fair, doesn't bethesda have pretty robust modding support in their games? at least they used to =/
course they also mine those mods for ideas for the next iteration of their ips, so... =/
kind of like how the orcs in LOTR represented the worst of humanity and the Elves the best. A simple allegory for human nature, not some high-minded treatise on racism and colonialism...
she probably fried her skin with all the tanning and bronzer she used tryin to be black for a while there...
oh, now she wants to be hwhite....
and they say we're in a cult when trump got booed at his own rally for bragging about the jab...
you can set your watch to these cocksuckers...